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7 pages
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Revista de Historia Económica, vol. 42, no. 2 (2024), pp. 171-192.
This article examines the fiscal transformation of Spain’s trade with Spanish America during the seventeenth century. It analyses the taxation of trade combined with the evolution of the Hispanic Monarchy’s long-term domestic debt. To this end, the author looks at the almojarifazgo de Indias (main customs duty), its juro (annuity) obligations, and the evolution of the transatlantic trade. He argues that the fall in customs revenue and the increasing non-payment of the juros issued against the almojarifazgo were neither a consequence of the alleged crisis of the Carrera de Indias nor of the higher incidence of fraud. The Crown was not interested in exerting greater fiscal pressure on the trade or fighting fraud at the customs houses of Seville and Cadiz, as the increased tax revenue would have gone entirely to service the unpaid juros. Instead, the fiscal burden shifted towards extraordinary contributions that were free of juro obligations.
Objektif bengkel :
6.1 Adalah diharapkan guru-guru dapat memperolehi ilmu tentang penggunaan FROG VLE dan dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan tersebut dalam menyalurkan maklumat PSS kepada semua murid dan guru.
6.2 Guru-guru dapat mengaplikasikan VLE di sekolah masing-masing dan akan dapat melaksanakan tugas tersebut dengan lebih berkeyakinan dan dapat berkongsi ilmu tentang VLE bersama rakan-rakan lain di sekolah tersebut.
Sila rujuk lampiran jadual seperti di Lampiran 1.
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