During a formal ceremony held 9 July, Col. Daniel G. Mitchell assumed command of Red River Army Depot succeeding outgoing commander Col. Douglas J. Evans. Officiating the ceremony was Brig. Gen. Paul L. Wentz, commanding general for the 13th Sustatainment Command, Ft. Hood, Texas.
Adding special meaning to the prestigious ceremony were the 1st Cavalry Division Band and Color Guard of Ft. Hood who presented the colors under the direction of the Commander of Troops Maj. Carlus McConnell.
In the true spirit of Texas, Mitchell's wife, Lori, was presented a bouquet of yellow roses. Mrs. Jody Evans was presented a bouquet of full bloom red roses representing the end of her journey fulfilled here at RRAD. Each presentation was made on horseback by Todd Baird and Matt Hanna, both members of the depot.
"Col. Evans has accomplished remarkable feats making this depot the crown jewel in DoD's industrial base," said Mitchell. "My job will be to continue the momentum of providing the best value product to the Army and DoD, continuing the initiatives they have already started."
A native of Illinois, Mitchell takes command of RRAD following his previous assignment as director, Force Development, Combined Arms Support Command. He holds a Master of Arts Degree in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, a Master of Science Degree in Logistics Management from the Naval Postgraduate School and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the United States Military Academy. He and his wife, Lori, have four children.
Mitchell served as the 201st FSB commander in the First Infantry Division in Germany, Kosovo and Iraq; the executive officer, director Force Management, Army G3 as well as many other important positions during his service to the U.S. Army.
His award and decorations include: The Bronze Star Medal (one oak leaf cluster); the Meritorious Service Medal (three oak leaf clusters); the Army Commendation Medal (two oak leaf clusters); the Army Achievement Medal (one oak leaf cluster); the Joint, Meritorious and Army Superior Unit Awards; the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; the Kosovo and Iraq Campaign medals; the Global War on Terror Expeditionary and Service medals; the Humanitarian Service medal; the NATO medal; the Combat Action Badge and the Army Parachutist Badge.
"I know there will be many challenges on the horizon but from what I have already seen and heard about the quality of the Red River Army Depot team and partners, they have much more determination than any challenges we will face," said Mitchell. "We are looking forward to being part of this team and community."
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