The front cover is embarassing. Mick Jones chasing the Acid House scene at the turn of the 90's, all baggy jeans, shell suits and back to front baseball caps. This was the UK only release of BAD 2's first songs, after Jones disbanded BAD 1 after the rather fine Megatop Phoenix. This album deserves to stand with the best of BAD 1's work. Moving towards a more dance-friendly vibe, but losing none of the atmospheric FX samples of old, and the clever melodies that made Mick Jones such a compelling writer.
"Change of Atmosphere" (better known as Rush) is a wonderful opener, and is extended here.
BAD 2 followed this with the international release of "The Globe" which contained most of these songs, in slightly edited form, but this is the better album, although The Globe is worth picking up for "Green Grass" and "I Don't Know"