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Eagle Brigade NCO reenlists to serve

By Capt. Jason T. Ramspott, 181st Infantry Brigade, Division West Public AffairsSeptember 24, 2013

Eagle Brigade NCO reenlists to serve
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Master Sgt. Lynne Ostricki-Schley re-enlisted with the 181st Infantry Brigade Sept. 12., at brigade headquarters on Fort McCoy, Wis. She is an automated logistical noncommissioned officer and has been in the U.S. Army for 16 years. Her hobbies include writing, singing, and volunteering. She is looking forward to her new position as Team Leader with the 1st Training Support Battalion, 338th Regiment. She is married with four children; ages 23, 21, seven and five. Ostricki-Schley continues to serve our nation, and remains dedicated to mission accomplishment and the well-being of her Soldiers. (Photo by Capt. Jason T. Ramspott, 181st Infantry Brigade, Division West Public Affairs)

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