"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability" ~ William Osler
  • The American Osler Society is a history of medicine organization dedicated to perpetuating the life, teachings, and ethical example of Sir William Osler.
    The American Osler Society is a history of medicine organization dedicated to perpetuating the life, teachings, and ethical example of Sir William Osler.
  • The American Osler Society is a history of medicine organization dedicated to perpetuating the life, teachings, and ethical example of Sir William Osler.
    The American Osler Society is a history of medicine organization dedicated to perpetuating the life, teachings, and ethical example of Sir William Osler.
  • The American Osler Society is a history of medicine organization dedicated to perpetuating the life, teachings, and ethical example of Sir William Osler.
    The American Osler Society is a history of medicine organization dedicated to perpetuating the life, teachings, and ethical example of Sir William Osler.

The American Osler Society


The American Osler Society was organized in 1970. The first meeting was held in Denver in 1971 with nine of the original 30 members present many of whom had personal ties to William Osler. The original goal of the Society was to keep alive the memory of Willam Osler, “a great and wise physician.” As the organization has grown and matured, so has its purpose, which is now to preserve and promote the lessons found in the life and teachings of William Osler. These lessons include respect for the history and humanity of medicine and the personal equanimity to bear success with humility, sorrow with courage and affection without pride. The motto of the American Osler Society is “Litterae, Scientia, Praxis, et Integritas:” Literature, Science, Action, and Integrity. 

Members of the American Osler Society at the Savile Club, London, in 2023    





Under Membership there a new page for MEMBERS ONLY.  The first time you access this you will be prompted for your username/email address.  Your initial password was sent via email to all AOS members; please use this password to log in.  You can change it thereafter. If you have any problems logging in thereafter, please email Lydia Lujan ([email protected]) or Pete Travers ([email protected]) for assistance.

McGovern Lecturer 2025. Professor Annmarie Adams of McGill University will present Maude Abbott: A Life in 10 Spaces. Click on the title for more information.



Annual Meeting

May 2-5, 2025
Pasadena, California

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