In The Stars

Scorpio Horoscope 2025: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

Both your ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, go retrograde this year.
An illustrated rendition of Scorpio showing figure with scorpion tale against yellow background
Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's monthly horoscope to keep up on what the universe has in store for you or check out the Scorpio personality profile to learn more about your sign's traits.

Welcome to 2025, Scorpio. When 2025 begins, one of your ruling planets, warrior Mars, is retrograde. This lasts through late February and could affect your sex drive and ambition. Then, shortly after Mars goes direct, Venus, which rules love, beauty, and money, goes direct during the spring. This is not the best time for weddings; drastic changes to appearance, such as plastic surgery, and could lead to financial slowdowns. The biggest day to watch out for disagreements with friends arrives during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Virgo in mid-March. Just take it easy during the Aries new moon and eclipse later in the month, as this could be rather taxing and requires lots of self-care.

The summer should be quite romantic, with eroticism abounding once Venus moves into Gemini. While we can't promise money in this economy, welcome professional news could arrive in July during the Sagittarius full moon. Your other ruling plant, Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes retrograde, which could see some Scorpios totally changing careers. Sweeping career news may also occur when the sun is in Leo, as the sun shines on your 10th House of Social Status.

In this story:
Important 2025 Astrological Events for Scorpio
  • Sunday, February 23: Mars Direct
  • Sunday, May 4: Pluto Retrograde
  • Monday, May 12: Full Moon in Scorpio
  • Monday, September 22: Mars Enters Scorpio
  • Monday, October 6: Mercury Enters Scorpio
  • Monday, October 13: Pluto Direct
  • Wednesday, October 22: Sun Enters Scorpio
  • Thursday, November 6: Venus Enters Scorpio
  • Tuesday, November 18: Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio
  • Thursday, November 20: New Moon in Scorpio
Love & Relationships

While love abounds all year long, Scorpio, there are some dates to be aware of that could change how you experience that love. When 2025 begins, one of your ruling planets, warrior Mars, is retrograde. The backward dance lasts through Sunday, February 23. When Mars is retrograde, your libido can be affected, especially as it's your ruling planet. You're the sign of sex, and while Scorpios exist with all levels of desires, some of you may indeed identify with your sex drive. If it fluctuates early in the year, just be gentle with yourself and honor whatever comes up.

Shortly after Mars goes direct, the romantic planet Venus goes retrograde from Saturday, March 1, to Saturday, April 12. While Mars retrograde is more associated with sex, Venus retrograde has been known to affect love. Venus retrograde isn't considered the best time for weddings. It's also not the best time for first dates, although please don't let that stop you from living your life if you're single.

While the spring is a little slow moving, the summer should be ultra-romantic, Scorpio. Starting on Friday, June 6, Venus, now direct, moves into Taurus, affecting your 7th House of Partnerships, where it will stay through Friday, July 4. This is a lovely time for first dates or weddings! The mood becomes a bit more erotic once Venus moves into Gemini from Friday, July 4, to Wednesday, July 30. This part of the summer puts more of an emphasis on hot sex and sees you celebrating the physical side of love.

Then, once the sun is in your sign (your season lasts from Wednesday, October 22 to Sunday, November 30), the early part of November brings a few especially romantic dates. The full moon in Taurus, on Wednesday, November 5, brings culminations in partnerships. This means the end of a drawn-out argument, and likely makeup sex to match. Just know that full moons can also be anxious times, so work on keeping anxiety low to ensure that you're making up rather than arguing about anything new. The next day, on Thursday, November 6, Venus moves into your sign, where it will stay Sunday, November 30, indicating that it's going to be romantic all November long.


While 2025 brings many romantic days, don't forget that your friendships serve as the foundation upon which the rest of your relationships are built. It's hard to have a healthy love life if you don't have friends there supporting you. With that in mind, mark down the date of messenger Mercury's retrogrades. Those take place from Saturday, March 15 to Monday, April 7, Friday, July 18 to Monday, August 11, and Sunday, November 9 to Friday, November 29. During these times, be patient, as misunderstandings may occur. Allow extra travel time to any friend dates, and watch out for exes sliding into your DMs under the guise of friendship.

Perhaps the biggest date to watch out for regarding friendships is Friday, March 14, which brings a full moon and lunar eclipse in Virgo. This dramatic date could lead to arguments, as not only are eclipses cosmic wildcards, but Mercury is also retrograde. While we want you to see friends, honestly, this day is likely better spent relaxing alone at home to avoid potential fallouts.

Later in the year, when Mercury is happy and direct, the sun lights up your 11th House during its time in Virgo, which occurs from Friday, August 22, until Monday, September 22. You'll be so interested in friendships during this time that it's not a bad idea to give any romantic partners a heads-up. Additionally, when the sun is in your sign (Scorpio season lasts from Wednesday, October 22 to Friday, November 21), it's very important to connect with friends and celebrate you.

Read more stories about astrology:


When the year begins, as your ruler, Mars, is retrograde until Sunday, February 23, you may feel a little less ambitious than usual. That's okay! Just be gentle with yourself and, as much as your job allows, let yourself relax at home. The Venus retrograde that comes after Mars, and lasts from Saturday, March 1, to Saturday, April 12, could cause delays in news about money or job opportunities. Transformation regarding your career arrives later in 2025, so it's okay if you spend much of the early months coasting or taking it easy.

On Sunday, May 4, your other ruling planet, Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes retrograde, which lasts all the way through Monday, October 13. Sweeping changes occur during Pluto's backward dance. Many Scorpios may find themselves completely switching careers. Pluto retrograde pushes you to follow your dreams, and helps the stars line up to ensure that you're able to.

While we can't promise money in this economy, good news may arrive on Wednesday, July 2, during the Sagittarius full moon. Full moons are the lunar phase associated with results, so keep your eyes on your inbox around this time. Sweeping career news may also occur when the sun is in Leo, from Tuesday, July 22 to Friday, August 22, as the sun shines on your 10th House of Social Status during this time. And, as Venus rules money, in addition to love, when she enters your sign, starting on Thursday, November 6, good news also abounds. And when the opulent planet moves into Sagittarius on Sunday, November 30, from Sunday, December 21, the sun just shifts into your 2nd House, helping you obtain financial rewards from events that occurred during Scorpio season.

Health & Wellness

Venus doesn't just rule money and love, but beauty, too. As a result, the aforementioned Venus retrograde, lasting from Saturday, March 1, to Saturday, April 12, is not considered the best time to make major changes to your appearance, such as getting plastic surgery or a drastic hair color change. Venus retrograde is best for relaxing forms of self-care, such as getting plenty of sleep and enjoying long baths.

One day that you absolutely want to take it easy arrives during the Aries new moon and solar eclipse on Sunday, March 29. Eclipses are beautiful but taxing, and this one affects your 6th House of Health. That's not cause for alarm but an order for self-care.

Starting on Sunday, May 4, your other ruling planet, Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes retrograde, lasting through Monday, October 13. While you'll likely predominantly notice these changes in your career, such shifts can be taxing, so make it your goal to practice self-care all year long, especially when Pluto is retrograde.

During this time, there's a full moon in Aries that arrives on Monday, October 6. As this affects your 6th House, it could be taxing, although not as much as the eclipse earlier in the year. Just mark down this full moon and make a note to take it easy. And know that when Venus shifts into your sign on Thursday, November 6, where she will stay until Sunday, November 30, she's also now happy and direct, and this is an ideal time for major changes to your appearance, so go ahead with that makeover. Enjoy, and stay up to date with your monthly horoscopes for more detailed observations.