Listed in Arkansas Register of Historic Places on 03/03/95
The Bear Creek Church congregation was formed in 1866. The present Bear Creek Church was built about 1917. There have been several changes since its construction. Originally the wood shingled roof structure was covered with wood veneer. It is now covered with synthetic siding and has a composition shingle roof. Other changes include an addition added to the rear, interior remodeling, and window replacement.
The main entrance is emphasized by a square bell-tower with a hipped roof and exposed rafter ends. This is the primary feature on the rather plain structure. The façade is also punctuated by a single double-hung window on either side of the entry porch, and two identical windows on each of the gable-end elevations. The rear addition contains two windows, and a double-leaf entrance under a small porch.
The Bear Creek Church is being nominated to the Arkansas Register of Historic Places under Criteria C for its local significance as an example of Plain Traditional style. It is unusual in the area for the reason that the entrance is placed on the side-gable elevation instead of the gable-end elevation which is more common.