City Council votes unanimously to adopt official Sioux Falls flag

Rebekah Tuchscherer
Argus Leader

Local residents have an official symbol of city pride to fly on their front stoops after a  a resolution adopting the Sioux Falls flag passed unanimously at the City Council meeting.

Sioux Falls flag Monday, June 4, outside of MacKenzie River Pizza, Grill & Pub.

While the familiar red and blue design of “the people’s flag” had already spread organically throughout Sioux Falls since its design was released in 2014, it had never been officially adopted by the city until Tuesday night.

“Behind the scenes, there was this rebel feeling [surrounding the flag],” city councilor Pat Starr said. “I think this will give it some legitimacy and make a beautiful symbol of our city.”

The resolution keeps the design open for public use, meaning that anyone can reproduce, wear or sell the flag. The city also has the option to fly the design from city buildings. 

Starr also noted that the city suffers no financial obligations under the resolution and that it reflects a strong ground level effort to identify, unite and inspire citizens of Sioux Falls.

"This is the way government should be done," Starr said. "From the grassroots efforts of people in our community who worked hard to bring this forward."

In addition, the adoption takes the city's' name off the short list of major U.S. municipalities to not have a namesake symbol, leaving only Fargo, North Dakota and Hilo, Hawaii without city flags.

Originally created by Max Rabkin, the design was selected as both “People’s Choice” and “Best of Show” during a contest held in 2014 by the Committee to Establish a Suitable Flying Banner for the City of Sioux Falls.

Max Rabkin's design for the Sioux Falls flag from 2014.

While a simple design, the flag holds a lot of symbolism. An ascending jagged line in the middle represents the namesake falls and citywide growth. A sun in the left-hand corner nods to the South Dakota State flag, and the pinkish red on the bottom recalls the Sioux quartzite native to the area. The combination of red, white and blue salutes the U.S. flag while still encompassing city and state pride.

"It's been a really cool snowball effect," said South Dakota Arts Council member Zach DeBoer. "It now is truly the people's flag."

Editor's note: Argus Leader news director Cory Myers was one of six community members to sign on to a letter to Mayor Paul TenHaken championing the Sioux Falls flag. Myers has not been involved in any coverage of the flag for the Argus Leader.