Wii Platform
Find video game reviews of Wii titles, plus walkthroughs, cheats and gaemplay tips for Nintendo’s Wii system. Hundreds of articles cover games in a wide variety of genres, and include both classics and recently released titles, all written and vetted by experienced gamers.

Bad Wii Games That Should Have Been Better
A number of Wii games have managed to offer promising gameplay and potentially awesome motion controls. Ultimately, however, many of these titles failed to deliver. Bright Hub takes a look at some of the most disappointing games released on Nintendo’s shiny console.

Nintendo and Wii U Games: Is the New System Worth All the Hype?
Nintendo introduces the next generation Wii system called Wii U. Is it worth getting excited about?

Top Five Multiplayer WiiWare Games
Five WiiWare games that are at their best when played with or against others.

Features the Nintendo Wii HD Should Include
What features should the Wii’s successor boast when it arrives on the console scene?

What Games Do We Want on the Nintendo Wii 2?
What five Nintendo franchises should appear on the company’s next console soon after it launches?

Top Five List of WiiWare Games That Fell Flat
What five WiiWare games looked awesome, but fell flat upon release?

What is the Weight Limit of the Wii Balance Board?
What is the weight limit of the Wii balance board? Packaging is contradictory, with some saying 300 pounds and other boxes saying 330 pounds.

List of PlayStation Move Games - Wii Games That Should Be Ported to PlayStation 3
Some great Wii games that would work well using PlayStation Move.

Is the Wii Remote Plus Worth Buying?
Is the Wii Remote Plus for you, or are you better off spending those $40 on something else?

25 Must-Play Nintendo Wii Video Games You May Have Overlooked
Looking for a new game to try on your Wii? I’ve rounded up 25 titles I think deserve a chance. They may have not been given the attention they deserved when first released, but they’re definitely worth picking up out of the bargain bin and giving them a go. You may discover a new favorite!