(Finishing with those in the middle)
The only one among the premier lords to have the right to call herself a “queen” (a right granted to the High Chief/Chief of Chiefs of the Lenape by Thomas II when he and King Tamanend signed a vassalage/alliance treaty in 1683, that was inherited by America when it became independent), Miriam II assumed the position of monarch of the Lenape in 2003, after being elected to the position among the members of the House of Tamanend (succeeding her 4th cousin, Grace III, who had been the third consecutive member of her own line to rule over the Lenape) following a month-long council that ended with her selection by a small margin. A capable ruler and administrator, Miriam’s rule over the Lenape has been a calm one, even if in a period of crisis as the nation has been severely affected by the recession (some even considered it and outright depression) and in recent years a cousin of her, Princess Coraline (who placed second during the 2003 council and was Grace III’s niece, she is also Miriam’s sister-in-law), has openly challenged her rule and declared that she “cheated her way into the throne” (although most believe it to be due to Coraline's episcopalism, as the Lenape Church, which in vein with the Gaelic Church considers all their gods as being "under the God Almighty", is deeply intertwined with the institution of the monarchy, and she openly denied converting, as she was raised a Episcopalian after her mother's conversion); Miriam’s diagnosis of terminal ovary cancer has not helped the situation.
Married in 1980 to her 5th cousin, Anthony Michael Norris (a mouthful of a name), whom she divorced amicably in 2006 (he died in 2014 of complications during a heart surgery), Miriam has six children, of whom all but one are married, and had tentatively groomed her eldest daughter, Mary Odina, as her successor.
Succeeding his father, Cadwallen II, as grand duke in 2016 (a rather active year in the matter of successions in the empire),
Owain V is the current ruler of Keystone, considered by many as one of the most important, and at the same time most confusing, states within America. Ruling over a state with more Welsh than Wales itself, Owain’s reign has been a very calm one, after he had to deal with some “bloodline culling” (due to his father’s fondness for sleeping outside of his marital bed) to secure his succession, and has seen Keystone remain relatively afloat economically speaking in comparison to other parts of the empire, although it still remains remarkably medieval outside of its main cities (which are part of the trade networks of North America) and is at times considered by some as not being “really” American due to the fact that it started as a predominantly welsh colony founded in the early 17th century by Owain I (which started by building Caer Fythwyrdd, which started as a small wood-mud fort but is nowadays a gigantic medieval-inspired fortress that still serves as the grand ducal residence) and remains remarkably different culturally and linguistically from most of the empire, as it has staunchly held onto the Welsh revival of the 17th century
The most senior agnatic member of the House of Tudor (descending from the non-royal branch of the family, which was raised to a higher status during the reign of Elizabeth I), Owain married in 2005 Lady Meredydd of Hemmings (a city in southwestern Keystone), and has 5 children. He like most of his family, is a spiritualist, which is mostly considered a branch of Anglicanism that believes in commuting with the death and the practice of seances as a form of prayer
The current ruler of the United Duchies and First Prince of the Blood of the American Monarchy (as the first holder of the title and territory was Arthur I’s youngest son, whose line became the oldest branch of the Pendragon Dynasty after Maine’s secession),
Thomas III is currently considered one of the most problematic monarchs in American history, as although simply the ruler of one of its states, under his leadership the United Duchies have seen an era of slow economic growth that entered freefall with the recent recession, something that is deeply contrasted by the lavish lifestyle of the ducal family and the corruption scandals that have recently wrecked the state (although many who support the duke hold to the belief that it is more a problem of dynasts and not the duke himself, as he seems to be relatively moderate in his spending), which together with the rise in gang violence (as the United Duchies, in special the older eastern half, have been for decades the center of organized crime in America) has created the 2019-20 Protests, which have occurred across the east of the United Duchies (and in part of the west, who was less affected in comparison to the industrial east by the recession).
Married a relatively later in life (for a member of royalty, at least) to the younger half-sister of Empress Guinevere, Princess Elaine (the only daughter of Emperor Percival and his second wife), Thomas, in an interesting turn, had 3 children named after the children of one of his famous ancestor (the Early Tudor politician, Thomas Cromwell, as the duke’s great-grandmother, Elizabeth, married a member of the american branch of the Cromwell Family), the eldest and heir, Gregory, is currently studying in Princeton, where he is known for his love of dogs (in special greyhounds), while his daughters, Anne and Grace (born in 2008), died in May when the boarding school they were attending was attacked by anarchists (it was used by a large portion of the nobility of the duchies) with a bomb, killing 152 pupils and 48 members of the staff.
The currently ruler of Avalon, having succeed his 7th cousin once removed (the Grand Duchy still retains Salic Laws to this day, and the Dukes of Annapolis were the oldest agnatic line of the Calvert Dynasty before Charles II’s death without male heirs),
Benedict IV’s reign over the grand duchy was, more than anything, an unexpected one (Charles II was a young man when he died unexpectedly of meningitis, and so no provisions were made to change the law in case of his childless death), and to this day is contested by some relatives and even some members in the Grand Ducal Assembly, although his works on protecting the grand duchy from the worst effects of the recession have been helpful and establishing him as a liked figure among the populace and political class (although some say that he managed to do so by blackmailing wealthy aristocrats and industrials into injecting money on the economy, how he got blackmailing material? Let’s leave it to your imagination, although it must be commented that his mother, Lady Harriet, was accused, but later acquitted, of being the leader of a high-class prostitution ring in 2015)
Married to one of the daughters of the Grand Duke of Maryland, Suzannah, who had to become a Shaker to marry him (another Irish protestant faith that is the most followed in Avalon, being named over the fact that all worship is done while dancing, and almost all prayers are in the form of songs, with many non-Shakers comparing their meetings to balls, with the Calverts, for example, having an entire orchestra responsible for playing during their worship), he has four children, with both of his sons being married or promised to the nieces of his predecessor.
Succeeding his great-grandmother Alexandrina in 2018, Grand Duke
Louis IV is currently the youngest of the Premier Lords, having ascended to the throne at age 3 as his father had died before his birth and his grandfather, the Duke of Mansfield, died of pancreatic cancer a month before his mother. Unremarkable due to his age, as he is but a child of five, the grand duke has made only two appearances since his ascension, living a secluded life with his aunts in Crowscorn Park, while his grand-uncle, the Duke of Salamanca, serves as regent, although many are criticizing him due to his lackluster administration while trying to maintain the economy afloat.
Unmarried and childless due to his age, his heir at the moment is his grand-uncle and regent, George, the Duke of Salamanca, and he is the first Grand Duke of Allegheny to be of the House of Hohenzollern-Hechingen, a branch of the Swabian Hohenzollerns, as beforehand Allegheny was a domain of the american branch of the House of Hanover (created in the early 18th century when Louis I married an illegitimate sister of Henry XI & I)