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2022, Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture…
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Blight disease of pigeon pea caused by Alternaria alternata is occurring in an alarming proportion in almost all pigeonpea growing areas of the world. Its management through integrated use of bio-agent and fungicides were evaluated under field conditions. All the fungicides tested in vitro were found effective in inhibiting the pathogen over control, except the carbendazim and thiophanate methyl, which showed the per cent inhibition of 44.79 and 29.15 per cent, respectively. Among the 12 treatments tested under field condition, the application of two sprays of difenconazole (0.1%) interspersed with Pseudomonas fluorescens (0.5%) recorded minimum per cent disease index of 25.75 with maximum yield (13.94 q ha-1), which was statistically on par with the application of two sprays of propiconazole (0.1%) interspersed with P. fluorescens (0.5%).
Efficacy of bio agents and systemic and non-systemic fungicides @ 50, 100, 200, 250 and 500 ppm were evaluated In vitro against Alternaria tenuissima causing Alternaria blight of pigeonpea. The relative efficacy of bio agents were studied in dual culture plate method showed that Hypocrea rufa was found most effective antagonist against test pathogen followed by T. harzianum. Efficacy of six fungicides was tested in poisoned food technique. Among the six fungicides tested, mancozeb was found most effective against test pathogen followed by Chlorothalonil and Iprodione. Propineb was least effective against mycelial growth of test pathogen. Raise in concentration of fungicides was more effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of the pathogen. Field condition studies were found out to be the effect of seed treatment, foliar spray, seed treatment+ foliar spray with six fungicides and two bio agents and their combination used as against pathogen. Artificial inoculation of mass culture ...
International Journal of …, 2010
Pigeonpea,[Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is an important grain legume in India. Pigeonpea infected by Alternaria tenuissima caused leaf blight having low production. The chemical control of the disease in order to minimize the losses by the method of spraying ...
Pigeon pea (Cajanus Cajan L. Millsp.) is an important pulse crop of India and grown in Kharif seasons. Alternaria blight caused by Alternaria tenuissima is one of the most important disease of pre-rabi Pigeon pea. An inexpensive and environment friendly management regimen is required to minimize loss due to A. tenuissima. The inhibitory effect of 17 botanicals were evaluated both in vitro and in vivo at 10 and 15 per cent concentration of plant extracts against A. tenuissima. The results showed that the effectiveness of extracts was directly proportional to their concentration. Among all plant extracts were neem showed maximum inhibition against A. tenuissima at 15% concentration after 7 days of incubation in vitro followed by Eucalyptus and Garlic. However, percent disease control in between Neem and Eucalyptus; Garlic and Mehandi; Ginger and Tulsi; Kaner and Onion; Lantana and Sadabahar; Bael and Bhang; Parthenium and Marigold were at par to each other.
Leaf blight disease of peas caused by Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tusi which is one of the major and important foliage diseases of peas. Leaf blight of peas was first reported occasionally in visconsin a commercial production fields in 1968 and 1976 but recently it has been seen in all peas growing areas of skardu and Kharmang olding. The losses occurs 20-80% due to the attack of this disease depending upon the management practices. Alternaria tusi was fist reported from kwardu in 2018 at Tusi scientific research center kwardu. Keeping in view the losses caused by Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tusi in peas. The present study was carried out at Tusi scientific research center kwardu during the year 2018. The key objectives of this study were (a) Survey and sampling of leaf blight disease of peas in the surrounding of District Kharmang and different localities of Skardu (b) Isolation and identification of the leaf blight disease causing agent, (c) evaluation of in-vitro chemical control measures against the Alternaria sp. causing leaf blight of peas. The fungicides were tested at (50, 100, 200 ppm) concentrations whereas, All treatments were tested with three replications. The result of this study showed that the leaf blight disease of peas occurs in all fields with different intensities during the surveyed area. The maximum disease incidence (22%) was recorded at Muntazir abad followed by Bindiaq (18%) Maqpon abad (17%) whereas, the minimum disease incidence (11%) and 12% was recorded at Gulshan abad and hasnain abad respectively. Different fungi such as Alternaria alternata, Alternaria tusi Aspergillus sp and Penicillium sp with different number of colony frequencies (%) were being isolated from the leaves of leaf blight disease samples. The fungus Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tusi was isolated with maximum (88%) from muntazir abad followed by maqpon abad. Among all the tested fungicides the minimum colony mycelial growth 22.33mm and 32.33mm was recorded when Nativo fungicide used at highest doses 200 and 100 ppm whereas, at lowest dose 50 ppm, the growth of the tested fungus was recorded 39.33 mm. The Cabriotop resulted 33.66mm, 42.66mm and 52.00mm at 200, 100 and 50ppm doses respectively. The Topsin-M and Topas Fungicides did not proved better as compare to Nativo and Cabriotop fungicides. The overall results showed that all tested fungicites retarded the colony mycelail growth of the Alternaria tusi as compare to control.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2017
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of four chemicals, one bio agents and one plant extract in field condition against Alternaria alternata causing leaf blight of chickpea. Under field conditions during rabi 2016-2017. Among all the treatments, propiconazole @ 0.1% was found effective in the disease reduction (26.50%), followed by hexaconazole @ 0.1% (27.55%), mancozeb@ 0.2% (28.79%), carbendazim @ 0.1% (28.99%). Among the bioagent and plant extract, Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 2.0 % was found effective in disease reduction (30.99%) followed by neem leaf extracts @ 20% with (34.64%) and least effective in disease reduction was seen in control. Plant height and yield was also shown highest in propiconazole @ 0.1%, followed by hexaconazole @ 0.1%, mancozeb@ 0.2%,carbendazim @ 0.1%.
Legume Research- An International Journal, Volume 46 Issue 12: 1692-1696 (December), 2023
Background: Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] is one of the primary grain legume crops grown in India for its high quality vegetable protein, animal feed and fodder. It is affected by various fungal and viral diseases. Among these, leaf blight caused by Alternaria alternata is one of the most destructive diseases and recently the disease of minor importance becomes major one in Tamil Nadu. Use of resistant cultivar is the most effective, economically viable and eco-friendly tool for combating the plant diseases. The micronutrients play a key role in many physiological and biochemical functions of the plants which influences plant pathogenic interaction. The micronutrients viz., Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe found to have greater impact on reducing the plant disease severity. Developing integrated disease management strategy involving disease resistant variety, micronutrient and fungicide application would be the best sustainable method for controlling the pigeonpea leaf blight. Methods: Twenty four pigeonpea genotypes along with two local varieties viz., CO5 and CO6 were evaluated in the field for their resistance against Alternaria alternata leaf blight disease, consecutively for three years from 2015-16 to 2017-18 using the disease resistance scale ranging from 0 to 9. Field experiments were also conducted for three consecutive Kharif season from 2015 to 2018 to evaluate the efficacy of the foliar application of different micronutrients and combination fungicide viz., carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% on the incidence of leaf blight disease. Result: A total of 24 pigeonpea genotypes were screened for their resistance against leaf blight under field condition. Among these, four genotypes viz., BDN2, IPA 8F, IPA 15F and MA6 were found resistance and nine genotypes were moderately resistant and remaining 11 genotypes showed susceptible reaction to leaf blight. The results of the field experiment on micronutrient and fungicide application revealed that foliar spraying of MnSO 4 @0.2% on 30 days after sowing and carbendazim 12%+ mancozeb 63%@ 1g / lit on 45 days after sowing recorded the lowest leaf blight incidence of 8.1 PDI (Per cent Disease Index) with the highest disease reduction of 76.9% as against 35 PDI in the untreated control plot. The above treatments also recorded the highest grain yield of 905 kg/ ha as against 703 kg/ in the untreated control.
The present investigation aimed to find the most efficient and novel combined formulation of fungicides belonging to triazole and strobilurin groups for managing Alternaria blight (Alternaria alternata) of tomato under open field conditions. Efficacy of seven fungicides like propineb, hexaconazole, propiconazole, azoxystrobin, mancozeb, tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin and carbendazim + mancozeb was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. In vitro study was carried out through poisoned food technique, while field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018) at Jobner (Jaipur), India. Two foliar sprays were applied at 45 and 60 days after transplanting (DAT), and disease intensity was recorded at 75 DAT. Hexaconazole (@ 300 and 500 ppm) completely inhibited mycelial growth, followed by tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (@ 500 ppm). In field conditions, two foliar sprays of hexaconazole (@ 0.2%) at 15 days intervals provided maximum disease reduction (79.74%) with increased f...
Agriculture Journal IJOEAR, 2020
Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important leguminous cold season crop cultivated widely in different parts of the world and in India. This crop is grown especially in U.P., Bihar, Punjab, Haryana and in the foot hill ranges of Himalayan region including north eastern states. In Manipur, it is an important winter vegetable cum pulse crop. However, this crop suffers attack of various diseases of fungi, viruses and nematodes resulting in substantial reduction in yield. Hence, an in-vitro evaluation of selected fungicides on the Growth and Sporulation of Alternaria alternata causing blight disease of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) was under taken in the present investigation. A judicious application of Tricyclazole and Copper oxychloride at 1000ppm can effectively manages the blight disease of broad bean and prevent economic loss due to disease condition.
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2018
Vigna unguiculata L. is widespread in tropical Africa and that it seems reasonable to assume that the cowpea is domesticated and spread from tropical Africa in remote times through Egypt or Arabia to Asia and mediterrian region. Cowpea is cultivated in Asia, Africa, Persia, or south region. Cowpea is distributed worldwide especially in arid and semiarid areas mainly grown both in kharif and spring season in most parts of India. In recent year Alternaria blight of cowpea is the most important disease in India. It occurs in endemic form in some region. The disease has gained importance because of changing climate. Use of fungicide is an alternative method of controlling the diseases or crop in the absence of resistant cultivars or when there is a sudden outbreak of disease. Hence, fungicide would continue to be one of the major tools of integrated disease management (IDM). Evaluation of different fungicides in vitro is a handy tool to screen a large number and thus can serve as guide for field testing. So keeping in mind this aspects present study was aimed to identify suitable fungicides use to find out there efficacy against mycelial growth, sporulation and spore germination of Alternaria cassiae. Hence the present experiment was conducted at Department of plant pathology laboratory JNKVV Jabalpur with the help of Completely Randomise Block Design and three replication using seven different fungicides with five different concentrations. Fungicides like Mancozeb, Chrothalonil, Propiconazole, Hexaconazole, Difenconazole, Azoxystrobin, and Carboxin are tested using poisoned food technique at 50 ppm, 100ppm, 200ppm, 500ppm and 1000ppm. Findings revealed that Propiconazole was found most effective followed by Hexaconazole and Difenconazole against the test pathogen. Mancozeb chlorothalonil, carboxin and Azoxystrobin were found inhibitory for the mycelial growth, sporulation and spore germination percentage of A. cassiae.
Th is paper explores the nature and determinants of attitudes toward the political role of Islam held by ordinary citizens in the Arab world. Based on results from nationally representative surveys carried out in seven Arab states during 2006-2007, it engages the pervasive debate about Islam and democracy-showing that the signifi cant divide is not between those who favor democracy and those who favor Islam, but between those who favor secular democracy and those who favor a political system that is both democratic and Islamic in some meaningful way. Furthermore, this analysis fi nds that the civic values and predispositions of individuals who favor a political role for Islam are overwhelmingly similar to those of individuals who favor a separation of religion and politics. Th e paper also fi nds little consistency in the factors that incline individuals towards support for political Islam in the diff erent countries surveyed. Most importantly, this analysis concludes that there is little or no incompatibility between Islam and democracy in the public mind and that a proper understanding of the reasons and ways that Muslim Arab publics think about governance and the political role of Islam is possible only if attention is paid to the particular political and societal contexts within which attitudes are formed. Multi-stage area probability sampling was used to select respondents, with quota sampling employed in the fi nal stage in several countries. Face-to-face interviewing was used throughout and only men and women aged eighteen or over were interviewed. See Arab Barometer Project,
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