
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs)

October 7, 2019

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) is engaged in a project to understand the opportunities and barriers to developing programs that support grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs). We provide utilities and program administrators with research on best practices for program development, design, and implementation; direct no-cost technical assistance to improve their existing offerings; and a peer-to-peer working group to learn from one another’s experiences.

Energy savings to the consumer and grid benefits to the utility

Grid-interactive efficient buildings reduce energy and carbon waste, while offering flexible building loads to the grid. Customers, utilities, and system operators all can reap significant benefits from buildings optimized for energy efficiency and grid integration. With rapid growth of renewable and distributed energy resources, the value of buildings as flexible, responsive assets grows. This opportunity creates an imperative to deliver integrated solutions that deliver value to building operators in bill savings, comfort, and productivity in order to encourage adoption of practices and technologies that can deliver grid services. Utilities and program administrators developing these programs focus on breaking down the traditional silos of energy efficiency and demand response, combining them to better value the many benefits of grid-interactive efficient buildings.



To sign up for updates or to learn more about opportunities to participate,
including through the peer working group, contact:
Buildings Team

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