

Hello. I retired in 2014 and, after a while, I looked around for something to do "other than sticking my head in the icebox for lunch", and came across 3D-design art. I had no experience and no training which was like someone handed me a stick of lit dynamite and asking me to hold it, while they went to the bathroom. I was gullible enough to try it out. Having little or no skills in drawing, painting, etc. as you can tell by my profile picture, I covered my blemishes by using graphic software and learned my first French word - voilà.

Weeks passed, then months, even years, over time my stick figures improved - So I have decided to open a Gallery.

Please look at the quotes I added to the description on the art work. I think it is important to listen to other voices who are far more insightful than I am. Thanks. I appreciate the visit. Now time for a visit to the icebox and a nap.

I would like to thank, and the help extended by the 3D Design community. Keep growing, I believe, you are the art work of the future.

Hope you enjoy

D Slowly


Gallery - Historical

Gallery-Still Life

Gallery - Nature

Collection - Horror

Collection - Adventure

Gallery Portraits 2

Collections - Abstract

Collection - Variations

Collection - Love & Romance

Collection - Unexplainable?

Collection - Arts & Literature


Collection - Global Warming

Collection - War

Collection - SciFi

Gallery - Portraits

Gallery - Life


