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post #1 by Kenshindono on 14.08.2011 04:36

hows this release? I watched nutbladders since im not a fan of GG's super liberal editing, but that was so bad that im thinking of giving GG a look, or just dropping the show. Ive been waiting for another group to jump on this show but no such luck =(
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post #2 by hyperworm on 21.08.2011 04:43 (vote: 7.00)

I have no issues with the translation. It's very good. It's the reason to get this release.

However, insert songs are translated sporadically. The "recurring" insert song didn't get a translation in ep1v1; did in ep1v2; didn't in ep2; did in ep3; didn't in ep5; did in ep6; didn't in ep7. They literally could not be more inconsistent on this if they tried.
(Unless their goal is to skip the translation every other time it appears, in which case they're being very consistent.)
Ep5 also has a second insert song which is not translated (there may be a v2). Ep5 OP/ED styling appears to be broken (I assume it's not intentional).

The video quality seemed to me to be dropping a bit during high motion scenes, but I can judge translation far better than I can video quality.

There are occasional grammatical/spelling errors due to rushed or poor QC.

In short: a very good translation in a somewhat rushed/inconsistent package.
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post #3 by zRedShift on 27.08.2011 08:23 (vote: hidden)

The Translator who works on this release also works on UTW's Kamisama no Memochou and he gets his job done quite well.

GG's editors/QC are quite horrible, on the other hand.
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post #4 by oktane on 27.08.2011 18:46 (vote: hidden)

I feel bad for 8thSin to have his work fucked up by faggots. Best release out of the bunch, sadly.
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post #5 by vlican on 01.09.2011 19:39

lol eps 5, they left the commercials intact...
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post #6 by eraygns on 08.09.2011 05:10 (vote: hidden)

They are good at this show. 8thSin does a decent translation. I like gg's "Fuck it! We are here to watch anime, not work our asses to do some fucking op/ed karaoke." way of doing things.
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post #7 by kentan on 16.09.2011 00:19

Fast and very well-done. As for the occasional commercials, I don't mind them, quite the opposite actually - they enlighted uptight atmosphere of this show and even made me laugh once.
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post #8 by bigsimo on 19.09.2011 02:52

so what's the deal with ep 10 being 200mb and something about matt
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post #9 by bloodhunt on 23.09.2011 20:20 (vote: hidden)

Very good work,as expected.GG get it right almost every time.No complains from me.And yes the file sizes vary in like all their newer shows...
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post #10 by akumi on 06.10.2011 18:51

Probably due to 8bit and 10bit encoding.
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post #11 by barlow on 08.10.2011 14:30

akumi wrote:

Probably due to 8bit and 10bit encoding.

So far they only used 8bit for this show.
Ep 10 (which was 200MB) just has a low bitrate (and no crf was used like on the other episodes).
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post #12 by nINJAkECIL on 15.10.2011 19:10

bigsimo wrote:

so what's the deal with ep 10 being 200mb and something about matt

Because ep.10 used share raw, not their own encoding. Apparentyly, their cap failed at some point.
This show used 8-bit encoding only. They haven't decided to switch to 10-bit mid-show.

Oh, and Matt is their encoder for the show. Likely Matt is responsible for broken .ts or something
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post #13 by Hinoe on 14.11.2011 00:27

^ I'm under the impression Matt was playing games and forgot about encoding the show that day.
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post #14 by moop on 17.12.2011 21:23 (vote: hidden)

GG adds way too much colloquialisms in their subs. It's not even warranted. Kanba calling Masako a "ho", they also used "lol wut? u mad". Pretty mediocre subs, and that kind of liberal subbing is pretty annoying.
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post #15 by Hinoe on 17.12.2011 23:02

^ They're still the only people translating the show, so it's not like you have much of a choice. Their translator is also very, very good (sup 8thsin). Since it's fully softsubbed, you can always change the subs' liberalism levels to your tastes, and some people in fact have done that and re-released. ReinWeiss has done that to gg encodes, and any BD ripper who slaps these gg subs onto their stuff should be expected to do the same, as their editing is really annoying for a large portion of the audience (sup everyone who isn't from the US).
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post #16 by thetech4 on 07.02.2012 11:25

This has to be one of the worst cases of lack of QC I've ever seen.
Participles like "the" and "of" are missing all over the place.
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post #17 by radagast82 on 18.02.2012 13:55

5.20 ? So there is practically not even one decent release for this? ...
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post #18 by JetBoom on 22.03.2012 11:35

This IS a decent release which I've never thought I'd say about something gg put out. The translation is spot on albeit a bit liberal. It's alright though. Flows better.
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post #19 by zalis on 22.05.2012 23:42

Hinoe wrote:

^ They're still the only people translating the show, so it's not like you have much of a choice. Their translator is also very, very good (sup 8thsin). Since it's fully softsubbed, you can always change the subs' liberalism levels to your tastes, and some people in fact have done that and re-released. ReinWeiss has done that to gg encodes, and any BD ripper who slaps these gg subs onto their stuff should be expected to do the same, as their editing is really annoying for a large portion of the audience (sup everyone who isn't from the US).
So how come Americans get routinely criticized for being insular and monocultural, yet are expected to simplify the subs they create for international audiences and non-English speakers? Americans are supposed to make the effort to understand other cultures, yet nobody else is expected to spend 30 seconds on google looking up some American slang expression they see in gg's subs?

Anyway, generally good work from gg here. I watched a re-encoded version that used the v1 subs, so I'll assume that the various grammar errors and missing/extra words were cleaned up. Not commenting on styling either, as I think the re-encoders altered things a bit.

But as far as I could tell, very good translations, about as good as can be expected on a difficult/weird show like this. The editing is distinctly on the localized end of the spectrum, so expect no honorifics, Western name order, and other adaptations like "San-chan" -> "Threetie." Very creative and fluid writing. It's pretty much like watching a typical* R1 sub, so if you can survive those, you can survive these. (Though I realize that in today's climate of softsubbed HDTV-fansubs and readily-available fansubbed DVD/Blu-Ray rips, people rarely have to DL an R1-rip version to get the best audio/video quality, so I imagine there's less tolerance than there used to be.) There were some excessive liberties/intances of "trolling" in the v1 subs, but I thought they fit oddly well with the bizarre humor of the show. A small number of commercials are present.

Overall, a satisfying release even in v1 form. Maybe it could've used a little more insert song translations and Fabulous OP/ED karaoke, but oh well. Wish I could see v2, but sadly that's not in the cards.

* Or even a better-than-average R1 sub, like Neil Nadelman's excellent subs for Penguindrum's spiritual predecessor, Revolutonary Girl Utena.
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post #20 by Hinoe on 23.05.2012 03:04

zalis wrote:
So how come Americans get routinely criticized for being insular and monocultural, yet are expected to simplify the subs they create for international audiences and non-English speakers?

Em, read what I said again. They're supposed to stop simplifying the subs. They're also supposed to stop making the subs ghetto-level. I'll develop this below.

zalis wrote:
Americans are supposed to make the effort to understand other cultures,

Everyone is supposed to make the effort to understand a minimum of the culture from Japan in order to watch anime, regardless of country of origin. I see no reason to believe that applies only to one country.

zalis wrote:
yet nobody else is expected to spend 30 seconds on google looking up some American slang expression they see in gg's subs?

English is an international language. English speakers of all countries, native or otherwise, have the same right to understand the subs without needing to look up american slang that does not even apply always to the entire country, let alone the rest of the planet. There are several times as many english speakers as there are americans; if you consider the level of mastery required to watch subbed anime, foreign learners alone should be about four or five times as many, plus almost once as many non-american native speakers. Even if that wasn't the case, ghetto translations filled with slang are extremely retarded. Plus, if you need to spend 30 seconds looking up some slang every 30 seconds of video, this means you'll take twice as long to watch the show. I get a show subbed in a language I understand to be able to watch and understand it, not to have to look up every second word in a damn dictionary...

Anyway, about gg's release specifically...

zalis wrote:
But as far as I could tell, very good translations,

8thsin. Enough said.

zalis wrote:
The editing is distinctly on the localized end of the spectrum, so expect no honorifics, Western name order, and other adaptations like "San-chan" -> "Threetie." Very creative and fluid writing.

A common problem here: "creative" writing. Translators are not authors, so they're not supposed to be creative. Adaptations that make sense are ok (assuming San-chan is a reference to the number three, I suppose it's a passable one; I've seen worse, but I certainly wouldn't use it), but stupid adaptations (which gg adores, as far as editing choices go) are not, and the latter are much, much more common.

zalis wrote:
It's pretty much like watching a typical* R1 sub, so if you can survive those, you can survive these.

Except typical R1 subs have a worse translation. Editing is on the same meh level.

zalis wrote:
R1-rip version to get the best audio/video quality

Did you mean: R2J?

As a general rule, in terms of A/V quality, R1 DVDs are subpar when in comparison to their R2J counterparts.

zalis wrote:
There were some excessive liberties/intances of "trolling" in the v1 subs

So you're also admitting it, uh?

zalis wrote:
A small number of commercials are present.

One would have thought this had gotten old by now. It may have been funny to do that with Morning Rescue and Madoka (I personally wasn't amused, but whatever), but repeating the same joke is somewhat tiring.

zalis wrote:
Fabulous OP/ED karaoke
