Som sklamaný že to do rúk dostalo štúdio A-1pictures a urobili s toho guláš.
Zo začiatku som rozmýšľal že to mu ponechám 9/10 bo sa mi to páčilo ale keďže som sestre kupoval manhwu a rád kontrolujem ako moc sa líši anime od predlohy tak mi nakoniec neostalo nič iné len dať 7/10.
Som sklamaný že to do rúk dostalo štúdio A-1pictures a urobili s toho guláš.
Zo začiatku som rozmýšľal že to mu ponechám 9/10 bo sa mi to páčilo ale keďže som sestre kupoval manhwu a rád kontrolujem ako moc sa líši anime od predlohy tak mi nakoniec neostalo nič iné len dať 7/10.
Yeah, it's another isekai story, but what makes it stand out is how unpredictable it is - it's super interesting and fun to watch! The story moves at a slow burn, but every character that's introduced makes you curious to learn more. The only bummer is that it ends kinda abruptly - fingers crossed for another season ASAP
I was a bit hazy on S1 details, but this season's flashbacks helped refresh my memory. It picks up right where S1 left off and expands the story even more. Loved it! 8/10, would def recommend this!
I would rate it 10/10 if not for one big problem:
in EVERY important dialogue there is a piano playing in the background and it is a F^$^ING ANNOYING because it's way too loud and you can't hear people talking - their voices just keep getting drowned in the music. I ended up setting sound to mute and just reading subtitles in most of those parts.
It is a very poor sound design choice.
All the other aspects in this show are outstanding.
Interesting premise, it underlines the brutality of humanity and our ability to restrict empathy for ourselves and those in which we have some form of relationship with. Similar to what would be characterize the behaviour of brutal regimes of the past, and how society may not have qualms with toeing the party line, not thinking too hard about it. As this is a sci-fi film it's subject was foreign entity to the world, but it could be easily applicable to even other races/religions, some group that could be considered different.
This was an a hard to put down series, it took a couple episodes to get into it, but immediately found it impossible to put down. It has a couple aspects that drew me in, how they try to guise each conflict of the hero as a guise for growth, the absurdity of over exaggeration makes it all the more engaging and the life and death repercussions. Looking forward to the next season.
This was amusing at times for its over-the-top sorts of interactions. A bit of character progression and character realization also made it enjoyable. It is mostly insanely repetitive in regards to that.
The thing that annoys the hell out of me with this series is the ending. HUGE cliffhanger that just leaves you with a horridly unsatisfied feeling.
I recommend waiting for S2 to finish before ever touching this.
For me personally it was one of the best (isekai)anime's i've seen. The story is simple and works really well; Leveling up, evolving, learning new abillities, creating a strong village and the MC is not a total idiot.
While movie ver is more action packed, fast paced than TV series, it lacks of characters development and background, especially Diana, movies made her look bad 🤨
Zas ďalšie isekai ktoré síce malo dobrý nápad ale animácia zo začiatku sklamala a herecké výkony mi prišli slabé takže ma to nedokázalo zaujať natoľko aby som si to obľúbil. za mňa 5/10
While I'm very drawn to complex love triangles, the generally poor writing in this series made it difficult to continue watching. The attempts at cleverness and quirkiness felt very forced, undermining the story's believability.
Though the production and pacing improved around the midpoint, the ending unfortunately failed to deliver. Sadly, it just ended as poorly as it started. I'd only recommend this one to hardcore fans of love triangles/harem romances willing to overlook the aforementioned weaknesses.
A world filled with beautiful girls who are the heads of their families. And our MC helps Nobuna with his future knowledge and she falls in love with him. Lots of fun action with excellent animation. Lots of fun fan service. Overall just simple fun.
The tv show 'The Boys', relies on simplistic shock and awe to achieve its commercial success. This anime however is about 40% commercial and 60% trying to deliver a deeper message.
It delves deeply into the lives of many people and looks at problems and emotions from different angles. And in the course of the 22 eps I came to love each and every one of them.
The low rating for this show is because the author does not know how to intelligently 'manipulate' our feelings. So this is not something where you can hand over your brain to someone for a few hours and get entertained.
If you have been watching anime for some time, you know that you run out of good anime. For me this is one of those good anime that I am always searching for. Its not perfect, but I am glad that I watched it.
Social media streaming with a persona, details various streamers and how they interact with one another each locked into their persona for every single interaction. Not really a slice of life, more just annoying as it's repetitive to idiotic levels. Don't expect a story more than the premise and the premise was the most interesting part.
The real test of courage when watching this series is being able to complete it. If you've done so you are have epic levels of patience.
This series is VERY reminiscent of a style we havent really seen done differently in years! It is very similar to "Furi Kuri". It has OVER-THE-TOP ACTION, comedy, and great ANIMATION!
The characters, actually feel like characters! They are full of life, very animated, and likeable! It is a good blend of genres done exceptionally well. Despite it being a VERY FAST PACED story, it somehow manages to have great pacing! Oddly enough, it just works. It neatly packages all it has to offer, it doesn't waste your time, and it is just a joy to watch.
The only negative, is the way the wrap up season one, with a MASSIVE cliffhanger, that is being rectified by a seacond season as we speak. Easily one of the of 2024, I wouldn't recommend missing out on this one.
Half of MC's actions are serious, smart and actually productive, another half are idiotic 8-grader childish delusions turning ok results solely due to the power of author's whimsical Plot-bending. Roughly the same goes for all the other characters.
80% is pure plot-bending magic from author to make MC look smart even after he makes idiotic decisions.
15% shallow characters without any backstory whose whole existence is to show some boobs to perverts.
5% copy-pasted mystery.
It's bad. Similar non-isekai show "Maoyuu" miles above this one in all aspects.
The series is very inconsistent - it has it's great moments, and has so horrible ones you'd want to quit even if you like the story. Art and animation is a mix of really nice manual work and terrible 3dCG. Story itself is interesting, but pacing is all over the place. There are parts that are rushed to the point you feel they skimmed over few arcs in one episode, but then there are some scenes that feel dragged out (despite being short). All in all worth watching, but it could be orders of magnitude better if it wasn't ruined by bad execution.
If you loved the story, do yourself a favor and read the manga, the anime is missing so much, there's enough to maybe make a season 4 or at least an OVA/movie, but I feel like that's not gonna happen.
As for the anime, well it's more of the same, but the ML's dumbassedness was so high I even stopped caring about him, and that kinda ruined it for me, so I can only rate this a 6.
This series is seriously amazing! It completely flips the script on the typical rebirth genre and I love it! The main character's relatable start and the social media twist (followers and likes as power? genius!) make it super relevant to our influencer-obsessed world. And the female character designs? On point! I'm obsessed with how the story unfolds and the ending is great - it wraps up just enough to satisfy, but leaves you wanting more. Highly recommended!!
27yr old woman dies and reincarnates as a noble, and the story shows her life from 3 to 5yrs. In this world, as usual, monsters are hunted, but this girl wants to help them and uses her knowledge as an adult and her OP power to befriend any animal or monster, and this is the real story.
The poster of this anime makes it seem like a very silly story which only people who like furries might like. I watched this anime almost accidentally, and I am glad that I did.
I was constantly reminded of 'Kemono no Souja Erin'. See that too if you haven't already.
Love and care is main theme of this anime, and its beautiful and soothing. Highly recommended.
I almost skipped this series due to the weird MC design from the cover art, but still decided to watch this. This follows the female MC being married off for political reasons, but isn't your conventional romance series as it takes a lot of twists and turns throughout the way. The character designs aren't bad watching the show and most of the characters are interesting. Hopefully a S2 is coming as many questions still remain unanswered. While some plotlines need to be resolved, this was still an entertaining romance series and look forward to what happens next.
It is a beautiful show, but I managed to finish it only on the 3rd try.
Sweet moments were too bitter and the bitter ones were just so unfair, that I wanted to punch the author in the face.
I wasn't quite sure what I would see with this series. MC doesn't quite understand his strength because really nobody did. "Useless skills" turn out to be a great combination when used in the right way.
Definitely more of an "MC is forced to live outside his preference" than choosing his preference. This wasn't bad, and it made for some really interesting interactions. Funny ones too.
All in all, it wasn't terrible, it wasn't incredible, just decently above average. Still a fun watch, no filler, just constant progression and a few people getting exactly what they deserved.
I liked this one, mostly because Nina's a fun and quirky character. This season didn't really explain what's special about her, or whether she really has some special power, but hopefully that's coming in season 2. If you can get past the weird art style and big eyes, it's a pretty fun watch
Everything is outstanding here: the story is intriguing, the characters and their interactions are lovable and funny, the art style is bold and cute at the same time - just like Akari herself.
The only bad thing about this show, is that it should have been a full course of 24 EPs instead of 12. As far as I know, there is currently no news about S2, and even if they start producing it tommorrow, we will not get it until late 2026. That makes me more sad, than Minami love life.
Keď som si robil zoznam čínskych anime čo mali preklad tak som narazil aj na toto dielo.
Spočiatku som váhal keďže sa jedná o drámu a ja nie som moc fanúšik drámi skôr mám k nej odpor keďže doteraz čo som sa stretol to boli samé urevané postavy či zbytočné dramatické scény pri ktorých sa postavy správali tragicky až úboho takže väčšinou som mal problém to dopozerať. A ako vždy ani tu ma moja intuícia nesklamala.
Po dejovej stránke to bolo skvelé čo ma prekvapilo len mi to mierne kazili postavy s tým ich zbytočným plačom prišlo mi to tam zbytočné ale to všetko im odpúšťam bo celé to zachránil skvelý ED ktorý som si vždy vypočul. OP mi už moc tak skvelo neznel. za mňa 10/10
Ako u predošlej sezóny aj tu mi vadila dráma a tentoraz to ED nezachránil. Ale i tak sa na to dalo pozerať. A znova nikoho nezachránili (furt im tam niekto umiera). Snáď sa im to podarí v ďalšom pokračovaní. za mňa 10/10
This show leaves a taste like Mona Lisa with a smile still unpainted. You can already see that it has a potential to be a masterpiece, but some crucial element is missing.
I wish there was an S2, but will have to settle for manga.
On the point of language and factual mistakes:
- Uesaka-san did a great job, EPs 7, 11-12 her Russian is on the level with a native speaker. The rest of the EPs are not so good, mainly because of the incorrect accentuation in sentences.
- Sometimes, the language Alya uses are too close to literature form and too far from everyday speaking form.
- Dialogues in the Alya past flashback are abysmal in every aspect.
- Russians use first names on a daily basis without any embarrassment. There is zero reason for the scene in EP12.
All of this is outweighed by a good set of characters, so no problem.
The Problem is nothing happens. 12 EPs of wasted time.
In all honesty, there is not much of a plot anyway, but however feeble it was, it got nowhere from where it started.
This is a slow paced inspection into the romanticized role of a bartender, i did find each episode enjoyable engaging with the side benefit of getting acquainted with different sorts of drinks.
This series deals with the challenges that people face, while also going through aspects of life and it's twilight. The series completes the stories of the different characters. A second season might be nice, but unnecessary as it concludes satisfactorily.
Not a very interesting story, characters were likeable (even the bad-guys for the most part), it finishes with an opening for S2 at a different time period. It ends of feeling preachy as usually we should be shown a characters good qualities, instead, for the most part, they are told to us. In contrary to most series coming out today the MC, who should have Sherlock Holmes level of ingenuity, just seems to be mostly run of the mill. Animation was nice and story tied up almost all loose ends. One season was enough for me.
Just pure nonsense, the first episode (and the next few) was awesome with the introduction and the quirkiness, some of the animation was also beyond belief, then from there turns into a comedy of randomness and tropes and the breaking of the 4th wall consistently to tell the audience that it's just randomness.
I would expect there was some relation to deer and their habits and maybe there was somethings that were covered it was only superficial and this series was just for those who have a deer fetish.
I could have stopped halfway through episode 2 and it would have been enough.
The progression matches what series have done before it..
the main protagonist turns into the equivalent of an immortal, everyone looks to him for help with everything and he has no flaws to speak of.
So the interest in the story needs to come from somewhere else, for me, attempts appear to be hollow without much meaning one way or the other, in a way the viewer would care (or the MC should care about considering his god-like status), so the story seems to lack any interesting plot progression. They could have condensed this season into 12 episodes, and it might have been better.
At this point if there wasn't a S3 I don't think it would bother me.
Ako zo začiatku som uvažoval nad 7/10 bo mi to prišlo vtipné ale nedokázal som vystáť ženské (sylpha, Tao) postavy ktoré sa furt točili okolo princa a prišli mi už ohraté ako by som ich videl už v iných anime (Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku). No a potom tu prišiel záver kde sme sa stretli zo skupinou vrahov/démonov a tam mi už vadilo ako to prešlo do drámi. Takže výsledná je 6/10 nebiť posledných pár ep. by som ponechal aj 7. malo to u mňa potenciál, samotný princ s jeho démonom bol od začiatku zábavný ale nakoniec to nestačilo.
Prekvapuje ma že bude aj pokračovanie, takže váham či sa do toho pustiť.
The first season was mediocre but fun. But this second season is really, really bad. The budget must have been slashed to the bone and/or a new inexperienced studio took over the production. The animation is trash (more like a slide show than actual animation) the character design is very bad compared to the first season to the point where I could not recognize most of the characters.
The plot goes all over the place, and I was completely lost about halfway through the season. It seems to me this season was done out of some contractual obligation, and not from any real desire to tell an interesting story. Waste of time - skip.