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Question: How concerned are you about kids’ nutrition during the summer?

As we move into the summer months, and daylight is longer, vacations get planned, our normal routines tend to get thrown out the window. Not to mention our kid’s nutrition seems to slip. We start to grab more and more popsicles on hot summer days. And hot dogs and chips when we are too tired to think about dinner. But it’s all about balance.

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Here are a few tips our dietitian team has put together about kids nutrition during the summer

Start by keeping a “somewhat” normal routine starts with bedtime and trying to enforce going to bed at a decent time. 

Kids need their sleep to recharge their bodies and keep growing strong. 

Lack of sleep can start a downward spiral for the day. 

If kids stay up late, then they tend to sleep in late, waking up at noon can significantly impact their day

Next, get them up, have breakfast. Resist the urge to let them sleep in too late.

 Also, try to keep a regular meal and snack time. Don’t let more the 3-4 hours go between eating. *hangry

  • Create a simple breakfast rotation
    •  For example rotate between smoothies, oatmeal, cereal, muffins, PB & jam.
  • Put together a fruit and veggie trays so they are quick and convenient for when meal and snack time roll around.
  • Make sure those meals and snacks are balanced with protein and carbs
  • Try to do a bit of batch cooking. You know, cook once and eat twice. Check out HOW TO BATCH COOK CHICKEN FOR EASY MEAL PREP.

Finally, stay hydrated. Choose water most of the time and try to limit added sugars drinks like pop and punch. It can be helpful to carry a refillable water bottle with you on outings. 

Summer a great time to teach kids about nutrition and where their food comes from. If you get a chance, try to take them to a farm and pick strawberries, grow your own veggies, or pick up your veggies at a farmers market and meet a local farmer. 


Option #1: Book an appointment online: >>> PICK AN APPOINTMENT TIME HERE.

You will be emailed our new client form to fill out prior to your dietitian appointment. Let us know what you are struggling with and what you would like to see change with your nutrition.

Option #2: Email us to book an appointment at [email protected]. Watch your email inbox as our office manager will contact you to schedule an appointment within 24-hours.

Get excited about improving your health and wellness by optimizing your nutrition!