ファミリーツリー壁装飾 このアイテムは、接着剤付きアクリルステッカー56枚で構成されています。壁に直接貼り付けてください。 ブラックミラー3D効果。 明るく反射する表面と厚さ2 mm。お部屋にモダンな壁の装飾を。 お買い得。 従来のフレームの半分しか手に入らない価格です。 従来の額縁やウォールアートよりも美しいです。 粘着性アクリルフレーム。 簡単に貼り付けたり、写真を変更できます。 バックプレーンとカバーなしで、両面テープで写真を貼り付けてください。 フォトフレーム コラージュ 17個の開口部: 4 x 6インチ、8 x 7インチ、8 x 8インチ、8 x 8インチ、1 x 8インチ、1 x 8インチ、1 x 8インチ、大切な思い出に最適です。 楽しいDIY。 ステンシルペーパーを固定し、アクリルステッカーを壁に剥がして貼り、オリジナルのデザインを復元します。 ギフトセットサービス CrazyDeal は独自独自パッケージを開発し、安全な配送を保証し、友人へのギフトセットとして使用できます。
it took me like 2 days to put this thing up on my wall.. i thought it was something you position and stick or nail ... no ! every frame is in 4pcs.. omg! and the pieces are coded by number omg! even the tree is like 2 or 3 parts. to me this is a higher risk of it going on slanted so be patient and take your time ...use a leveler if you have to . i could have even spread out the thing more but once its on ... its on!. so in the pic you see black well there's a final stage where the pieces have like a brown covering and when you peel this off, you will see the finally...black shiny really nice... well my living room happens to be the color of the brown covering noone knows.. we love it and when i'm ready to remodel i can peel off the brown and show the black shiny new color underneath... best of both worlds.
This was so much fun!! It was easy to put up, although it did take me about an hour by myself to do. I have already had several compliments, & haven't gotten all the pictures for it done yet! The pieces are kind of thin... BUT they are just as described, & perfect for the project. Just be careful & don't bend them as you are putting it on your wall & you should be fine! It's changed the whole look of my living room, & being the picture fanatic I am.. i LOVE it, & I'm so glad I took the chance & purchased this kit. It arrived quickly, (within two days), was packaged very well, clear instructions, & easy to do. I did read where it is NOT recommended for rough wall surfaces. I took a chance, bc the wall I wanted it on is actually painted brick. Pretty rough in spots, with dips where the bricks go together. Thankfully it stuck to the wall VERY well!!! It's still holding on there good so far, so I'm really excited & relieved about that! I will definitely buy something like this again, maybe a different design.
This was so much fun!! It was easy to put up, although it did take me about an hour by myself to do. I have already had several compliments, & haven't gotten all the pictures for it done yet! The pieces are kind of thin... BUT they are just as described, & perfect for the project. Just be careful & don't bend them as you are putting it on your wall & you should be fine! It's changed the whole look of my living room, & being the picture fanatic I am.. i LOVE it, & I'm so glad I took the chance & purchased this kit. It arrived quickly, (within two days), was packaged very well, clear instructions, & easy to do. I did read where it is NOT recommended for rough wall surfaces. I took a chance, bc the wall I wanted it on is actually painted brick. Pretty rough in spots, with dips where the bricks go together. Thankfully it stuck to the wall VERY well!!! It's still holding on there good so far, so I'm really excited & relieved about that! I will definitely buy something like this again, maybe a different design.