August 31, 2023
The woes of having inadequate voivoi drying space is now a thing of the past as the Minister for Agriculture and Waterways, Hon. Vatimi Rayalu commissioned the Sogo ga toso voivoi drying shelter in Yadrana village in Lakeba, Lau during his first ministerial visit last week.
The Ministry's Women in Agriculture program funded the $2500 project which was received by Sera Luveni of Yadrana Village.
While commissioning the project, Hon. Rayalu emphasized the importance of supporting women in agriculture.
“This is a significant achievement as it will be a means of livelihood in families and communities. This is an example to other women and men and the vulnerable that women can stand on their own two feet and excel,” he said.
The ministry has programs that support women to become motivators and use available resources to improve their livelihoods.”
The Hon. Minister advised Sera to continue, improve and commercialize the techniques of voivoi and mat weaving, and assist other women to do the same, thereby lifting their standard of living.
He reiterated the island is rich with resources and advised them to make use of the abundance of opportunities.
Sera Luveni has been facing challenges in her business and is thankful to the Ministry of Agriculture for the opportunity.
She thanked the Ministry for acknowledging women on the outer islands with limited access to resources and markets and believes that this assistance will lead to a change in production.
“The perfect result for pandanus leaves and mats depends on the sun, but this drying shed will be beneficial during rainy weather and save time,” she said.
Sera have been a voivoi farmer and mat weaver for 16 years and now aims to improve her production and expand her supply to clients.
According to the figures provided by the Fiji Agriculture Rural Statistics Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, voivoi production for the Lau group in 2020 stood at 97 metric tonnes and increased to 131.4mt in 2022.