Research Publications
Clinical Research
Outcomes After a Prone Lumbar Traction Protocol for Patients With Activity-Limiting Low Back Pain: A Prospective Case Series Study
Paul F. Beattie, PhD, PT, OCS, Roger M. Nelson, PhD, PT, Lori A. Michener, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS, Joseph Cammarata, DC, Jonathan Donley, DPT
Archives of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Volume 89, February 2008
Short And Long-Term Outcomes Following Treatment with the VAX-D Protocol for Patients with Chronic, Activity Limiting Low Back Pain
Beattie PF., Nelson R., Michener L., Cammarata J., Donely J.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Volume 35, Number 1, January 2005
Efficacy of Vertebral Axial Decompression (VAX-D) on Chronic Low Back Pain: A Study of Dosage Regimen
Ramos G., MD
Journal of Neurological Research, Volume 26, April 2004
Effects of Vertebral Axial Decompression On Intradiscal Pressure.
Ramos G., MD, Martin W., MD
Journal of Neurosurgery 81: 350-353, 1994
A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study of VAX-D and TENS for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
Sherry E., MD FRACS, Kitchener P., MB, BS FRANZCR, Smart R., MB, Ch.B
Journal of Neurological Research Volume 23, No 7, October 2001
Vertebral Axial Decompression Therapy for Pain Associated with Herniated or Degenerated Discs or Facet Syndrome: An Outcome Study
Gose E., Ph.D, Naguszewski W., MD, Naguszewski R., MD,
Journal of Neurological Research, Volume 20, No 3, April 1998.
Dermatosomal Somatosensory Evoked Potential Demonstration of Nerve Root Decompression After VAX-D Therapy
Naguszewski W., MD, Naguszewski R., MD, Gose E., Ph.D
Journal of Neurological Research Vol 23 , No 7, October 2001
The Effects of Vertebral Axial Decompression On Sensory Nerve Dysfunction In Patients with Low Back Pain and Radiculopathy
Tilaro F., MD, Miskovich D. MD
Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine Vol. 6, No 1, January 1999
VAX-D Reduces Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain – 4 year Study
Odell R., MD, Ph.D, Boudreau D. DO
Anesthesiology News, Volume 29, Number 3 , March 2003
Prospective Randomized Study of VAX-D Therapy for Acute Low Back Distress
Peerless S., MD, FRCP, Meissner L., MD, FRCP
Barnett H. J.M., MD, FRCP, Stiller C. R., MD, FRCP
The John P. Robarts Institute, University Hospital at London
University of Western Ontario, Canada
An Industry Based, Retrospective, Cost Analysis of Vertebral Axial Decompression (VAX-D) VS. Surgery For Lumbar Disc Disease: 10 Case Studies
David C. Duncan, MD, Don Keenan, SPHR, Ph.D.
Sinclair Oil Corporation Study, Tulsa Oklahoma
An Overview of Vertebral Axial Decompression
Tilaro F., MD
Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine Vol. 5, No 1, January 1998
Text Books
Practice of Minimally Invasive Spinal Technique, 2006 Edition
Editorial Committee
Martin H Savitz, MD, Ph.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., F.R.C.S. (US)
John C. Chiu, M.S., D.Sc., F.R.C.S. (US), F.I.C.S.
Wolfgang Rauschning, MD, Ph.D.
Anthony T. Yeung, MD, F.A.B.M.I.S.S.
Chapter 35; VAX-D (Vertebral Axial Decompression)
American Academy of Minimally Invasive Spinal Medicine and Surgery
Richmond, VA: AAMISMS Education, [2006]
Vertebral Axial Decompression
European Musculoskeletal Review 2007 ; Issue 2
Orthopaedics: New answers to an age-old problem.
Hospital Management International 2004;
Annual Issue of the International Hospital Federation Journal, March 1, 2004
Welcome Relief for Low Back Pain
Stewart J. CBS Health Watch
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), Harvard Medical School
Back Pain Abhors a Vacuum
Panko R.,
Best’s Review- Life / Health; A.M. Best Company, Insurance Issues and Analysis, September 1998
The Treatment of Discogenic Low Back Pain: An Integrated Approach (VAX-D- Vertebral Axial Decompression Therapy)
Tilaro F., MD
The McKenzie North American Conference, June 2-4 2000
VAX-D Outcome Study Results
Medical Technologies Group Newsletter
Advisors to the Insurance Industry
Volume 5, Number 15, November 1996
MTG ‘s Special Report On VAX-D
Medical Technologies Group Newsletter
Advisors to the Insurance Industry
Volume 4, Number 8, August 1995
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