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KidKraft 17836 - Spielzeugeisenbahn Ride Around Town mit 100 Teilen und Aufbewahrungstisch

4,6 4,6 von 5 Sternen 1.355 Sternebewertungen

Info zu diesem Artikel

  • 100 bunte Stücke
  • Flughafen schließt Landebahn und Hubschrauberlandeplatz. Krankenhaus mit Rettungswagen
  • Groß genug, dass mehrere Kinder gleichzeitig spielen
  • Kompatibel mit Thomas & seine Freunde Holzeisenbahn Sets und Brio Holzeisenbahn Sets
  • 121 cm x 87 cm x 40 cm. MDF, T-Form-und Melamin

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KidKraft 17836 - Spielzeugeisenbahn Ride Around Town mit 100 Teilen und Aufbewahrungstisch

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Im Lieferumfang enthalten

  • 100 bunte Teile, Airport mit Runway und Helipad, Krankenhaus mit Krankenwagen, kompatibel mit Thomas & Friends und Brio Zug-Sets
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    Das KidKraft RideAround TownTrain Tischset verfügt über vier Szenen, jede mit ihrer eigenen besonderen Note. Mit 100 bunten Teilen macht der Zug einen friedlichen Bauernhof, durch eine geschäftige Bauzone, einen Flughafen und eine verschlafene kleine Stadt. Passagiere winken den lächelnden Städten zu, während sie vorbeifahren. Ein Hubschrauber und ein Flugzeug fahren über Kopf vorbei. Wenn die Spielzeit abgeschlossen ist, wird das ganze Set ordentlich in den herausnehmbaren Aufbewahrungsbehältern unter dem Tisch aufgeräumt. Jedes Stück ist durchdacht entworfen, um jahrelangen fantasievollen Spaß zu bieten.


    Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren.

    Wichtige Informationen


    Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren.


    Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren.

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    4,6 von 5 Sternen
    1.355 weltweite Bewertungen

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    • Peter
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Great set for price
      Bewertet in Kanada am 17. Oktober 2020
      Table is nice and strong , easy to move.
      It’s pretty big for the price. My 2 yr old loves it. Easy to put together. Highly recommend
      5,0 von 5 Sternen
      Great set for price

      Bewertet in Kanada am 17. Oktober 2020
      Table is nice and strong , easy to move.
      It’s pretty big for the price. My 2 yr old loves it. Easy to put together. Highly recommend
      Bilder in dieser Rezension
    • MM
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Like others, I was not impressed with the Thomas ...
      Bewertet in den USA am31. Juli 2016
      If you are searching for a wooden train set/table, either generic or one compatible with Thomas and Friends, look no farther. I researched train tables and sets for months (in-store and online) before finally deciding on this one by KidKraft (based largely on Amazon reviews). The reasons I am giving this product five stars are: it's low cost, quality craftsmanship, and adaptability with other trains and accessories, specifically Thomas and Brio. Like others, I was not impressed with the Thomas train table or its high cost. At $125 (or less), this table allows you to customize a set as you wish and I am super pleased with how the addition of several Thomas and Friends trains and accessories turned out (see photos and details below). If you are looking for a basic train set, this table really provides all you need. But I wanted a Thomas-themed set and LOVE how this table allowed me to customize accordingly. I did not have any quality issues with the wood (which I was very impressed with) and as others have noted, the bins that slide underneath the table are a great asset. Assembly was straight-forward and without problems. As others have noted, the bridge is not high enough for tall trains to pass under but a quick and easy fix to this is to use the tree bottoms provided with the set (see photo).Continue reading below for information/ideas on accessorizing this to a more Thomas-themed, interactive train set...

      I love the Roll and Whistle Thomas wooden trains - for $8-15, they are well worth the additional dollar or two over the standard, non-vocal engines (and Amazon sells them the cheapest). I also purchased the singing caboose which plays the Thomas theme and a talking Thomas engine. Annie and Clarabelle were a nice purchase, as they light up while moving, although I admit that my toddler hasn't shown much interest in them. You can accessorize this set with ANY Thomas trains your child enjoys, which is why I love it so much.

      In addition to the engines, I was able to work the following accessories (with minimal effort) into this train set (see photos for placement): FP Thomas Lily Pond Fisher-Price Thomas Wooden Railway - Spin and Swim Lily Pond, FP Thomas Search Light Fisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Search Light, FP Thomas Railroad Crossing Fisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Deluxe Railroad Crossing Signal, FP Thomas signal houseFisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Maron Lights and Sounds Signal Shed (note that you can purchase the Christmas/Santa version for about $5 less), and 2 Brio signal lights Brio Light Signal Train Set. I also LOVE the wooden train garage by Right Track Wood Train Track Garage - Fits 5 Cars - 100% Compatible with Thomas Wooden Railway System - By Right Track Toys, and recommend purchasing an additional set of tracks Wooden Train Track 52 Piece Pack - 100% Compatible with All Major Brands including Thomas Wooden Railway System - By Right Track Toys and you will need one female-female adapter to fit the Lily Pond near the existing pond on the backdrop (I purchased a set: Orbrium Toys Male-Male Female-Female Wooden Train Track Adapters Fits Thomas Brio Chuggington, Pack of 8. The Brio Safari Train is a fun touch as well, especially since the heads 'recline' for going under the tall bridge provided in this set (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GV1AB7Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Obviously, this is a lot of added expense, but the FP Thomas accessories, in my opinion, are top notch and extremely well-priced (especially on Amazon). And if you know what you can use, you can purchase each one at a time and/or ask for them as gifts for birthdays, holidays, etc. I could not fit the storage garage on the table but it fits well underneath (I put an anti-slip rug mat underneath) and my toddler has no problem taking them out and putting them back, rather than being a part of the action on top.
      By using these accessories, you will surely lose sight of some of the backdrop provided with this table, and its not a perfect match (my signal crossing sends cars from an off-road position into the 'forest' at the edge of the table) and the Lily Pond partially covers the pond on the backdrop, but my toddler LOVES pressing the buttons and seeing things light-up (especially the search light) and doesn't seem to care about (understand?) the art work provided. My placement of the signal house is not actually connected to the track (improper fit, fittings) and it does modify the track and bridge slightly, but use of SureTrack clipsSuretrack Clips 14 Count help keep everything in its proper place AND the track from moving apart - a MAJOR necessity with a toddler. I actually used fun-tack to keep the track down, but be careful because the oils in the fun-tack can cause the paper of the board beneath the set to tear, potentially ruining the backdrop.
      I know this review is long, but I hope that it is helpful. I am NOT an expert in wooden trains and I am sure that there are other/better ways to construct this set with these and/or other accessories, but I hope to provide an option for using this table with the Thomas (and/or Brio) accessories, because ultimately that was what I wanted and this table/set provided the ability for me to do that, and I am very, very pleased with the product and hope you enjoy it as much as I am!
      5,0 von 5 Sternen
      Like others, I was not impressed with the Thomas ...

      Bewertet in den USA am31. Juli 2016
      If you are searching for a wooden train set/table, either generic or one compatible with Thomas and Friends, look no farther. I researched train tables and sets for months (in-store and online) before finally deciding on this one by KidKraft (based largely on Amazon reviews). The reasons I am giving this product five stars are: it's low cost, quality craftsmanship, and adaptability with other trains and accessories, specifically Thomas and Brio. Like others, I was not impressed with the Thomas train table or its high cost. At $125 (or less), this table allows you to customize a set as you wish and I am super pleased with how the addition of several Thomas and Friends trains and accessories turned out (see photos and details below). If you are looking for a basic train set, this table really provides all you need. But I wanted a Thomas-themed set and LOVE how this table allowed me to customize accordingly. I did not have any quality issues with the wood (which I was very impressed with) and as others have noted, the bins that slide underneath the table are a great asset. Assembly was straight-forward and without problems. As others have noted, the bridge is not high enough for tall trains to pass under but a quick and easy fix to this is to use the tree bottoms provided with the set (see photo).Continue reading below for information/ideas on accessorizing this to a more Thomas-themed, interactive train set...

      I love the Roll and Whistle Thomas wooden trains - for $8-15, they are well worth the additional dollar or two over the standard, non-vocal engines (and Amazon sells them the cheapest). I also purchased the singing caboose which plays the Thomas theme and a talking Thomas engine. Annie and Clarabelle were a nice purchase, as they light up while moving, although I admit that my toddler hasn't shown much interest in them. You can accessorize this set with ANY Thomas trains your child enjoys, which is why I love it so much.

      In addition to the engines, I was able to work the following accessories (with minimal effort) into this train set (see photos for placement): FP Thomas Lily Pond Fisher-Price Thomas Wooden Railway - Spin and Swim Lily Pond, FP Thomas Search Light Fisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Search Light, FP Thomas Railroad Crossing Fisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Deluxe Railroad Crossing Signal, FP Thomas signal houseFisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Maron Lights and Sounds Signal Shed (note that you can purchase the Christmas/Santa version for about $5 less), and 2 Brio signal lights Brio Light Signal Train Set. I also LOVE the wooden train garage by Right Track Wood Train Track Garage - Fits 5 Cars - 100% Compatible with Thomas Wooden Railway System - By Right Track Toys, and recommend purchasing an additional set of tracks Wooden Train Track 52 Piece Pack - 100% Compatible with All Major Brands including Thomas Wooden Railway System - By Right Track Toys and you will need one female-female adapter to fit the Lily Pond near the existing pond on the backdrop (I purchased a set: Orbrium Toys Male-Male Female-Female Wooden Train Track Adapters Fits Thomas Brio Chuggington, Pack of 8. The Brio Safari Train is a fun touch as well, especially since the heads 'recline' for going under the tall bridge provided in this set (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GV1AB7Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Obviously, this is a lot of added expense, but the FP Thomas accessories, in my opinion, are top notch and extremely well-priced (especially on Amazon). And if you know what you can use, you can purchase each one at a time and/or ask for them as gifts for birthdays, holidays, etc. I could not fit the storage garage on the table but it fits well underneath (I put an anti-slip rug mat underneath) and my toddler has no problem taking them out and putting them back, rather than being a part of the action on top.
      By using these accessories, you will surely lose sight of some of the backdrop provided with this table, and its not a perfect match (my signal crossing sends cars from an off-road position into the 'forest' at the edge of the table) and the Lily Pond partially covers the pond on the backdrop, but my toddler LOVES pressing the buttons and seeing things light-up (especially the search light) and doesn't seem to care about (understand?) the art work provided. My placement of the signal house is not actually connected to the track (improper fit, fittings) and it does modify the track and bridge slightly, but use of SureTrack clipsSuretrack Clips 14 Count help keep everything in its proper place AND the track from moving apart - a MAJOR necessity with a toddler. I actually used fun-tack to keep the track down, but be careful because the oils in the fun-tack can cause the paper of the board beneath the set to tear, potentially ruining the backdrop.
      I know this review is long, but I hope that it is helpful. I am NOT an expert in wooden trains and I am sure that there are other/better ways to construct this set with these and/or other accessories, but I hope to provide an option for using this table with the Thomas (and/or Brio) accessories, because ultimately that was what I wanted and this table/set provided the ability for me to do that, and I am very, very pleased with the product and hope you enjoy it as much as I am!
      Bilder in dieser Rezension
    • Mrs J A Davenport
      5,0 von 5 Sternen excellent toy
      Bewertet in Großbritannien am 19. Mai 2013
      We first came across this item when our grandson was in hospital for a short stay. The play value he and the other children got out of it was incredible as soon as he came home we purchased one for him and our other grandchildren to play with and they love it
    • SRF
      5,0 von 5 Sternen My kids love it, but it's not very durable
      Bewertet in den USA am25. September 2023
      I bought this train set for my son a few years ago, and it's still a hit with both him and his younger brother. They love playing with it for hours, running their trains around.

      My only concern is that the track pieces could be sturdier. I ended up hot gluing them in place, which worked well. The storage bins under the table are handy for keeping all the small pieces together.


      Offers various unique play scenarios compared to other sets.
      Includes a construction area, airport, farm, garden, and pond.
      Vehicles, including a plane, can drive on the track.
      Convenient pull-out bins for storage.


      The table is lightweight and may move easily.
      Made of less durable material.
      Some of the buildings and elements are small.
      The scenario board is prone to damage.

      Overall, it's a great train set with customization options. I highly recommend it, especially if you're a fan of Thomas and Friends—it pairs well with Thomas-themed accessories. It's affordable and adaptable, making it a fantastic purchase for any train enthusiast.
    • Kieran14
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Great fun and value!
      Bewertet in Kanada am 4. Januar 2014
      Great train table especially good bang for your buck! Very reasonably priced considering all that is included with the set (trains, tractors, buildings, animals, people etc). This table is compatible with Thomas trains and much better value than the overpriced Thomas tables. My only minor complaint is the bridge is just barely tall enough for trains to pass under.


    Für dieses Produkt gibt es folgende Sicherheitshinweise
    • Achtung:Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet

    • Achtung:Nur für den Hausgebrauch