FORT KNOX, Ky. — Below are 2020 highlights from Fort Knox News .
Each photo contains information about a significant event. The link to each story is provided below its respective photo:
Brig. Gen. Michael Place, commanding general of Regional Health Command Atlantic, and other dignitaries admire the foyer of the new Ireland Army Health Clinic as they prepare to celebrate the grand opening Jan. 21, 2020.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
January 21 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Battalion Commander Assessment Program participants negotiate an obstacle Jan. 23, 2020, at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Over 760 lieutenant colonels and senior majors descended on Fort Knox from Jan. 15 through Feb. 9, looking to compete for one of the roughly 450 battalion command slots available in the U.S. Army.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
January 23 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Rayceil Oggs, director of Fort Knox Child & Youth Services, thanks the staff and leaders of the Donna Kirby School Age Center Feb. 10, 2020, for their hard work in earning the latest reaccreditation. Staff members and leaders from the Center celebrated the reaccreditation with an awards ceremony.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
February 10 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Spc. Hector Charles, combat engineer with 42nd Clearance Company, 19th Engineer Battalion, shakes the hand of Col. Patrick Sullivan, commander of 20th Engineer Brigade, after Charles and Cpl. Dylan Huneycutt, a team leader with 42nd Clearance Company, 19th Engineer Battalion, received the Purple Heart at a ceremony in Haszard Auditorium Feb. 26, 2020. They earned the honors for their actions in 2018 while deployed to Afghanistan.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
February 26 -- For the story, visit HERE.
A March 10, 2020, Facebook town hall on the COVID-19 coronavirus, led by (from left) Maj. Gen. John Evans Jr., commanding general of U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox, Garrison Commander Col. CJ King, Col. Hugh McClean, commander of Ireland Army Health Clinic, and Dr. James Stephens, chief of Preventive Medicine at Ireland, garnered over 26,000 views and more than 180 shares less than 24 hours after it went live. Life under COVID-19 conditions becomes the new normal.
(Photo Credit: Ryan Brus, Fort Knox Public Affairs)
March 10 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Peggy Chandler, a cashier at the Fort Knox Commissary, wears gloves while scanning products March 18, 2020. Initial guidance from the CDC suggested glove wear for cashiers but not mask wear. That guidance would change soon after. Other policies included no handling of IDs, practicing social distancing, and purchase limits on certain items that were hard to keep on the shelves, such as toilet paper.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
March 18 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Anna Sanders, food service manager at Van Voorhis Elementary School, hands out grab-and-go sack lunches to parents March 19, 2020, courtesy of Fort Knox senior leaders. Beginning March 23, all Fort Knox children age birth to 18, regardless of whether they’re students of Fort Knox Schools, were eligible for free breakfasts and lunches during school days while school closures remained in effect. The schools never reopened that academic year.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
March 19 -- For the story, visit HERE.
A Soldier returning from temporary duty in Texas checks in at the newly established quarantine facility at Fort Knox March 24, 2020. Officials in charge of setting up the building for tenants say all military and government civilian personnel moving to the central Kentucky installation or returning from TDY or vacation are required to check in to Building 1485 first to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
March 24 -- For the story, visit HERE.
As several flex employees from the Fort Knox Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation prepared to join the unemployment lines after COVID-19 forced local officials to make some very difficult decisions, U.S. Army Installation Management Command officials came through at the end of March 2020 with some much needed good news to keep them in the DFMWR family.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
March 30 -- For the story, visit HERE.
The new landscape of civilian federal government employment during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 global outbreak looks strikingly similar to your house. That’s because most likely it is, say U.S. Army personnel advisors. In an effort to protect the health of the military workforce while maintaining operational momentum, many organizations are sending civilian employees home. Telework has expanded to meet the need.
(Photo Credit: Courtesy of April Gail Pilgrim)
April 4 -- For the story, visit HERE.
More than 75 vehicles full of worshipers arrived in the parking lot below Fort Knox’s Cavalry Chapel early April 12, 2020, to participate in a drive-in style Easter service hosted by multiple chaplains. This one-of-a-kind service allowed parishioners to stay in their cars and listen to the service through their radios. Chaplains often encouraged them to celebrate the Easter service by honking their horns.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
April 12 -- For the story, visit HERE.
The Bluegrass ChalleNGe Academy’s Class 42 cadets line up for lunch April 30, 2020, as the school’s mascot, Challenge the bulldog, watches over them and provides hours of moral support. The cadets had already begun the academic year together in a closed environment when COVID-19 hit and were one of only two schools given special permission by Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear to finish out the term in a schoolhouse.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
April 30 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Vice Principal Luis Dominguez hollers praise to a Fort Knox High School 2020 graduate May 15, 2020, as she passes in front of the school during a graduation parade. Because COVID-19 restrictions made it impossible for the students to return to the schoolhouse, Dominguez and Principal Lonnie Gilmore made sure the parade was streamed live on Facebook as well as posting a compilation video of a more traditional ceremony, recorded the week prior.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
May 15 -- For the story, visit HERE.
An Army helicopter crew arrives at Fort Knox’s Godman Army Airfield at sunset May 19, 2020, guided by a mixture of LED and incandescent lighting. The airfield’s electrical system has been replaced and construction crews are in the process of replacing the lighting, which will make the airfield the first to have all LED lighting.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
May 19 -- F or the story, visit HERE.
A picture of Civil War Union Soldier George E. Muth, sits against the fence of his tiny cemetery outside of Muldraugh as members of the Muth family visited with members of Sons of Confederate Veterans May 25, 2020, to thank them. The veteran organization placed a military footstone at the grave of Muth during annual open visitation of cemeteries at Fort Knox. The post allowed families to visit graves despite COVID-19 restrictions.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
May 25 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Soldiers work out at Gammon Physical Fitness Center June 8, 2020, while wearing facial coverings. The coverings were one of the restrictions that remained in effect at all Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation facilities while Fort Knox officials worked to slowly reopen programs to the community.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
June 8 -- For the story, visit HERE.
A Fort Knox, Kentucky, AAFES employee measures the chest of a U.S. Army Soldier to determine the right size coat for him during a mass issuing of the Army Green Service Uniform to recruiting students July 8, 2020. About half of 70 students set to graduate soon after received their uniforms during the event, with the other half receiving their uniforms the next day. Fort Knox was the first installation to get the uniforms.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
July 8 -- For the story, visit HERE.
A Soldier negotiates an obstacle at the stress shoot lane of a Best Warrior training event July 28, 2020. Two Soldiers had already been picked to advance through submission of packets and a written essay, so the event afforded many an opportunity to hone their skills. The stress shoot lane is conducted with live rounds at full speed with explosions occurring all around to simulate the stress of combat.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
July 28 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Maj. Michael Yates (center), chief psychologist at U.S. Army Recruiting Command, briefs senior Army officials on instructions that raters will be need to follow for the developmental out-brief of the Colonels Command Assessment Program that will begin at Fort Knox Sept. 11, 2020. Like its battalion counterpart, CCAP is expected to thoroughly assess several colonels vying for strategic command and staff slots.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
August 13 -- For the story, visit HERE.
1st Sgt. Kevin Bibb, senior noncommissioned officer at Company E, 4th Tank Battalion, slams the unit's guidon into a stanchion at the edge of the stage in Fort Knox's Waybur Theater Aug. 22, 2020, signifying the end of the unit. The deactivation ceremony marked a change in how the Marine Corps will fight future wars.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
August 22 -- For the story, visit HERE.
A contractor fits new siding in a North Dietz home Aug. 25, 2020. North Dietz is considered the main focus of renovation projects at Fort Knox over the next two years as Knox Hills uses out-year funds that were approved earlier in the year to modernize post housing.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
August 25 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Firefighters toll the fire bell during a Patriots Day ceremony at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Sept. 11, 2020. Several from the installation gathered to remember the events that changed American history 19 years prior.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
September 11 -- For the story, visit HERE.
(from left) Retired Lt. Gen. James Terry and Command Sgt. Maj. William Johnson, join new command team Lt. Gen. John Kolasheski and Command Sgt. Maj. Billy Webb in uncasing the V Corps colors at an activation ceremony in front of the Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude Complex at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Oct. 16, 2020. The headquarters battalion uncased its colors Oct. 2.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
October 16 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Senior leaders from Fort Knox listen as Department of Army officials at Installations, Energy and Environment talk about Fort Knox's accomplishments in energy and water management during the 2020 Secretary of the Army Energy and Water Management Awards ceremony Oct. 21, 2020.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
October 21 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Leaders from Ireland Army Health Clinic, Fort Knox Garrison, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Veterans Administration cut the ribbon on the new Fort Knox Community Based Outpatient Clinic Nov. 10, 2020. Situated across the street from Ireland, the clinic has already begun taking patients.
(Photo Credit: Renee Rhodes, Fort Knox Visual Information)
November 10 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Fort Knox members joined several families at Kentucky Veterans Cemetery-Central in Radcliff Nov. 10, 2020, to pay their last respects to 65 area veterans who died during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of restrictions and safety concerns, Fort Knox and cemetery officials were unable to provide full honor services until June 1, so they decided to perform the honors in mass at four separate ceremonies throughout the day.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
November 10 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston receives a brief about the Sergeant Major Assessment Program pilot at Fort Knox, Kentucky, November 18, 2020. The SMAP was conducted similar to the Battalion Commander Assessment Program by gaining more relavent information about sergeants major before selecting them for battalion command sergeant major positions or other key billets.(U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Daniel Schroeder, Army Talent Management Task Force)
(Photo Credit: SSG Daniel Schroeder, U.S. Army photo)
November 18 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Hundreds of Soldiers, civilians and families from Fort Knox sat down for a Thanksgiving lunch Nov. 25, 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic numbers spiking across the nation. Dining facility managers went to great means to ensure everybody’s safety at the meal.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
November 25 -- For the story, visit HERE.
A fence and the etched outline of the old Ireland Army Community Hospital hint to a complete demolition project that is underway at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Starting Dec. 1, 2020, experts are removing all asbestos from the facility before slowly demolishing it from top to bottom.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
November 30 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Santa waves to hundreds of Fort Knox community members after arriving to the Christmas tree lighting ceremony Dec. 4, 2020, on top of a Fort Knox Fire Department truck.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
December 4 -- For the story, visit HERE.
Over 350 people from Fort Knox and the surrounding communities placed wreaths at the gravestones of warriors in the post cemetery Dec. 19, 2020, as part of Wreaths Across America.
(Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News)
December 19 -- For the story, visit HERE.
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