Vicki L Thomas, Prophetic Artist

Vicki L Thomas, Prophetic Artist

“The one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” (1 Cor 14:3) My art prophesies the Spirit of Christ in order to do precisely that. People are looking for compassion, mercy, and love. Christ willingly and generously provides exactly that. This is the reason for my style of expressive prophetic art."

Prophetic expression releases an incredible awareness of Christ, a much sought after spiritual and artful experience. Prophetic art is my passion, my life, my reality. It's an extension of who I am, not just what I do ... a valuable distinction in identity and commitment from me to you. Prophetic art brings the invisible Christ into the realm of sight." ~ Vicki L Thomas, Prophetic Artist: Art Prophesying the Spirit of Christ

ABOUT, The Christ Project: Art that Allows God to Speak
The power of color, emotion, and visual sensation, effectively expresses the various aspects of Jesus in The Christ Project, a series of portraitures. Highlighting the eyes of Christ, magnetizes the viewer, while artistic "out of the box thinking" invites thought-provoking questions that only the soul would ask.

Historically, the term "eikon" is a variant spelling of "icon" which is used at least twenty-three times in the New Testament. The literal referrence is "the image of God" or "the image of heavenly things" and points to the Godhead by communicating the Gospel to the common folk who were unable to read or obtain access to Scriptures in their own language. Seldom used as art, it served as an altarpiece aiding meditation.Therefore, Eikons (or icon) are considered artistic and spiritual bridges between the heavenly and earthly realms, thus, providing a visible reflection of the unseen world.

"Seek first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matt. 6:33

Prophetic art is more than the business of selling fine art. It symbolizes God reaching out to you to make an investment in your life, just as he gave his only begotten Son to reconcile you to himself.

That's why I paint portraits of Christ. He speaks for Himself. However, my pastel paintings allow the eyes of Christ to reflect the soul of God, listening attentively to the inner cry of one's heart. Softly, He responds with love, the true spiritual power of prophetic art.

"The technical aspects of my art, artistic and interpretative expressionism, allegorical, iconic influences and responsive creativity, combine an intuitive approach, creating a visionary style of fine art.

The secret of Suspended Pastel Painting is found in the "application process." Color expression and dominant brilliance are optimal. Compatibility and interaction of materials, techniques, and ingredients, is also crucial to the process. Time dispensation is another critical element in structuring the pastel and suspension component. Each painting takes an average, of at least 80 to 150 or more, hours to complete before leaving the easel. Once this is accomplished, the original is prepared for online display.

The Son of God pastel appeared in Google images was sought out for licensing and publication by the prestigious, 200-year-old, Massachusetts Bible Society. This also required an artist-endorsed, black/white image for reprint (Son of God II). The image appears in the acclaimed four- volume, Bible literacy project, "Introducing the New Testament, The Dickinson Series, Volume III," sold on, book or Kindle. This exciting series is now in its 2nd edition! MBS also includes a colored miniature of the painting in their banner and throughout the site at By popular demand, the published image, Son of God (II), is now an archival quality reproduction.

The Christ Project (I) Watercolor

The Christ Project (II) Pastels