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Fullmetal Angst Brother
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post #1 by asfdfdfd on 29.11.2020 15:37

Spammer x Spammer
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post #2 by novalisk on 06.01.2021 16:44

Even among all my years I've been following the industry, I never understood what exactly projects like this are supposed to accomplish.
Troll Hunter Z
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post #3 by DmonHiro on 08.02.2021 03:00

Top contender for the "WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS GOING ON?!" series of the season.
Why? Because I have no idea what the flying fuck is going on, nor what will happen in future episodes. I'm up to 5 right now.
Harem Girl
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post #4 by WarawanaiNeko on 27.02.2021 22:45 (vote: hidden)

At first I thought this was just another idol show by some unknown people, but as the episodes goes this looks more like a sci-fi and It may be really interesting. The episodes are packed and I get the impression they know where they are going, but we will have to see.
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #5 by mesaprotector on 11.03.2021 21:18 (vote: 6.00)

The first three episodes of this show were mediocre to even worse at times, and the Alice in Deadly School OVA didn't help things. I'm actually glad I ignored this show at first and only started watching after hearing all kinds of crazy shit about it starting with EP4.

Since then, we'll see if the show sticks the landing but it's been pretty fascinating, this last episode most of all. The more relaxed scenes focusing on the troupe still aren't that interesting (at least, after Mayuri's scene last episode, I can tell her apart from the other girls). But, man, the entire flashback, and every scene with Doll, is just an absolute "wtf is this - I want more". I'm really hoping they do have a conclusion in mind that's not just putting on a play and somehow saving Kaworun/the world through the power of friendship.
Troll Hunter Z
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post #6 by DmonHiro on 20.03.2021 22:48

Guys, stop sleeping on this anime. It's one hell of a ride.
Killer Loli
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post #7 by antaliss on 24.03.2021 12:32 (vote: hidden)

What a convoluted overblown pile of crap this is.