Work with us |

Work with us

As an Association we work with many different partners to deliver a range of events, conferences, educational resources and special interest projects. We also have corporate and charitable members to whom we would like to thank for their continued support.

If you have any questions regarding partnership opportunities with ASE then please contact Lynn Ladbrook.


Corporate Membership

The continued support of our corporate members enables us to fulfill our core charitable objective – an excellent and inspiring science education for all young people.


Are you interested in exhibiting? The ASE organises a number events where exhibitions play a significant role in the overall experience.


We can help bring your vision to life and engage meaningfully with the science education sector.

Donations and legacies

Donations help us do more for the science education community.

Some of our projects...

Mary Anning: a fossil hunter's story

Developed as part of The Templeton World Charity Foundation's Big Questions in Classrooms (BGiC) initiative, ASE created interdisciplinary teaching materials to educate and inspire primary school pupils in science, fossils, and evolution through the history of palaeontology and the story of Mary Anning.

Maths for Biology teachers

The ASE has been collaborating with The DfE funded Advanced Maths Support Programme (AMSP) for the past three years in order to support Biology teachers deliver the mathematical requirements of A-level Biology. Feedback on the resources and professional development has been extremely positive.

Equity in Science

The Inclusion in Science programme is a course for teachers who recognise inclusion is key to addressing gaps in engagement and attainment they see for different groups of students. It is a course for teachers who want to reflect and make changes so every student feels that science could be for them...

Keeping Science Practical

With the generous support of the Wolfson Foundation, our programme aims to support schools in difficult circumstances in their provision of high-quality practical science education.

More opportunities

ASE Evaluated (previously Green Tick) Scheme

We support our members by creating useful expert evaluations of some of the latest resources, publications and products on the market.

The ASE Book Award

This award has been designed to celebrate science writing that educates and inspires science learners from primary to secondary age. 

ASE Annual Conference

Be part of Europe's largest science education conference. We have lots of different partnership opportunities at this unique teacher-led event.

Our partners