How is Hillary Clinton Involved in the Suez Canal Blockage?

Published March 28th, 2021 - 08:04 GMT
Ever Given cargo ship
Hundreds of cargo ships have been waiting for the Japanese-owned Ever Given to be refloated. (Shutterstock: Corona Borealis Studio)

As attempts to refloat the wedged cargo ship in the Suez Canal continue, the unusual event has been sparking a lot of global conversations just as much as conspiracy theories.

On Telegram, an account associated with the US-based QAnon conspiracy theory has linked the Ever Given incident with the former US candidate for presidency Hillary Clinton.

According to this theory, the Japanese-owned Ever Given was "deliberately" stuck at the Egyptian Suez Canal "as a cover for a human trafficking activity."

Despite experts statements linking the incident to the fact that the ship, which is one of the largest in the world, was impacted by strong desert wind last week, causing it to block traffic across the vital waterway, believers in the QAnon theory have suggested that "the ship is actually being used by a sex trafficking ring owned by Hillary Clinton, aimed to smuggle children."

However, the message that has gone viral across the internet has provided very little proof of this claim, other than saying that the name of the company that owns the ship "is the same code name Clinton used during the 1990s."

For years now, individuals who believe in the QAnon theory have linked several international events and American politicians and celebrities who have been strongly criticized by the former US President Donald Trump to human trafficking rings.


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