SafeFUME™ 360 Automatic Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers
- Optional side and rear windows for 360° view of development.
- Choose from multiple sizes, from bench top to floor standing.
- Multi-chamber cabinets available.
- Caster wheels standard on all models except bench top series.
- Optional UV Lamp decontamination.
- Evidence is easily positioned inside the chamber using the adjustable hanging rods.
- Cyanoacrylate is placed within the chamber and starting the cycle triggers the automated system that controls the hot plate, cabinet humidity, door lock, internal circulation fan, and purge cycle.
- The recirculatory design requires no ducting for setup.
- Cyanoacrylate vapors are filtered by a special carbon filter that ensures no dangerous substances are exhausted into the atmosphere air supply.

The SafeFUME™ 360 is used to develop latent prints from non-porous surfaces in a controlled and safe environment. Choose from small benchtop units to larger walk-in chambers.
Model Specifications
Technical Info
External Dimensions
Internal Dimensions
Filter Options
External Dimensions
Model | Width | Depth | Height |
ARV-24-A | 24" | 610 mm | 25" | 635 mm | 30" | 762 mm |
ARV-33T-A | 33" | 838 mm | 34" | 864 mm | 70" | 1778 mm |
ARV-60T-A | 60" | 1524 mm | 29" | 737 mm | 87" | 2210 mm |
ARV-72XL-A | 72" | 1829 mm | 48" | 1219 mm | 86" | 2184 mm |
Internal Dimensions
Model | Width | Depth | Height |
ARV-24-A | - | - | 27.5" | 699 mm |
ARV-33T-A | - | - | 50" | 1270 mm |
ARV-60T-A | - | - | 82" | 2083 mm |
ARV-72XL-A | - | - | 80" | 2032 mm |
Filter Options
Formula | Description |
GP Plus! | The most widely used filter in the range, primarily for solvent, organic and alcohol removal. |
Using innovative filtration technology, the Safefume 360 cyanoacrylate fuming chamber creates a safe work environment over the widest range of applications in the industry.
State and Federal Crime Laboratories \ Crime Scene Investigation \ Law Enforcement Agencies \ Medical Examiners' Programs \ Criminal Justice Education