The Complete Nasturtium Flower Guide
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Cooking Notes
Leaves, flowers, and immature seedpods are edible and make for a beautiful garnish on any summer meal! The seedpods may also be pickled.
I would like to order seeds for edible flowers as described in this news letter. Do you sell them?
Who do you recommend? I live in Greenwich, NY zipcode 12834
I've been ordering my Heirloom seeds from Baker Creek Seeds.. out of Missouri. ALL their seeds are heirlooms. They have a MULTITUDE of items. Last year, one of my Black Cherry Tomatoe plants produced POUNDS of beautiful little cherry tomatoes!
Just wanted to share their name/site, as I have ordered Nasturtiums from them. Only attempted them 1 year, of which our weather (Kentucky) was horrible that year, so I had 'issues' with a lot of my garden plants.
Just wanted to share them with you, and everyone else!
Good luck!!!
Hi Iris,
I live in nearby in Speigletown N.Y. and found nasturtium seed packets for sale a few years ago at the Potter Hill Barn off route 7 Hoosick Falls. Their phone number is 518 686-7777.
Once you have established plants, in the fall harvest the chick pea size seeds, and dry them. You should have more than enough for next year and should never have to buy seeds again.
We do not currently sell nasturtium seeds, but we do have a number of other (non-edible) flower seeds available in our online store.
hi, i live in San Francisco and my vines were really full and green early spring but now the vines are turning yellow and shriveling up and the flowers are dying off. i have nasturtiams in two other beds (those beds appear ok for now) and crawling up an ugly cyclone fence. we are in a drought but my neighborhood is in the constant SF fog and wind. they get good sun in the day when its out. do you have any idea what is causing them to die off? will i loose all my beds? (they are a great cover on the cyclone fence and would hate to loose that plus they grow alot faster than jasmine) please advise. Thanks! -eddie
The same thing is happening to mine!! I live in Alameda so I have a similar climate to San Francisco. I have LOADS of seed pods also which makes me think maybe they’ve gone through a “season” already and are just winding up the cycle. I don’t know what to do to extend their growth. I’m going to throw new seeds in the ground and maybe they’ll take off…
Angelia - Deadhead your nasturtiums! If you leave the dead flower heads on your plant, they will go to seed. Deadhead the old flower heads and trim back any wilted or yellow leaves. And remember to use pruning shears and cut off instead of pinch off any dead flowers and leaves. Pinching off will cause damage to your nasturtium's vines and cause them to die off also. I usually walk by and deadhead my plants every time I am in the garden. Takes only minutes and will keep my flowers coming all summer long. Stop deadheading in the early fall, thus allowing the plant to go to seed so you can get plenty of seed pods for the following year. One last tip: before planting nasturtiums, lightly rub your nasturtium seeds between two sheets of sandpaper to lightly scrape the outer coating of the seeds. The key here is LIGHTLY sand the seeds. This will help to break down the outer shell of the seed and help it to germinate quicker. Happy Growing!!!
They are annuals. They die off every year although they will probably reseed themselves
I planted fresh (purchased this season) Nasturtium seeds both in the ground and in containers after all risk of frost and it’s been 2 weeks and nothing has germinated. The package said to soak the seeds overnight which I did. Any ideas what’s going on? Should I keep waiting?
Before planting, I scrape my nasturtium seeds with a file to scuff them up a bit. This should help with germination. Best of luck! Nasturtiums are one of my very favorites!