1. North Carolina

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North Carolina Apartments and Homes

Apartments for Rent in North Carolina

North Carolina is a southeastern state and has a population of 10.38 million people. The capital is Raleigh, which is home to the largest research park in the country. The second largest city is Charlotte.

Average Monthly Rent Statewide in North Carolina

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$1121 $1029 $1205

Average Monthly Rent in Raleigh

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$1085 $1104 $1373

Average Monthly Rent in Charlotte

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$1147 $1184 $1470

Living in North Carolina

If you crave the outdoors, North Carolina is a great place to live. Explore the Appalachian Trails, go skiing in the high country area, or get soaked white water rafting in the Rocky River. North Carolina is full of scenic drives if you just want to get away for the weekend. Cruise up the Great Smoky Mountains or take a ride on the spectacular Blue Ridge Parkway. Whether you imagine yourself living in the Biltmore Mansion, in Asheville or you seek the thrill rides of The Carowinds Theme Park in Charlotte, North Carolina has many entertaining options for you to choose from.

Arts, Currency and Commerce in Charlotte

Downtown Charlotte, one of North Carolina's largest cities, offers proximity to job opportunities as well as some of the best arts and cultural attractions in town. The Mint Museum of Art, the first branch of the US Mint, is home to a variety of collections and exhibits including American, African, Asian, and European art. You may want to learn a little more about the region at the Charlotte Museum of History which is located nearby. The Symphony Orchestra and Theatre of Charlotte also provide cultural experiences for downtown residents.

Asheville: Where Craft Breweries and Art Studios Meet the Appalachians

Asheville is one of the most eclectic and artsy towns in the US. You can easily walk to unique shops and locally-owned restaurant or experience live music and explore art galleries. Many of the city's major festivals are held in downtown Asheville as well including Bele Chere, Shindig on the Green and the Mountain Dance & Folk Festival.

The Research Triangle

College students like to live near Research Triangle, one of the largest research parks in the United States. Located in between Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill, Research Triangle is not just a college town, it is often the destination of many conventions and trade fairs. It is best described as "southern charm meets urban cool" with a dash of serious science-enthusiasts.

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