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Col. Charles R. Parker biography

By Mr. William B King (2nd Signal Brigade)May 5, 2017

Col. Charles R. Parker
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Colonel Charles "Rob" Parker is a Georgia native and graduate of North Georgia College (NGC), where he was commissioned through the Army ROTC program in 1993. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from NGC, a Master of Science in Telecommunications Management from Webster University, and a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College.

COL Parker graduated from the Joint C4 Systems Planner's Course; the Army Basic Parachutist Course; the U.S. Navy's Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Course; and the Army's Northern Warfare Course.

In 1994, 2LT Parker's first assignment was as the S-3 Training Officer for the 32nd Signal Battalion in Darmstadt, Germany. He also served as the Large Extension Node Platoon Leader and Deputy S-3 Operations Officer. He deployed his platoon in support of the Unites States Army Europe forward Command Post for Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR. CPT Parker was assigned to the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, where he briefly served as the Deputy S3 Operations Officer, after which he assumed command of Charlie Company. He then served at Army Signal Command, now Network Enterprise Technology Command in Fort Huachuca, as the Secretary of the General Staff, Aide-de-Camp, and Executive Officer to the Commanding General. He then served as the S-6 Communications Officer with 2nd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (SOAR) in Fort Campbell. As a Night Stalker, he deployed on multiple occasions to support Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF). Upon completion of Army Command and General Staff College in 2004, MAJ Parker assumed duties as the S-3 Operations Officer and later as the Executive Officer for the 59th Signal Battalion, Fort Richardson. He was then assigned to Alaskan Command and Joint Task Force -- Alaska at Elmendorf AFB, where he served as a Division Chief for Operations and Plans in the J6. LTC Parker then served as the Battalion Commander of the 59th Signal Battalion and Director, Network Enterprise Center - Alaska. He later served as the Deputy Commanding Officer for the 11th Signal Brigade and deployed to OEF in 2012 in support of Task Force Signal. Following his graduation from the United States Army War College in 2014, COL Parker assumed duties as the G-6, III Armored Corps at Fort Hood. He then deployed with the Corps and served as the CJ6, CJTF-Operation INHERENT RESOLVE from September 2015 - May 2016.

COL Parker's awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal (1OLC), Army Meritorious Service Medal (Silver OLC), the Army Commendation Medal, and the Army Achievement Medal. COL Parker is a recipient of the Army Signal Regiment's Bronze Order of Mercury and has earned the German Schützenschnur badge.


5th Signal Command (Theater) builds, operates and defends network capabilities to enable mission command and create tactical, operational and strategic flexibility for the Army, joint and multinational forces in the U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command areas of responsibility.

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