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Abstract: Stress damages people and it damages their organizations. It can be all pervasive. It can affect people in all occupations and of all ages irrespective of sex, nationality, educational background or role. Stress is an inevitable part of police personnel. Constant and unmanaged stress potentially reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of the personnel. The stressed police officers pose a threat to themselves, their colleagues, offenders and/or to public safety. The purpose of this study is to identify causes of stress and also empirically investigate the socio-demographic factors affecting stress level among police personnel. A convenience sampling method was employed to select a sample of 118 police personnel in Kerala police. Findings revealed that political pressure, lack of time for family, negative public image and low salary were the primary causes of stress among police personnel. It also emerged that stress is significantly more pronounced among those police personnel who are younger, more educated, posted in urban areas and have less work experience. Overall, the finding of this study strongly recommends a need for an internal policy reform and managerial change in the policies. Key words: police, job-stress, causes of stress, work place problems
isara solutions, 2023
Policing is believed to be a nerve-wracking job. Stress is inevitably associated with uniformed services. Police personnel face multiple mental conflicts and internal turmoil, in their service period. The study is located in Kolkata. The aim of the study is to understand the police perception of stress, the different levels of stress arising from multiple sources-organizational and operational, within the police station and the department in its entirety. The study uses a mixed method approach to combine quantitative and qualitative data to get an extensive picture and understand the gravity of the situation. The unresolved frustrations and personal conflicts result in stress and in order to deal with it they develop their own coping mechanisms. The current study analyses this with the demographics and also looks into how a personnel is affected and the multiple ways of navigating through it.
This paper tries to examine the level of stress among police personal and their coping strategies in the state of Gujarat. Various symptoms of stress includes, family problem either it’s a matter of divorce, Mental Health problem & Committing suicides or organizational which mainly focuses on workload, Target achievement, Attitude and Behavior among internal staff and societal among police. This study also highlights some points about what to do and what not to do when specially police officers’ feels a strong stress on him.
Police work tends to impose a high degree of stress and a multiplicity of stressful situations which can affect the physical, mental and interpersonal relationships of police personnel. This research tries to study the reasons leading to stress among Grade III police in Tuticorin District and also aims in analysis the demographical factors of police personnel and their influence in the occupational stress. In this study the researcher collects data form 200 police (Grade III) belonging to 52 police stations in Tuticorin District, Tamilnadu. A structured questionnaire is used to collect the information from the respondents .The questionnaire contains questions related to demographical data and factors leading to stress. Likert Scale is used to measure the opinion about various stress factors. The researcher has applied descriptive analysis, factor analysis, weighted average and Chi-square for data analysis. This research explores the sources of stress and level of stress among the head constables (grade III police constables) in Tuticorin district, Tamilnadu.
International Journal of Business and Management, 2013
An attempt was made to determine which job events are perceived as significant sources of stress in police work. The Police Stress Inventory was developed based on the interviews with police staff and experts in police administration for this study. The questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 220 police personnel. The respondents rated the job situations as least stressful (0%) to most stressful (100%). They consider the organizational and social aspects of their job are more stressful especially round the clock duty, lack of time for family, political pressures from outside and inadequate facilities. Results indicate that stress is due more to organisational factors than to physical hazards on the job. Efforts should be made by police administration to take corrective measures such as changes within organization and improving training programs. Efforts should be made by police administration to take corrective measures such as changes within organization and improving training programs.
Indian Society of Criminology, 2015
Police officers have one of the highest suicide rates in the nation, possibly the highest. They are problem drinkers about twice as often as the general population. These facts are warning signals for unseen problems that are not being handled. Clearly, police work is stressful. Hans Selye, the foremost stress researcher in the world, said that police work is "the most stressful occupation even surpassing the formidable stresses of air traffic control. " Present study is an Explorative study which is qualitative in nature intends to explore the stress among the police officers, the present study is aimed at studying the causes for stress and the influence of colleagues and work nature among the police. With objectives like; To study the stress among the police officers, To study the role of eo-workers in stress, To study the role of work nature for stress, To suggest measures of stress management, The present study has been conducted in the Karnataka State Reserve Police Battalion 5 situated in Mysore City has chosen and the sample size of 50 were chosen utilizing the Simple Random Sampling Techniques. Tool utilized for the study is questionnaire prepared by the researchers to collect the information regarding socio-demography & a separate Questionnaire "organization police stress questionnaire instrumented" by McCreary,
The researcher observed police in several are doing their duty within the limitations of the legal frame in public all though they are being looked upon by the public in wrong perception so for stress among police officers is not being recognized as the major drawback of law enforcement professionals which is a bane for police professionals. One of the vital issues before the institution today is occupational stress of police officers. In this study discussed Organization Structure of Mysuru City Police, Important Sources of police stress, Station House Officer, Role and Responsibility of Station House Officer (SHO) and suggestions to improve stress management.
International journal of scientific research, 2016
Introduction: The job of Police is psychologically stressful which is filled with danger, high demands, and perplexity. The Police encounter human misery and death exposure. Aims: To assess job stress by police personnel among Constables and Officers of Tripura Police. Methodology: Community study done in police stations of West District of Tripura, Samples recruited from among the police personnel of different rank of Tripura Police by Systemic random sampling. Sample Size: Group A (Constable=83) & Group B (Officers=33). Inclusion criteria: Policeman in service ≥3 years, age ≥21 years, with minimum primary school educated. Exclusion criteria: who is unable to comprehend study questionnaire, on leave, exclusively doing clerical job, who are found inebriated. Self-reported questionnaire evaluated. Tools: Police specific Stress Questionnaire, measures of chronic job stressors. Results & Conclusion: 1/4th of constables have significantly stressed and 2/3rd of officers are significantly stressed. Positive linear relationship exists between age and stress in both the groups. Tenure of work has positive linear relationship only in officers. Officers are more stressed than constables. Bellow secondary constables are more stressed & Graduate officers are more stressed. No relationship exists between education and stress level. Mean score of neglected family life, job boredom, and quantitative work overload score is more in officers group and noxious physical environment, communication quality and praise is more in constables.
This research study more emphases on stress faced by Police Constables in North Chennai. This article analyses the data from a fifty sample size, and proposes ways to stress faced by police constable in north Chennai. The researcher covers the geographical area of Chennai and suburban, where researcher six police stations dealing with crime and law and order. The researcher used descriptive in nature. The researcher used convenient sampling method for selecting the respondents. Majority of the respondents 82 percent of the respondents were admit that they had psychosomatic complaints. 70 percent said that they easily get tempered. Most of the respondents 74 percent were agreed that expressed from of emotion is due to their occupation. Majority of the respondents 76 percent have the habit of smoking. Majority of 72 percent of the respondents had the habit of consuming alcohol. Majority of the respondents 74 percent agreed the lack of superior’s interest on subordinate is a cause for stress. Most of the respondents 70 agreed that irregular office work causes stress. 60 percent of the respondents agree with the statement that work beyond load is highly stressful. 72 percent of the respondents said dealing with criminals was stressful. 78 percent of the respondents confirmed the death of their relatives as stressful. Majority 74 percent of the respondents agreed that dealing with horrible sights caused stress.
The purpose of this research is to explore work-related stress in the police of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K), Pakistan. The research aims to identify factors that contribute most towards job stress in AJ&K police and study the nature of and reasons underlying these factors. Political and media pressure has not been widely studied within the context of job stress in the police, and researchers have attempted to bridge this gap and make a theoretical contribution by highlighting the importance of political and media pressure as a job stressor for the police profession. This is exploratory research in which a survey was conducted in three large cities of AJ&K, Pakistan. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire comprising closed and open-ended interview questions. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were conducted using SPSS. Content analysis of the interview statements was also undertaken to enhance the validity of the study. The research findings showed that although lack of resources is the biggest issue, other factors like political and media pressure, and long working hours are also significantly and positively associated with job stress in the police in AJ&K. The article draws attention towards political and media pressure as a job stressor for police. The research has an important role in compelling top management in AJ&K police to ponder the issue of job stress within their department. The findings are also important for police in other countries who are facing similar issues.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2019
Background: Stress can be defined as a physiological response to physical and mental demands. These stresses can negatively influence the performance and wellbeing of the employees. Police officers are a part of unique occupational population who are exposed various stressful conditions daily. This study attempts to explore factors influencing occupational stress faced by Policemen. Methods: The study was a cross sectional conducted among the policemen under three subdivisions of Villupuram, Tamilnadu. Operational police stress questionnaire was used to assess the stress levels with 20 statements which were then extracted into four dimensions by factor analysis. Results: By factor analysis stress was categorized into four factors or dimensions namely social and health related stress, time management stress, emotional stress and work-related stress. Conclusions: This study highlights that the major dimensions causing occupational stress among policemen which will form a framework for planning programs for stress management. Keywords: Occupational stress, Policemen, Factor analysis, Time management, Emotional, Work
Perlawanan masyarakat desa hutan di jawa, 2020
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The Journal of Academic Science, 2024
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Enseñar haciendo: cuadernillo de estudios de caso desde la experiencia docente en la LESGL, 2024