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LEGO 10210 Imperial Flagship

4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 26 ratings

Brand LEGO
Manufacturer Minimum Age (MONTHS) 168.0
Material Plastic
Colour Multicolor
Educational objective Build, design
Number of pieces 1664
Theme Construction Game
Cartoon character Rat
Special feature Figure
Model name 10210

About this item

  • Product description: This amazing realistic ship is made up of three removable parts and measures 75 cm in length!Contains 9 minfigures: the ship’s captain, his daughter, a pirate captain prisoner with shackles, the ship’s cook, a lieutenant and four soldiers!Main hull contains four firing cannons, ammunition crates, muskets, torches, cannonballs, prison with a rat, saw shark minifigurehead, a moving rudder.
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This product is subject to specific safety warnings
  • Warning:Only for domestic use

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Not suitable for children under 3 years old

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Amazon.com Return Policy:Regardless of your statutory right of withdrawal, you enjoy a 30-day right of return for many products. For exceptions and conditions, see Return details.


LEGO 10210 Imperial Flagship

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Product description

Product Description

Product description : this amazing realistic ship is made up of three removable parts and measures 75 cm in length. Contains 9 figures: the captain of the ship, his daughter, a captain pirate captain captured with irons, the ship's cook, a lieutenant and four soldiers. Main The hull contains four cannons that shoot, ammunition boxes, muskets, torches, balls of cannon, a prune ison with a rat, a saw shark figure head and a movable rudder.

Safety Warning

Not suitable for children under 3 years old

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Customer reviews

4 out of 5 stars
26 global ratings

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Top reviews from United Kingdom

  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 31 October 2013
    This set isn't really for the younger kids, it's not necessarily a complex build but, it has a few fiddly bits- once it's built though it's great fun! Just be careful! (It's great for a challenge)
    4 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 19 May 2011
    I bought this item as it was the cheapest price I could find online. The delivery was super quick and I am in the process of building it now. Look online for a detailed review. This is the best lego pirate ship ever and if kept in good condition will be worth a fortune one day.
    7 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 September 2019
    Totally ridiculous price tag
    8 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2011
    With children approaching their teens, lLego has become an extremely popular activity in our home. Whether it is Harry Potter the excellent City series, or more adventurous models like this one, all of the latest models exude a quality and charm that makes this an ultimate toy and unparalleled play experience. Best of all, it is something that parents can enjoy doing with their children.

    In case it's been a while since you last played with Lego, it has come a long way in the last decade. It is still an extraordinarily clever building system that can be used to construct a multitude of different structures, vehicles and other objects, but it has evolved into a number of kits the construction of which results in stunning models. They take time and effort to complete now. And when you're finished the sense of achievement is extraordinary. So much so that you'll be very reluctant to de-construct the resulting models. If you do, you'll be able to re-assemble them as many times as you need. The design and fit of individual components is superb.

    This amazing ship is one of the very best examples of Lego construction kits. It has a number of custom parts as well as the usual range of bricks. Obviously, the pieces don't need to be glued together, but the process of construction is complex. It will take days rather than hours to complete. I strongly suggest you create a special area for building it - well away from small children and kitchen tables that need to be cleared for lunch and tea!

    As the ship takes shape, you will marvel at the many details it includes, from the Captain's cabin, the cannons, the figure head and the rigging. The way in which the model has been engineered is a marvel to behold. The assembly instructions are equally well thought- out. During construction, you may think that a particular piece is missing, but in all my many years of buying Lego no unopened box has ever been lacking in a single component. Just check the plans and you'll see what is needed.

    You do need to be fairly systematic when you start building it otherwise the many pieces may confuse you. Best only to assemble it bag by numbered bag according to the instructions, but also to divide each bag into colour-coded parts before you start. A couple of times my daughter thought Lego had got it wrong. They had not. We were mistaken. Interpreting the instructions correctly and overcoming various problems you encounter is all part of the 'fun'. When we first started the massive number of pieces made the project seem daunting. When we finish, we felt hugely proud to have built such a work of art. The completed model is a thing of great beauty. (Just don't see if it floats in the bath!)

    Congratulations to Lego for producing a simply amazing product. It was expensive, but worth every penny. More like this please.
    9 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 December 2015
    Totally unreasonable.
    17 people found this helpful

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  • Dejan
    5.0 out of 5 stars 20 sur 5 ^^
    Reviewed in France on 15 January 2012
    J'avais deja acheté un navire amiral , j'en ai commande un autre tellement j'avais aime faire le premier !!!
    le seul reproche au niveau du montage c'est les sachets non numérotés du coup on passe bcp de temps a chercher pièce par pièce si n n'as pas fais le tri avant ^^
    mais malgrè ça le navire une fois monté est époustouflant!!!
  • Hermann Kratzl
    5.0 out of 5 stars Auch für "große Kinder", Sammler und Liebhaber!
    Reviewed in Germany on 24 October 2010
    Eines der wirklich hervorragenden Artikel aus dem Hause Lego! Auch Erwachsene können an diesem wunderschönen, detailgetreuen Segelschiff ihre Freude haben - auch, wenn es "nur" auf dem Regal steht: Lego hat sich hier endlich einmal wieder etwas sehr Schönes einfallen lassen, dass auch die Herzen der Älteren noch höher schlagen lässt!
    Aber Achtung: Mit all der Takelage ist das Schiff recht sperrig und für einen guten, am besten erhöhten Platz zur besseren Ansicht sollte gesorgt sein!
    In würdigen Händen ist dieses Spielzeug seinen Preis tatsächlich wert!
  • Roberto
    5.0 out of 5 stars Ottimo
    Reviewed in Italy on 9 January 2014
    Spedizione velocissima, consegnato prima del previsto veramente efficiente...e l'imballaggio molto ben curato!!
    Il prodotto nuovo e intatto senza nessuna ammaccatura.
  • Isabelle
    5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastique
    Reviewed in France on 16 February 2013
    Ce jeu a autant plu à mon fils (29 ans) qu'à son beau-fils (9 ans) ;) Ils ont vraiment passé un bon moment ensemble à le monter. Le résultat est magnifique.
  • nasenbär
    5.0 out of 5 stars eigentlich super
    Reviewed in Germany on 28 December 2010
    Das Schiff ist toll, auch für Erwachsene schön anzuschauen. Was sich Lego beim Verpacken der Einzelteile gedacht hat, ist schleierhaft. Fast alle der vielen Beutel müssen geöffnet werden, um das Schiff nach Anleitung zu bauen. Das war schon mal anders gelöst. Da wurde Beutel für Beutel gebaut. Dafür sollte es eigentlich Punktabzug geben. Aber ich bin gnädig und vergebe fünf Sterne.