Prostate Cancer Awareness and Fundraising Campaign as Presented on CBS TV and The SportsHub, 98.5 Radio
Bill Rodgers, Marathon Legend and Prostate Cancer Survivor
“Prostate cancer kills a man every 17 minutes. Join me in supporting the Manogram® Project. Help us bring life-saving detection to men.“
The Manogram® Project. It’s about men. It’s about time.
The Manogram® Project
The Manogram® Project reflects AdMeTech Foundation’s priority focus on ending the prostate cancer crisis. To achieve this goal, we expedite groundbreaking advances in prostate cancer care and their transfer to clinics. The Manogram® Project provides global leadership in research, education, awareness and advocacy.
- Our Education, Awareness and Advocacy Programs are aimed at the broad based advancement of prevention, early detection and treatment of prostate cancer. Read more
- Our Research Program is uniquely focused on the development, clinical evaluation and large-scale implementation of the imaging tools akin to life-saving mammograms. Similar to its impact on breast cancer care, advanced imaging tools will end the era of blind patient care and create the future of precisely-targeted, minimally-invasive biopsies and treatment. Read more
- Prostate Cancer Action Council was established in January 2015 to create a Massachusetts model of national and international leadership in improving patient care and reducing health disparities. Read more
Prostate cancer is the most common major malignancy in the United States.
- It has emerged as and epidemic, striking one in seven men.
And yet, men do not have accurate diagnostic tools similar to life-saving mammograms. The lack of accurate diagnostics leads to failed and unnecessary procedures which reduce quality of life in millions of men and add billions in healthcare costs.
- An American man dies every 17 minutes, even though prostate cancer is curable when detected early.
- Over 100,000 men have unnecessary treatment each year
- Over 1 million men have unnecessary biopsies each year
- Prostate is the last organ in a human body where biopsies are blind and random. They fail to analyze over 99% of the prostate and miss lethal cancer.
How Can You Help?
Some of the most influential men of our time lost their battle to prostate cancer