je to len film naporcovaný na 7 ep. nevidím dôvod tomu dávať väčšie hodnotenie. s toho prvá je len taká menšia vsuvka ostatné sú priamo film kde by mali biť aj nejaké menšie scény ktoré neboli vo filme. osobne som si ich tam dáko nevšimol. za mňa 6/10
While it is slow about love, it is fast paced on events, and don't have filler stuffs which I find it very amusing and keep me watching, because story keep going on.
Shoujo usually keep dragging on, and became boring after first few episodes before focus on the couple. This series ain't like that, you don't have to wait for confession, and they even made a manzai duo during it 😂😂
The strongest point of this romcom is an interactions of our swapped heroes with both their families and that's where most of the good "com" is. All the "rom" parts are just one big empty tease.
Imagine: 4-5 chapters of manga or 1-2 episodes of anime our Protagonist develops a romantic relationship with Harem_girl_X. Then all of it get reset to around zero, and the next 1-2 episodes our Protagonist develops a romantic relationship with Harem_girl_Y. Then it gets reset...
Essentially that's what happening here for 240 chapters already. Flipping Rent-a-harem all over again.
Zaujímavé ale zároveň nezaujímavé. Pozeral som to tak ako to bolo zámerne spravené aj keď som mal silné pochyby o tom či to bude dobrý nápad a či nebude lepšie si to pozrieť chronologicky (čo som mal nutkanie aj spraviť). A tu je výsledok.
Z anime mám zmiešané pocity, keďže po 4 ep. som cítil že to nie je pre mňa a že ma to nebaví ale vzápätí na to prišla druhá polovica ktorá už začala byť zaujímavá a kde som pomali uvažoval že by to mohlo byť dobré (alebo nie?). Tým že to nie je chronologické sa dejú nezmyselné veci ktoré ma nechávali v pomykove a ktoré vám dajú zmysel až v určitých ep. neskôr.
Na to aby som tomu pochopil by som si to musel pozrieť chronologicky čo sa mi po dopozeraní nechce. Nakoniec mi anime nedávalo zmysel a nič mi to nedalo, takže 6/10 zanechávam len vďaka OP a ED ktoré sa mi z celého anime nakoniec najviac páčili aj keď ani animácia nebola zlá.
Prvá polovica bola za mňa slabšia keďže to bola len veľká súťaž medzi dvomi postavami a nebola až tak humorná ale druhá už bola lepšia a už to začalo byť zábavné. No bohužiaľ to až tak neprekypovalo humorom aj keď išlo o gag, takže si myslím že 7/10 je za mňa ideálnych, páčilo sa mi to, len humor by mohol byť trocha lepší. Teším sa na pokračovanie.
Dude found "I win" button. Dude pressed the button. Dude won. All the people got their undies wet looking at him. The end.
It's just this kind of empty and cringe. The "story" is devoid of any intrigue. There is no sub-plot. "Antagonists" has negative IQ, it's a miracle they know how to eat and inhale air. MC never in any danger to his plastic face.
Developed specifically for all those people who spent their empty lives dreaming of becoming the best guy ever but doing absolutely nothing to achieve it.
Although this series has a kids aesthetic, it covers very mature subject matter and many grim tales. The plot progression was more or less what I was expecting, where the stories took front and center, assembling a team of superheros... errr... well close enough. The plot leaves us on a cliffhanger but additionally it hard to figure out how these combatants (the avatars) would stack up, so it doesn't invest me as the viewer, into the progression. The subject of if A power is better than B or how they could work in conjunction to beat the boss, feels very subjective so i'm not left wondering how the crisis will be averted.
I do not understand the low rating. Change of the pacing is INTENTIONAL like it is in many Maeda Jun's works like Clannad or Kanon or Angel Beats etc. and it works perfectly. In the first half, together with fun comedy, anime introduces you to the characters and makes you emotionally connected at least on some level. Then on the second part the real story of the anime begins. First half of the anime is basically just a fun building of a stage where the story will happen. This anime made me laugh, cry and everything in between. 8/10
Severely underrated show. Probably, because of a somewhat open ending.
The Youthful Indiscretion is very strong with those two bookworms. They matured just enough to be capable of adorable sarcastic bickering, but not yet enough to truly open up their hearts to each other. Against all odds, they are getting there little by little, and that's what their story is about. It's fragile, gentle and beautiful.
About the source, in case you are interested.
Anime covers roughly 4 volumes of light novels, of which there are 12 now. Some big parts are skipped in anime, i.e. Kawanami x Minami past relationship flashback.
Manga adaptation is just recently caught up to where anime ended, so LN is the king.
Volumes 4-5 is where Yume and Mizuto receive the most of their character development and come to realization of what it is that they desire, but it's only around 9-10th when they achieve their dreams, together again. Thank Haruhi, they finally got there.
Osobne ma idol a šoubiznis nezaujímajú sú to len obyčajný speváci, neviem prečo ich tak nazývajú (Ako hej sú to idoli ale v inom slova zmysle)
Celé by som to zhrnul tak že je to dobré či už animačne alebo aj v iných aspektoch a síce sa to tu každému páčilo ale mňa osobne to ani nezaujímalo a povedal by som že to pozerám nasilu. osobne sa mi viac od autora páčila kaguya-sama ako toto, bo to je komédia ktorej dám skorej prednosť ako dákej dráme ktorá ma v posledných rokoch nezaujíma a ktorej sa snažím vyhýbať. za mňa 6/10
This is a superb piece. It has a great story and nice animation, combining them well with drama, thriller and hints of romance. It will keep you glued to the seat, and the ending doesn't disappoint.
This is a nice show, it has some flaws and some charms.
Biggest flaw, the pacing is a miss. If it were a proper full curse of 24 EPs with the same pace, than story would be much better. For 12 EPs some cuts should have been made. Basically, we see some introduction arcs for most of the protagonist inner circle. Main antagonist of the bigger story never ever arrive here, so the stakes are low and everything resolved without serious peril.
Biggest charm is adorable interaction between main protagonists. Yep, they are childish, but that is almost inevitable with their backstories full of trauma. Both of them had a very rough life from a very young age.
Also, the overall fantasy setting is brutal but interesting, so background world building hit the mark.
If you are into dungeons and isekai then its a nice brain washer. The plot is weak, the characters are noisy and the villains are annoing. The quality of the animation is 5/10.Its barely watchable. First two episodes give some promice to nice development but it quikly turns into harem bulding and nothing more. It would make sence if it would add to general story but no. Heroines are there for male audiance only.
keď som toto anime prvý krát videl (9.10.2020), tak som ho dal na jeden šup, až tak ma ten dej prekvapil a vtiahol že som každou ep. chcel vedieť viac a viac a tak isto za to mohol aj OP/ED ktorý bol fakt dobrý. Čo pri takýchto anime funguje len raz potom pri ďalšom sledovaní už je to zbytočné keďže viete koniec a tým pádom anime stráca to čaro toho napätia čo sa stane.
Teraz som si ho pozrel znova (2024/25 čo je už tretí raz) keďže som sa dočkal aj mangy, o ktorej som hneď po do pozeraní sníval aby vyšla v CZ.
A keď som mal tú možnosť sa pozrieť ako ho spracovali tak musím povedať že som sklamaný, tým ako to celé dopadlo. Anime je super len do tej doby kým si neprečítate mangu, potom zistíte aké o ničom to je. Celé je to urýchlené a drvivú väčšinu mangy vynechali alebo pozmenili tak aby pasovala im. Ale nakoniec aj navzdory tomu ako to celé dojebali ponechávam 10/10 keďže nedopustím na to aký dojem to na mne zanechalo po prvom zhliadnutí.
This was good after the first episode, continued to improve with humor, ridiculousness, good action scenes, and decent character development.
I was definitely thrown off by the animation style at first, but it grows on you.
Now, the 800lb elephant. Wait until season 2 is out. This ends on a stupidly big cliffhanger and it simply left me flabbergasted that they would even consider doing that. I went from loving this series to shock that this season ends the way it does.
Without the next season released, I can only caution that you WILL be let down at the end of these 12 episodes.
The story is mature and serious, and plausible. It has some good points and scenes. But the characters disappoint big time.
Haru is the best girl ever albeit too kind and forgiving for her own good, the rest of the cast are bleak in every comparison.
Male "lead" is a certified idiot with looser mentality who can't even properly accept the God's gift when it's thrown in his arms totally for free. WTF man?
Sensei is a girl with a giant cockroaches dancing in her head. Can't really see her as a human being, she is a total mommy-biorobot, confused about literally everything except cooking.
Needy teenager dreaming of boning his sensei is especially revolting. His method of acquiring the girl is just constant whining and shouting to that girl about how the life is unfair. It's even more pathetic than MC, and that's no small feat.
Otherwise, the show is good, if you can manage not to fall asleep until the ending arrives.
A very cute and heartwarming movie where a group of anthropomorphic animal children go on a adventure to save the world. No real bad guys, no serious themes, very light hearted, good feelings. While this is clearly a kids' movie, I found it pretty enjoyable. The animation is of high quality and we get to see some great visuals.
This show is incredibly good. MobuSeka belongs on the same shelf with KonoSuba.
There are a lot of similarities in the way how both of those creations make a smart and sarcastic mockery of the whole isekai genre implementing all the usual troupes in an original way.
For example, take the MC. 99.99% of isekai give protag something to use as a cheat - a skill, a power, a magic item. Leon gets nothing. His starting position sucks big time, he is a 2nd son of a consort of lowly noble with a giant list of responsibilities and almost no rights. In a matriarchy. Leon is pissed about this (can you blame him?), so he takes a proactive stance.
It's very fun to watch how he utilizes the knowledge he got prior to reincarnation to get out of his predicaments some of which creates himself.
Also, the treasure trove:
S1 covers 38 chapters of manga. There are 68 chapters that cover 3 out of 13 LN volumes. S2 should cover the whole story of the game. But then, there were sequels.
The first two episodes are in my eyes not very good, I even thought about dropping the whole season. But after that, the tone of the anime changes, the characters become more deep and over the whole season you can see, how they develop. All main characters are loveable, and to be honest when I was young, I overthought shit myself, so they are also pretty relatable in my opinion. The heartwarming moments are rate, but all of them are great. Overall, you should watch the first four episodes to see, if this is something for you, and if you like it, you get a decent romantic comedy with some highlights reaching easily a quality of Toradora or similar.
There's a sexy reverse trap character in here, watch it if you want to see her.
Otherwise it's a harem with an interesting detective premise, but I also thought it dragged on for a little too long.
Something tells me there won't be season 4 so to say, but most probably it will now be a movie and then it will start over or will produce OVAs from now on. I had not read manga, but story-wise, there is not much plot left unless there is a twist before grand battle with god.
That said, this season is by no means any worse than previous. In fact, some aspects might even be better, though not that action packed. The big bonus - it is very, very concise, especially with previous seasons.
More of Hajime's doings with his harem. As usual, Hajime and Yue are the ones doing the most, with Shea giving a shoulder here and there, while the rest of the harem mostly simping over Hajime...
The plot felt dragged most of the episodes, but at least they improved the CGI from previous seasons. There's still more to come story-wise, so this isn't supposed to be the last season but I really hope the next one would be at least a little more interesting than this one...
Excellent adventure movie. The visuals are pretty stunning, and very varied: futuristic megalopolises, ice planets, far west-looking planets... Very nice orchestral OST. The plot is a bit messy though, and I still don't understand why they added the characters from Captain Herlock, they clearly don't belong there. Apart from that, it's a must watch for every animation fan.
It is extremely twisted and sick at times, specially many of the ghost background stories, but if you are going in looking for some scares I dont think you'll get much, specially if you watched Ghost Hunt before. The ML is daft and dense AF, many times I wanted to slap him, so dont expect much from him, Yayoi and Eiko are the best!
I do recommend it, but be warned that at times I felt I was watching a horror version of Pokemon or some sort of twisted and sick Bleach and/or Inuyasha. Enjoyable and with a lot of potential, I am looking forward for a 2nd season even.
Simply amazing with great, creative fight scenes and extremely lovable characters, especially Maggie who is my wife and ohIlovehersomuch!
People who think this is inferior to the OVA are on crack, the slice of life scenes were the best part of this series and what the OVA lacked. I got to spend so much time with these characters and it made me care when things got serious. A must watch for sure, many cute girls as well, but especially Maggie.
The final episodes really delivered, with the last one being the most captivating. Unfortunately, it ended all too soon! I appreciated how the main character's thoughts and reactions were straightforward and relatable, making it easy to connect with him and follow his journey.
Seriously, I don't think the female characters in this anime fit the typical "Losing Heroine" trope. Instead, the show feels more like a slice-of-life story about normal high school students. And that's what makes it so enjoyable - it's nothing complex or over-the-top, just a genuine and heartfelt portrayal.
I really liked the animation with this one. The backgrounds were surprisingly rich, filled with details. Some though to the use of light and shadows, and now and then unusual camera angles to break things up.
The animation for the characters could have been a bit better, though.
Story wise it set itself apart from the OVA and the TV-shows. The movie hits a quite mature, grounded tone in the way it approaches things.
A complete story of a differing timeline of a tragic event, and how it both diverges converges, back to a singular point. There wasn't much I was expecting from this series nor did it do much to retain my attention. Most of the story was run of the mill and expected, we (as the viewer) didn't even experience the main character increasing in strength, instead it was just gifted. There were couple cute moments and the animation for battles were over the top.
Can't really call it "dark romance", just overly pretentious.
"Mature" is not fitting either, all the characters act like teenagers making dumb decisions and spewing infantile nonsense. We are not shown anything redeeming about them, so there is no one to root for and no one to ship among that trash.
Story deserves a "romance" tag no more than a porn film about a really horny wedding.
At the end you'll gonna have to eat a Deus-ex-machina 180-twist hamburger of sh@te for the sole reason of "True Love", because everybody knows you need it to turn a whore into a saint, and because we supposed to feel sorry and cheerful for a misunderstood heroine Akane, a pedophile who warped the psyche of at least 2 underaged boys that we know of.
Prolonged observation can inflict a severe nausea and -50 IQ status effect, in some extreme cases even blindness, so be warned.
This show tries to be a hybrid of Saekano and Oregairu but it fails to deliver in an uncountable many ways. The one thing it truly delivers is a comedy, so it could be enjoyable if you like this specific type of humor and watch it just for laughs.
With every episode (AFAIK also with every LN volume) the story and characters gets more and more complicated and absurdly stupid.
My canonical version-that-explains-everything: the Cursed Bench-kun is an ultimate trickster playing evil jokes on mortals, transferring MC consciousness to an alternative gradually more unhinged universes every time MC dares to sit on him.
This is a show about otaku, and otaku are disgusting creatures. It is the only downside.
All the rest elements here are excellent. If you watch S1+S2+movie: the story, the characters and their choices, the ending. Everything is perfectly complete.
A tale of epic conquest where the progression is at a breakneck pace. We follow our main protagonist to solve the ultimate history of his world. Quiet enjoyable, though be warned it's not sugar coated (characters die).
There was a comedic aspect to it, the overall story was less intriguing he is taken around solving mysteries (against his will) almost as if to find meaning in his existence. Everything was more or less average and there were some moment where i found I enjoyed it, albeit in an expected way.
It was cutesy exploring life with a person transported to another world without them retaining memories of it. We are left breadcrumbs to indicate our main character is more than they seem, their overall journey was an enjoyable watch. Nothing groundbreaking but everything worked well together.
Picks up pretty much exactly where the previous season left off, with less than half an episode of flashbacks, and then gets pretty much straight into it.
I'll say that this season kind of mellowed out on just about everything. The ruthlessness of the MC was one of the best parts of this series, and that felt really absent with this season.
Looks like there should be one more season, hopefully they close it out with a bang, because if it keeps this trajectory, it'll end as a flop.
Every part of this show is outstanding. Underrated as hell.
Don't trust the negative reviews, it only gets better in the second half. The story starts in a lighthearted way, but there are very dark themes lurking underneath it all, and that darkness comes to the front in later episodes.
There is nothing wrong with time travel. Every so-called "plot hole" mentioned in the rewieves in fact resolved very nice in the show.
For example, Nao brother is saved in a new timeline.
At the end of EP13 he is shown asleep in his hospital bed listening to the Zhiend song trough headphones. He has an autograph from Sara - so she visited him "again".
"first time" the concert and Sara visit happened only after Yuu returned to school, that's some months after Ayumi awakening.
"second time" Sara visited Japan either while Yuu was in hospital or, possibly, after Yuu leaves the country. Maybe Nao invited her, or Yuu did it again.
Doesn't really matter either way.
Toto neboli že prsia ale doslova kravské vemená. Proste extrém, ale to je u japoncou normálne. Dej bol viac menej v pohode ale bolo tam zopár zbytočných ep. a v skratke je to o tom že prsia sú všetko a všetko záleží na veľkosti, čím väčšie tým lepšie. Animačne to bolo dobré. OP išiel mimo mňa ale ED sa mi páčil.
Za seba by som povedal že to nie je zlé, ale až tak moc ma to neohúrilo. za mňa 6/10
The beginning to this series was unique; as this follows the MC who is a Demon Lord in a futuristic world, then doubles down with online streaming which I thought was entertaining. However, as the series progresses, it moves away from that and goes into a more generic storyline and normally this would drag the series down, but both the main and support characters were likeable. Surprisingly, I enjoyed this series and wouldn't mind another season as there are many unanswered questions.
I definitely recommend checking this out, for it's originality and execution quality. But be prepared for a hard time if you prefer good story/good comedy/good parody.
The show looks like a 5yo kid who just watched FLCL decided to make his own anime, hired best possible crew, but then wrote and directed himself. I know it's supposed to be parody but it incites way more sighs than laughs.
If you think tiktok content is too high level for your tastes you might enjoy this series. Otherwise the only reason for watching is appreciating execution quality.
Za seba by som povedal že každou sezónou ide kvalita dole (alebo sa to zdá len mne), prvá bola super až na to CGI, druhá dobre pokračovala, ale prítomnosť háremu to len kazilo a u tejto hneď ako sa k nemu pridali jeho ostatný spolužiaci už to nebolo ono a jeho otravný hárem sa (nečakane) zväčšil. Je len škoda že nagumo pomaly mäkne a už nie je tým tvrďákom akým býval zo začiatku a necháva sa ukecať svojimi zbytočnými spolužiakmi. Nakoniec len dodám že ak bude ďalšie pokračovanie čo určite bude tak sa ho nezúčastním a po tomto zdĺhavom zakončení ma už celkový koniec nezaujíma. za mňa 5/10
If you're into yakuza-assassin crossovers, this is a total must-watch! The Satou "siblings", Akira and Oyuko, are hilarious and bring so much comedic relief. The story's serious, but the dynamic between characters is super engaging and entertaining. I'm hooked and desperately need another season!
Loads has happened, but most importantly we are back adventuring!
S2 2nd half makes up for the slower 1st half, packing quite a number of events
There's wedding, reunions, old chars revisited, birth, tradegy, of course harem, laid back moments, happy, big impact moments and all in good taste & pace, as expected for the great story telling standards by now
But best of all, a significant screen time back adventuring, and boy it was good
That ol' familiar adventuring feel, everyone together, just like S1 but have grown up
Plot progresses without being too rush, taking realistic accounts of adventuring while focusing on the key moments, all the while maintaining its expected quality in artwork & production
It really helps with the immersion
Also loads of revelations to setup for a bumper S3. Looks like it'll be exploring conflicts of larger scale, looking forward to how it maintain its strength of storytelling pace in that scheme. Must watch if you had come so far 9/10 for me