The first episodes were like torture, because they have a slow pace and you dont really get, where its going to.
Little kids collect metabugs, which are like a crypto currency to buy "stuff" in the world of glasses.
I started to like the anime about episode 18, because the pace quickend and you got to know a little bit more.
All in all it could have been more thrilling, but as I read: Its for kids.
One of the only anime that portrays kids in a well rounded, realistic manner. They're as bratty as they are cute and innocent. Well thought-out, interesting realization of augmented reality concepts. All in all one of the most solid shows in the medium. The only major problem is the shift towards the "dealing with grief" theme in the latter half for a character that wasn't focused on in the first half, which robs it of emotional heft. Plotwise, they set it up well, because the mystery was set up from the beginning.
post #61 by kikichi on 12.11.2018 15:16 (vote: hidden)
Little kids collect metabugs, which are like a crypto currency to buy "stuff" in the world of glasses.
I started to like the anime about episode 18, because the pace quickend and you got to know a little bit more.
All in all it could have been more thrilling, but as I read: Its for kids.