Best Of Selecta

It’s the 83rd day of quarantine period in our region and it’s a great day to talk about food products we bought in grocery. Our star for today is Selecta.
Selecta is a Filipino dairy brand owned by RFM Corporation. It is a well-known manufacturer of milk and ice cream. I actually do not know why I’m still talking about this. Selecta doesn’t need any introduction anymore because we are all already familiar with Selecta. We grew up with their products. In fact, Selecta doesn’t need my review or judgement because Selecta is already Selecta. But let me do this to show my joy and appreciation whenever I try their milk and ice cream.
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Selecta just released a milk tea-flavored ice cream and it’s all we want! I’m obsessed with the disc. It was actually the best part because it’s absolutely delish. They used cereals to resemble the pearl. But since the disc is really sweet, the ice cream itself became bland. But the wintermelon flavor is still recognizable.
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I mentioned before that Magnum and Cornetto are ice cream rivals. Little did I know before that they are both from Selecta. Anyway, if you want a luxurious ice cream, a Magnum ice cream won’t disappoint you. They even have a Magnum Cafe for those who want to customize their Magnum ice cream.
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Aside from Cornetto and Magnum, for me, Selecta’s best ice creams are those in tubs. Rocky road and double dutch aren’t my first choices because they are already common ice cream flavors but I didn’t regret having this today. I could truly feel the chocolate goodness of the rocky road. On the other hand, I’m enjoying the nuts, choco bits and swirls of double dutch.

I can’t deny that Creamdae is rich in ube and has full of flavors. However, I am not sure if this is how it really tastes because I got bubbly and foamy ice cream. There’s something wrong with the texture so I didn’t enjoy it much. Perhaps, the store I bought didn’t handle the ice cream. I don’t know.
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I super love the mango part. It tastes like candy, which actually reminds me of Columbia’s Frutos. The outer layer is sorbet type so expect it to be icy. But you would be rewarded with creamy vanilla ice cream when you reach the inner part. The mango and vanilla combo gives us a fusion of different flavors from tangy and fruity to sweet and creamy.

I got really curious on how this differs to Solero Split since both are fruit ice cream. Well, aside from the form, Frootie only has one flavor, which is very creamy and milky on the outside yet chewy and icy on the inside. I thought nothing from the Selecta list of ice pops would beat Solero Split until I tried this. This also has sturdy form, which makes it longer to melt.
Mochi Ku

Ice cream mochi is already a thing and I’m happy that Selecta now have it. I appreciate the fact that the mochi is flavorless to give way to the flavors of ice cream. I just wish that they have different flavors of ice cream for this aside from vanilla. I would love to try a burst of flavors under that chewy mochi. Anyway, this became my boyfriend’s instant fave.
Feast Wich

Ice cream sandwich is out. Feast Wich is in. This is a real deal because you will not just have a sandwich ice cream, you’ll also get pinipig ice cream. The pinipig portion is well balanced since its coat isn’t too sweet. In fact, I find the biscuit sweeter. It’s also good to know that ice cream has two flavors, which are chocolate and vanilla.
Sterilized Full Cream Milk

I honestly do not know how to judge a milk because for me, they taste the same. But I do not see and feel anything wrong about it and I think that’s a big deal. Although I can’t determine the difference of this Sterilized Full Cream Milk to Selecta Fortified Fresh Milk, I must say that both of them satisfied my palate and tummy.
Fortified Low Fat Chocolate Milk

I haven’t tried the original version so I have nothing to compare. But for a low fat chocolate milk, it’s actually good. It’s less sweeter compared to most chocolate drinks, which is what I am looking for, yet it’s not bland. It’s milky yet the chocolate flavor is recognizable. I know Selecta won’t fail on this. They let Moo trend.