How To Properly Brush Your Hair And Why It Is So Important
May 30, 2018 by apost team
Do you ever wonder what the point of brushing your hair is? It might feel nice and get rid of tangles, but you might also wonder what it does beyond that.
Is there any point to doing it on a regular basis and is there any particular right or wrong way to do it? The answer to those questions is "yes." Read further, and you'll see how versatile brushing your hair really is.
The Benefits Of Brushing Your Hair
1. Prevents Your Hair From Falling Out
Don't want to go prematurely bald? Then, your hairbrush should be your best friend. Your capillaries will start working as soon as you brush your hair. As blood makes its way through your head, oxygen makes its way through each strand of your hair and keeps it growing and flowing.
2. Keeps Your Hair Strong
Brushing your hair doesn't just ensure that your hair stays in. It also ensures that it grows and prospers. Through brushing, the oils in your hair are spread easily and do what they need to do. As a result, your hair will look absolutely beautiful.
3. Keeps It Clean
Think of how much dust and dirt gets into your hair on a daily basis. It might be unpleasant to consider, but it's a real possibility. Even if you don't have time to fully wash your hair with shampoo, you can still clean it up by brushing it.
4. Gives Your Hair A Shinier Look
Want to give your hair a spellbinding glow? Don't worry about using expensive shampoos and conditioners. Instead, a hairbrush can make a tremendous difference.
How To Properly Brush Your Hair
1. Get A Proper Brush
What you brush with is as important as brushing itself. The bristles should be naturally-derived and soft on your hair and scalp.
2. Stand Properly
When brushing, you should be standing bent over at your waist. The reason why is that blood rushes to your head the further you're bent. When brushing, position the brush at your scalp and move it upwards.
3. Be Consistent
You can't expect to see any meaningful progress if you're brushing once a week or less. Instead, it should be a trice-daily activity.
4. Get Rid Of Tangles
Don't use your brush to get rid of tangles. That can put a lot of strain on both your hair and the brush. Instead, you should get rid of tangles with a comb before proceeding with the brush.
5. Massage Your Scalp
You don't need a brush for this. Run your fingers all along your scalp with as much pressure as possible. This is another great way to keep the blood running to your scalp.
6. Understand Your Hair
Not everyone has the same type of hair. So, not everyone will brush theirs the same way. Just make sure that you understand all the work and care that goes into your hair.
Do you agree with our tips about keeping your hair in great shape by brushing it? Spread the word to your friends!
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