The AFCOE Mission
The mission of the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) is to help fulfill the command of Jesus found in Mark 16:15—"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel"—by training up passionate disciples for the final work of evangelism to a lost and dying world.
Our team will train you and/or your church to become dynamic, effective soul-winners—no matter your background or experience in evangelism! Our professional, caring instructors will also equip you with the information and tools you need to reach any soul for Christ at any time and any place.
"AFCOE is about learning while doing. Students do real work, in real communities, and with real people, bringing real results for the Master." —Pastor Doug Batchelor
So, what are you waiting for? Become the courageous disciple God has called you to be!
Biblical Curriculum
AFCOE’s curriculum is designed to help you dissect and apply, theologically and practically, the principles found in the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14—and to connect those to the great commission in Matthew 28:18–20.
AFCOE Instructors
With AFCOE’s seasoned faculty and renowned guest speakers, you’ll have complete confidence that your class time will be engaging and insightful. Our team of successful and experienced soul-winners and mentors also care deeply about your future in God’s work!
Doug Batchelor
Types of Christ in Scripture and Bible Q&A
Pastor Doug serves as president of Amazing Facts International and the senior pastor of the Granite Bay Hilltop Church. Recognized as a dynamic speaker, visionary leader, and dedicated soul-winner, he has a passion for revealing Christ and the plan of salvation through Scripture. You’ll love his "Ask the Pastor" class, enabling you to tap into his many years of experience in answering difficult Bible questions.
Jëan Ross
Book of Revelation
Pastor Ross serves as vice president of evangelism at Amazing Facts International. He is the co-host of the popular radio program Bible Answers Live. After 18 years in pastoral and lay evangelism training, he created the Empowered Church Program—an in-depth resource that helps local churches prepare for public evangelism events. His presentations on church health, evangelism, Bible prophecy, and practical godliness are inspiring and engaging.
Carlos Muñoz
Discipleship & Outreach, Doctrinal Studies, Everlasting Gospel
Carlos serves as AFCOE director and is a bilingual Amazing Facts evangelist. He is also an AFCOE 2013 graduate! As a young man, Carlos lived for the pleasures of this world, but he felt empty and without purpose until he surrendered all to Jesus. He has been married to Sicely for 10 years, and they love to read, travel, and exercise together. They are both passionate about sharing Bible truths through prophecy seminars and training churches in evangelism.
Daniel Hudgens
Discipleship, Doctrinal Studies, Spirit of Prophecy
Daniel serves as assistant director at AFCOE and a graphic designer in the Amazing Facts marketing department. He grew up fascinated by the fictional battles between superheroes and villains on TV and in comic books—leading to deep questions. He finally found answers in the Bible, which revealed the true war between good and evil. Daniel has since dedicated his life to sharing the truths of Scripture and equipping churches through revivals, evangelism training, and prophecy seminars.
Martin Kim
Discipleship & Outreach, Doctrinal Studies, Prayer Ministries
Martin serves as the outreach coordinator for AFCOE and is an Amazing Facts evangelist. He co-founded 24/7 United Prayer, a worldwide prayer ministry that fosters revival and transformation. He is passionate about prayer, revival, and equipping others for the imminent return of Jesus. The following quote sums up his passion for prayer: "When man works, man works. But when man prays, God works."
Guest Speakers
With AFCOE’s seasoned faculty and renowned guest speakers, you’ll have complete confidence that your class time will be engaging and insightful. Our team of successful and experienced soul-winners and mentors also care deeply about your future in God’s work!
Dr. David Shin
Don Mackintosh
Studies in the book of Daniel
Dr. Dojcin Zivadinovic
Church History
Johnny Wong
Care/Small Groups
Tony Scarpino
Optimize Your Brain
Anil Kanda
Dwayne Lemon
Family & Health Ministry
Oleg Lotca
Outreach & Literature Evangelism
Dean Cullinane
Public Speaking
Dr. Daniel Binus
Mental Health
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