Australian Bodycare has been a brand leader in Tea Tree Oil products since 1992. Originally introduced to the professional salon and spa market we have since developed products available for home use.

Australian Bodycare's simple and effective range has been a firm family favourite for over 22 years. 

Having harnessed the power of Tea Tree Oil, our bodycare products not only heal but maintain naturally clean and healthy skin and hair.  Whilst the distinctive scent of Tea Tree Oil disappears quickly, the antiseptic effect continues to protect skin.

Unveil natural beauty by using Australian Bodycare products as part of your daily skin and hair care routine.

Expert Tea Tree Oil Skincare products

Expert Tea Tree Oil Skincare products

"Hi ABC! Just wanted to share my story.

My son has had eczema since a baby. And we have tried everything...
Dermatologists, wet wraps, silk pjs, every cream going, diet changes etc.

The issue wasn’t so much eczema patches for him but the damage he caused stratching them. No matter what we did we could get him to stop stratching.

I found, unbelievably, that when my son used Ultrasun Family 30 as his
sunscreen, his eczema cleared up loads. It helped stop the patches coming.
But I couldn’t break the habit of stratching the infections that came with them, and I couldn’t clear up the already-open patches via suncream.

I ordered my self a QVC Tili box that happened to have a small ABC Skin Wash in it and thought it would be handy on holiday.

I’ve now found his perfect pair.

ABC Skin Wash kills the nasties to stop in the infections and he uses it to wash his hands, helping kill any bugs on his nails. The Ultrasun keeps him calm and protected. This combo has helped to break the cycle. It was no good curing one without the other as it just kept the circle going.

My son’s skin is now soft and smooth 99% of the time. No more sitting up with him at night because his skin was bleeding so bad and so sore.
It’s really helped him! Thanks ABC x”"
