Good alternative to the single piece tracks.This is a good alternative to the single piece tracks that come with Tamiya's various king Tiger tank kits. Though there is no problem with the single piece tracks, I tried this kit on a King Tiger I was building. Plus I just happened to have "accidently" destroyed the kit tracks and this was the only "alternative" other than buying a completely new kit. Track shoes are 1/35 scale and will fit the Tamiya: 1/35 scale King Tiger Henschell Turret, 1/35 scale King Tiger Porsche Turret, and the 1/35 scale Jagdtiger Tank Destroyer.This IS a link-and-length track shoe kit, meaning that you will need to piece together every track shoe. I'm not a big fan of link-and-length track shoes, mainly because todays manufacturers seem to think that it is a good idea to make the consumer piece together every single bit of a track shoe (try that some time in REAL LIFE on an actual armored vehicle - NOT fun!!) [also, try a Meng kit track shoes - though they look awesome, numerous parts just to make 1]. Tamiya's link-and-length track shoes are always user-friendly, easy to assemble, no hassle, not in numerous pieces to form 1, and just look great.Anyway, this kit comes with plenty of track shoes for 1 complete King Tiger. You will also have quite a few spares, as well as, the brackets that you see on the side of King Tiger turrets that hold spare track shoes. You will need 2 pieces to make 1 track shoe as seen in the reference photo.I have used this product on 2 King Tiger kits and the results are just great!! Think it took me roughly 2.5-3 hours per vehicle side once I figured out a rhythm and that does include: removing from parts tree, trimming any excess, gluing, positioning, etc.. I had my track shoes so tight that I actually had to remove one of the smaller pieces in order for the tracks to connect.Track shoes can be painted/weathered. Paint/glue NOT included.Ordered both kits via Amazon and they arrived well in advance of the promised date. Shipped from Japan, so had to wait just a little bit. Kits arrived in good condition and without any problems.13