We are an environmental laboratory.

We are an environmental laboratory.

Decisions based on your data ultimately affect public health and quality of life. You’ll feel confident using results you receive from us.

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Congratulations Photography Contest Winners!

We are pleased to announce the winners of our Annual Nature Photography Contest. The…

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Thanks to all of you who took the time to visit our booth at the One Water Conference. To our many customers, we appreciate you and your business…

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Radek Bolek and John Hoffman from Alloway presented “Innovations in Sampling - EnviroGo Platform and Drone Sampling” at the SWOWEA Laboratory Analysis…

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Calling photographers of all ages - submit your photos! This is our 48th year, let's make it the best yet! This contest is designed to showcase the beauty and uniqueness of our own backyard. As such, we will be accepting photos taken only in Allen County, Ohio. There are so many amazing natural things right here; all we need to do is look. There are four categories. 

Flora (plants and mushrooms)

Fauna (animals)


Parks Potpourri

Youth and adult…

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