Anime News Network is currently unavailable
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Sorry, an unexpected error occured while accessing this page.
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The connection broke midway.
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Anime News Network is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance.
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Sorry, the page timed out.
Either that page is too heavy, or the server is currently under heavy load.
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The connection could not reach the ANN servers.
There is probably an outage at the datacenter level.
Please try again later.
Anime News Network uses the Cloudflare proxy/cdn network to speed up and protect our site from attacks and spambots.
So when you access ANN, the connection goes through Cloudflare.
This page is displayed by Cloudflare and could mean that:
a) |
The ANN server you are trying to connect to is offline or overloaded (most likely) |
you ←—→ Cloudflare ←—→ ANN broken |
b) |
There is a network problem between Cloudflare and ANN |
you ←—→ Cloudflare ←–broken–→ ANN |
c) |
There is a problem with the Cloudflare node you are going through |
you ←—→ Cloudflare broken ←—→ ANN |
Cloudflare message:
Bad gateway
The web server reported a bad gateway error.
- Ray ID: 91e3ca98a5ac9d52
- Your IP address: 2a06:98c0:3600::103
- Error reference number: 502
- Cloudflare Location: Chicago