Many buildings are experiencing significantly reduced occupancy in the COVID-19 situation and building operators are seeking opportunities to reduce costs during this period. Reducing operation or shutting down HVAC systems is an option that can be considered. Many HVAC systems rely upon Cooling Tower Systems for heat rejection. There are strict regulatory requirements for the ownership and operation of Cooling Tower Systems throughout Australia to project protect public health from the risk of Legionnaires Disease. Completely shutting down mechanical and HVAC systems including Cooling Tower Systems for a protracted period and then restarting, particularly large and complex systems, can cause a number of serious problems. The cost and implications of shutting down and starting up may outweigh any advantages. It is important that the management and operation of cooling towers be carefully considered as a part of an overall in any change of HVAC system strategic plan.
See A.G. Coombs Advisory Note; Cooling Tower Operation & COVID-19 →