This controller isn't very durable, I've been careful as I possibly could with this controller. Made sure to put it away so that it doesn't drop on the floor, though my nephew grabbed my controller without asking first. He dropped it while he was running down the stairs, it will no longer work on PC or Xbox. Doesn't power up no matter which usb hub or plugin I use. First time it has been dropped & it just breaks.
Originally bought this to give it as a gift to my sister, but first I decided to try it out. I then chose Ia m going to keep it as a gift to myself.
I like that the program for this controller is easy to work with, you don't need to fiddle or press & hold anything on the controller to rebind the bottom buttons. It can be done straight through the application. The joystick controls are smooth, there's no strange springing pull-back on it, as well as the L2/R2 Buttons have are great so far.
I also like that the two bottom buttons are partially flat with the controller surface, they aren't wiggly buttons either. They aren't extremely sensitive to the slightest touch yet.
I noticed with this version of the Ultimate controllers, there is no option to set up any kind of macros like: Left+Down+X&Y. But I am fine with that, the product is much better than I expected out of it.