Houses in Astrology

In astrology, Houses represent different areas of life and experiences that a person goes through. There are 12 houses in astrology, each associated with a specific area of life, such as personal relationships, career, home and family, health, education, and spirituality, among others. The position of planets and other celestial bodies in the houses of a birth chart provides insights into a person’s personality traits, strengths, challenges, and life experiences. Understanding the houses and their significations is an important aspect of Astrology and Horoscope analysis.

Types of House Systems

In astrology, there are several different systems used to divide the sky into houses, which are used to determine the positions of planets and other celestial bodies in a birth chart. Some of the most common house systems include:

  1. Placidus
  2. Koch
  3. Equal House
  4. Whole House
  5. Campanus
  6. Alcabitius
  7. Porphyry
  8. Regiomontanus

Each house system uses different mathematical formulas and principles to divide the sky into 12 sections, each of which represents a different area of life and influences in a person’s life. It is important to note that different astrologers may use different house systems, and the choice of system used can affect the interpretation of a birth chart. At Ask Oracle, we mostly use Whole House systems since we believe this is what ancients used to give remarkably accurate analysis of birth charts.

Equal House System in Astrology

The Equal House system is a house system in astrology where the ascendant, the starting point for all houses, is divided into 30 degrees segments and each house covers an equal segment of 30 degrees in the zodiac. In this system, the ascendant is the first house, followed by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on, until the 12th house. The cusps of each house are determined by the rising degrees of the zodiac at the time of birth, and the 12 houses are equally divided in the chart. The Equal House system is the simplest and most commonly used house system in astrology and is used to provide a general overview of the various areas of life. In vedic astrology, they further simplify this by making each house equal to the zodiac sign in which it lies and the cusps now are just a sensitive point on this chart. This system is called Whole Sign house system.

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Classification of Houses

In astrology, houses are classified into two categories: Modalities (mutual squares) and Triplicities (mutual trines)

Classification by Modalities:

  1. Angular Houses: The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses are known as angular houses. They are considered powerful and influential in shaping a person’s life and destiny. These houses correspond to the four cardinal points of the zodiac and relate to matters of self-expression, home, partnership, and career. Also known as Kendra houses in Vedic Astrology.
  2. Succedent Houses: The second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses are called succedent houses. They represent stability, resources, personal values, and social connections. These houses relate to material prosperity, money, children, and friendships. Also known as Panaphara houses in Vedic Astrology.
  3. Cadent Houses: The third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses are referred to as cadent houses. They correspond to communication, daily routines, learning, and spirituality. These houses relate to mental and emotional well-being, daily routines, travel, and connection with the divine. Also known as Apoklima houses in Astrology.

Classification by Triplicities:

The Triplicities classification of houses in astrology divides the 12 houses into 4 groups of 3 houses each, based on the elemental nature of the houses. The 4 triplicities are:

  1. Fire Triplicity: The fire triplicity consists of houses 1, 5, and 9 and represents action, creativity, and spiritual insight. Also called Trikone houses in Vedic astrology.
  2. Earth Triplicity: The earth triplicity consists of houses 2, 6, and 10 and represents material security, stability, and career.
  3. Air Triplicity: The air triplicity consists of houses 3, 7, and 11 and represents communication, relationships, and community.
  4. Water Triplicity: The water triplicity consists of houses 4, 8, and 12 and represents emotional depth, intuition, and spirituality.

Each triplicity is associated with a specific element, which provides insight into the areas of life the houses represent. Understanding the triplicities can help astrologers make connections between different houses in a natal chart, and can provide additional information to aid in interpretation.

Other Classifications from Vedic Astrology:

Upachayasthanas are the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses in Vedic astrology. They are considered as supporting or up-building houses, as they help in growth and development in various aspects of life. These houses are associated with skills, talents, success, and the potential for growth and expansion. They indicate areas of life that require effort and support for growth, and are considered beneficial for progress and advancement. The planets placed in these houses bring positive results and bring opportunities for growth and success.

Apachaya houses, also known as “houses of decline” in Vedic astrology, are the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th houses from the Ascendant (Lagna) or Moon sign. These houses are considered weak and indicate areas of life that are in decline, or undergoing negative change. In a birth chart, the state of the apachaya houses can provide insight into potential challenges, obstacles, and sources of stress, and can also give an indication of what areas of life require extra effort and attention. The apachaya houses are also used in transit analysis to identify periods of difficulty or decline in specific areas of life.

Maraka or Death-Inflicting houses in Vedic astrology are houses that are believed to determine the timing of death. They are the 2nd house and the 7th house, which are considered to be malefic houses that bring death and misfortune. These houses are closely associated with longevity, vitality, and overall health, and their placement and influence in a person’s birth chart are thought to be significant indicators of their life span and the timing of their death. A strong malefic influence on the Maraka houses, such as a malefic planet placed there or a difficult aspect to the Maraka houses, can indicate health problems and other challenges in life that may contribute to an early death.

Dusthana houses are the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses in Vedic astrology. These houses are considered to be inauspicious and can bring difficulties, obstacles, and hardships in a person’s life.

How to use Houses in Astrology for making predictions

Houses are used extensively in making predictions for a birth chart. Houses and their planetary rules are used to interpret personality traits, details about parents, children, partners and siblings, choice of professions, materialistic and spiritual gains, mishaps and challenges. Some systems of Astrology such as Nadi Astrology in India go as deep as analyzing past lives and future lives of a person.

In predictive astrology, transits of planets through different houses of a natal chart are used to interpret the current influences and events in an individual’s life.

  1. The first step is to determine the current positions of the planets in the sky.
  2. The next step is to plot the positions of these planets on the individual’s natal chart.
  3. The houses that these transiting planets are currently moving through provide the key areas of life that are currently being influenced.

For example, if transiting Jupiter is moving through the 2nd house, it can indicate positive financial gains and increased wealth. If transiting Saturn is moving through the 7th house, it can indicate challenges in relationships and partnerships.

Additionally, the aspects between the transiting planets and the natal chart’s planets and points provide further insight into the nature of the influences and events. The study of transits helps to understand the general trends and influences in one’s life and can aid in making informed decisions.

Read More on Houses:

  1. First House
  2. Second House
  3. Third House
  4. Fourth House
  5. Fifth House
  6. Sixth House
  7. Seventh House
  8. Eighth House
  9. Ninth House
  10. Tenth House
  11. Eleventh House
  12. Twelfth House

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