V popisu je napsáno že má single sim +esim, ale Evropská verze by měla mít 2x nano sim + esim. Zajímalo by mě kde je pravda... rozmyslím o koupi a pokud má telefon 2x nano sim a 1x esim tak jej beru, v druhém případě bohužel ne. Děkuji
Creating a better world – the immodest vision which has driven Samsung since its inception in 1938. The courage to invest in the development of new technologies is typical for the company, as evidenced by a series of visionary solutions. Currently, Samsung is the largest group of companies in South Korea and the third largest worldwide conglomerate by revenue.
Samsung consumers associate the brand with high-quality consumer electronics. It is known for its Galaxy series, one of the best and most sought after mobile phones in its class. One must also mention Samsung TVs, where the company has long been at the cutting edge in technology and quality. The competence of the company is much broader. It is active in machinery and heavy industry, chemicals, construction, retail, and financial services.