
Hanno Renner

Arseniy Vershinin

Ignaz Forstmeier

Roman Schumacher



Personio is the People Operating System for small and medium-sized companies. Its mission is to make HR processes as transparent and efficient as possible so HR can focus on what matters most: people. Personio does that by offering an all-in-one HR software that includes human resources, recruiting and payroll. Thanks to People Workflow Automation technology, Personio helps customers across Europe to remove delays and realize opportunities.

“When we started Personio, we knew next to nothing about HR. We learnt from our customers and up until today, their feedback is the foundation for everything we do. For us, our core value of customer empathy is all about understanding HR professionals and helping them succeed. After all, our software is designed to make their lives easier. We are proud to be supporting SMEs across Europe and thus strengthening the backbone of the European economy.”
Hanno Renner, CEO & Co-Founder
Initial Investment
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