Adopt A Border Collie

12 available Border Collies near you

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Adopting a Border Collie

Frequently asked questions about acquiring an Border Collie - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

The average cost to buy a Border Collie puppy is $700, with some costing as much as $4,000 depending on their breeding, location, and color. Alternatively, you can adopt a Border Collie from a shelter or rescue for around $400.

The easiest way to adopt a Border Collie is through a rescue that specializes in the breed. A great place to start is by starting a breed search on The search will show you all the available Border Collies in your area.

Border Collie fun facts

Fun Facts:

The non-human animal who has the largest tested vocabulary is a Border Collie named Chaser. Not only does Chaser know many common nouns like tree, ball, and house, she can correctly retrieve by name over 1,000 differently-named toys!

Border Collies are so skilled at agility tests that often in England, they are disqualified from participating in competitions because they are leaps and bounds ahead of other breeds. Competitions include classes for "ABC Dogs" -- "Anything But Collies."

Another brilliant and famous Border Collie named Betsy (who was on the cover of the National Geographic in 2008) knows 15 people by name alone, and is thought to learn as quickly as a human toddler, if not faster.

Border Collie hero photo

Border Collie Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Border Collie types to temperament and health issues to popular Border Collie mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.