Autism and the Endless “Why” Questions

What do you see in the picture with this post? It’s a simple snowflake Scentsy warmer, right?

Nope. It’s a picture that symbolizes the hundreds of questions autism brings into my life every single day.

I actually thought something was wrong with this warmer. I just got it a few months ago and hadn’t used it, yet, but there has been a warmer in the bathroom for years. I change the warmer for different holidays or seasons and you never know what scent I’ll be using (but, since I really don’t like anything too strong, the scents are usually baking scents, like sugar cookies).

I put this out after Thanksgiving and noticed that it would be off sometimes. As far as I could tell, it happened when no one was around, so I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Finally, I walked out of the bathroom, Rob walked in, and when I checked right after he went back in his room, the warmer was off.

I started watching and it was him. Rob turns this off every time he sees it on. He can’t tell me why – he just grins and walks away.

But – why?

Why doesn’t he like this one? None of the other ever bothered him. It can’t be the scent because I change it every week or so and it’s never strong. (Though I do know he and Casey both have a different sense of smell than I do!) But it’s also the same scents that I’ve used in all of the other warmers.

Again – why? Why turn this off every time? Why not the others? (And yes, one of them is white like this, so it can’t be that it’s brighter).

Which brings up… why will he only eat a certain brand/shape of pretzel at home, but he’s okay if I pack different pretzels in his lunch? Why can he eat different brands and shapes at Mandy’s and my parents? Why does he only want frozen waffles here but every where else, he wants them in the toaster with butter and syrup?

Why does his cup need to be in a very specific spot by the kitchen sink (kind of in the middle of the counter) when he’s done drinking during the day, but first thing in the morning and after his shower, it has to be somewhere else?

Why does Casey still insist on tapping things as she’s getting ready to go somewhere? Why can’t she bring her coat downstairs to put it on? Why does the thought of eating leftovers make her gag?

Why does she need to walk in front in some stores, while he has to walk in front in others? Why does it matter and who decided the routine? Why won’t he watch the TV in his room, but will watch DVD’s on the one in the living room? Why will she watch home movies in the living room, but not her room? (She does watch other DVDs in there, but not the home movies).

Every day, autism throws more questions at me. I know I will likely never know the reasons for most of what they choose to do. I know a lot of it is sensory based and a lot is just routine, but some of it just seems so odd to me. I would just love to know why. Not that it really matters. They will still be the amazing adults with autism that they have been for years.

I’m just curious. And if I knew why, maybe I could prevent their anxiety and stress, if I knew what not to do. (Trust me – I do know lots of “never do this” stuff, but the little things really make me think.) I want to know why he doesn’t like that warmer at all. Honestly, it’s kind of freaking me out a little, so I’m packing it away as soon as I finish writing this. I have no idea what he senses about it, but he doesn’t want it on and that’s good enough for me.

One thing I do know after living with autism for almost 37 years… The “why” questions will never stop, so I might as well laugh about them!

If you want to learn more about their sensory issues or our adventures with autism, you will enjoy our book, Autism, Apples and Kool-Aid, available here. Our new book about siblings and autism will be available in July.

Another Surprise with Autism

It’s funny. You would think after 36 years of living with autism, I would be used to the odd little things that make me want to cry. Or, if not cry, that just hits me in the gut. This morning was one of those.

I have been Casey and Rob’s guardian since each of them were 18. I know them. I know they can’t take care of themselves completely or make decisions that are safe. I know this.

This morning, Mandy and I went to court to have her named co-guardian of them. I’m doing my best to make things as easy for her as possible if something should happen to me and having her already their guardian made us both feel better. Since I’ve been their guardian, it wasn’t going to be a big deal.

We had the kindest judge and he made both of us feel comfortable. It was basically just us listening to him talk about their need of a guardian, how I have already been and all of the paperwork we submitted with our petition.

But, as he talked, it hit me again just how much Casey and Rob need me. Need us. Need someone – constantly. Like a kick in the gut. I know I took a deep breath and tried not to show any emotion, but it was hard. They need help. They must have a guardian. I’ve been that for 18 years.

Hearing those words again hurt, though.

It doesn’t really make sense, I know. It’s not like it was something I didn’t already know. Mandy thought maybe it was grief of the life I might have had without autism, but I don’t think so. Sometimes, it gets to me that people who don’t know how amazing they are only see the autism. The disability. Their deficits. Their needs. That’s what bothers me.

Sometimes, it is an awareness that this is my life. Sometimes, it just makes me sad that they have to struggle. Sometimes, I just don’t know why it bothers me.

Today, it did. He was a nice man, doing his job. But I wanted to tell him those papers don’t tell him anything about Casey and Rob. I wanted him to see who he was talking about. I know it’s silly – he was busy – we needed to get home – it was a court proceeding and not the right time or place.

It’s hard when you never know what little thing will kick you in the gut and remind you just how much your child/person with autism needs you. The tears come out of nowhere. Let them happen. Your tears won’t hurt anything and holding in those deep feelings will cause you more stress and anxiety. Just cry and move on.

Because it doesn’t matter what others think about your child. You know the truth. That autism doesn’t define them any more than their hair color does. Autism is just part of them. They are amazing people and I am so lucky to be blessed with so many people with autism in my life.

If you would like to read more about our lives with autism, here is the link to our book – Autism, Apples and Kool Aid. I think you will really enjoy it and I’m sure you will laugh.

Autism – All in Good Time

Autism - All in Good Time

When you look at the picture of the birdhouse with this post, I’m sure you probably don’t think much about it. Maybe that someone likes pink and purple. But to me, it’s a reminder. A reminder that with autism, as most things in life, it’s all in good time. It’s a waiting game. And for someone who isn’t always that patient, I need that reminder.

Rob painted this birdhouse at his day program last week. Why do I think it’s reminder?

Because – I’ve had those birdhouses for him to paint for a few years and he always said “yes, please, no fanks” when I asked if he wanted to paint them. So, last week, I was cleaning out craft supplies and took a bunch of stuff to the day program for them to use. And he painted it a day or two later.

I couldn’t believe it when he brought it home. I asked him why he wouldn’t paint it with me, but he looked at me like I was crazy. I have a huge tub of paints. I offer him things to paint often as he does enjoy it. And he always said no.

Mandy laughed at me when I commented that I just wanted to know “Why?” Like we can ever know why. And it really doesn’t matter. He said it was fun to paint (and it matches the pumpkin he painted) and that’s all that really matters.

Yesterday, I saw the birdhouse again and it hit me that it is a good reminder to let things happen when they need to. Maybe Rob just felt like painting it the other day because they were painting pumpkins. Maybe he likes their shade of purple better than mine. Maybe he likes their paint brushes. Maybe the moon was in the right cycle and the timing was right. Who knows?

Autism is so much that way. We want to see progress. We want to see that our kids are learning and taking steps forward. And we want to see it NOW! No one wants to wait to see what their child learns next week. We want to know this minute. Autism doesn’t work that way.

For our families, so many things need to be lined up perfectly to see those small steps forward. Sensory issues can’t be causing stress. Anxiety needs to be controlled. The right teacher, the right way to explain things, a child ready to learn. This isn’t just with autism, either. Every child, every person, needs to do things in their own time to their own ability. It’s a lesson we all need to remember. Life is already too fast. Slow down.

Progress will come. Not as quickly as we want, but it will happen. You need to have patience and keep your faith. Keep reaching for the stars. Keep hoping and dreaming.

As for me, I’ll be looking at a little pink and purple birdhouse and reminding myself to slow down and enjoy the little things. Everything will happen in it’s own good time.

If you would like to read more about our adventures in autism, please check out our book – Autism, Apples and Kool-Aid on Amazon.

Slow Down and Really Look

I needed this reminder. The last several weeks have been so crazy busy that I feel like I’m just going from one thing to another without really paying attention to what’s going on around me. Don’t get me wrong – we are having lots of fun together and have lots of adventures planned, but something happened yesterday to remind me to really look around.

Our autism support group is donating a Christmas tree to be auctioned off to benefit the Firefighter’s Toy Chest in our community. Yesterday, several families met so their kids could decorate an ornament however they wanted. It was a beautiful fall day and Casey and Rob were so excited to go to the playground for a while.

I, on the other hand, was not feeling great and really wanted to just stay home. I couldn’t disappoint them, though, and I knew we wouldn’t be gone long.

Rob and Casey had already decorated their ornaments, so they headed straight to the playground. He jumped on a swing, but after a little while, Casey came back. She sat on a bench and just watched the kids. She had the most beautiful, peaceful smile on her face and it was obvious she was enjoying yourself.

As we were cleaning up, another mom, Keisha, asked if Casey was always smiling. I laughed and said no – remembering the night before when Casey was not pleased that I wouldn’t write Christmas activities on her calendar, yet.

Keisha said that she and her husband had talked about Casey – that whenever they see her she has the most beautiful smile and always seems so happy. I stopped cleaning up and looked over at Casey – really looked at her – and saw how happy she was to be at the playground and outside. Her eyes were twinkling, her feet were bouncing and she was smiling bright enough to rival the sun.

It hit me then. I see her smile often, but sometimes, I am so busy trying to think ahead of them that I don’t really notice it. I don’t stop and appreciate how happy she gets over the smallest things. She doesn’t need much to make her happy – any trip, anywhere is enough to bring a smile to her face and twinkles in her eyes. Going to Grandma and Grandpa’s causes giggles all the way to their house.

Rob’s smiles are just as magical. He doesn’t show his excitement as much as she does, though. He tends to wait and make sure that wherever we are going is worth the trip. He is such a homebody. He enjoys activities, but only with people he feels safe with and preferably no crowds.

I wish we could all be more like them. To be happy with small things. I tend to be – a pretty flower or a text from a friend always makes me happy. But I know I need to slow down more and really look around. I need to notice the miracles around me every day, like her smile and his giggles.

Life with autism isn’t easy. It’s hard to slow down, sometimes, but I’m urging you to do just that. Sit on your porch and look at the fall leaves. Listen to some music and just sit. If we don’t slow down, we’ll miss the smiles that everyone else sees!

If you want to read more about our lives with autism, check out our new book! I hope it makes you laugh and gives you hope! Here’s the link Autism, Apples & Kool-Aid.

Autism, OCD and Irritation

Casey has been on edge this week. While I have seen her beautiful smile and twinkling eyes often, I’ve also seen the irritable side of her. The one that OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) grabs and won’t let go at times. She has been “off” and I’m not sure what to blame.

We did have a big storm that was supposed to hit us, but luckily, it went around. Rob was especially loud that afternoon, as the barometer dropped. The weather does affect her, but not always as bad as it does him. She was just grouchy. I completely understand that everyone has off days and they bounce back, but she’s been different for almost a week.

She’s focused on her calendar and keeps repeating things she wants to do, even when I tell her I will not put ride the rides at the fair on her October calendar, yet. Nor will I write when we will go to the water park. Or when Mandy’s baby is coming. And when I put her off and explain that I can’t write things I don’t know, she snorts and flips her hair. (Oh my God – the attitude!) She wants things written down – NOW!

She wants Cory’s car show at the fairgrounds and is irritated that it is on Main Street this year. She wants Anna’s birthday, Lacey’s birthday, July 4th, a cookout at Hopewell, and sparklers – and she wants it all written on her calendar. Now. I have written everything I can, but I can’t write that we will have cake for Anna and Lacey because I don’t know when or if that will happen. So, she snorts and flips her hair again. (Yes, her hair is short, but the way she flips her head, I know what she is doing!)

She is irritated that there isn’t any laundry in the dryer. Or that I can’t tell her what we are having for supper – tomorrow night!

But – there are happy smiles, too, so I know this isn’t something that needs addressed with her doctor, yet. If she was nothing but irritable, I’d be concerned, but she’s just picking and choosing what to get upset about and driving me nuts in the process. Because, once she gets fixated on something, as you know, she can repeat it until I want to scream. A conservative guess for discussions about the car show yesterday (it isn’t until mid July!) would be near 100.

I surprised them Thursday with a trip to the zoo. They both love the zoo. He wants to see turtles – she just likes being there. This time, she slept all the way over (about 90 minutes) and then basically stayed completely serious/on edge until we had lunch. She started asking a few minutes after we arrived – way too early for lunch. She barely looked at anything until we finally had lunch, then she perked up and looked around. She got fixated on lunch and nothing would make her happy until we ate.

Her OCD is really grabbing her lately and it won’t let go. I haven’t changed any meds, so that’s not it. She is happy between compulsions (and really, the compulsions aren’t affecting anything but our conversations, so far) so I don’t feel she needs to see her doctor. What I would like to know is why.

Is it the weather? The phase of the moon? Is she not sleeping enough? Is something going on that I don’t know about? Is she going to have anxiety issues like Rob does? Or – and most of the time, I truly believe this – is she just trying to keep me on my toes? 🙂 Wouldn’t want Mom to get too comfy in how well things are going for them, would we?

But really, that’s the autism is. You have routines for years that can’t be changed at all, then all of a sudden, no one cares about those routines. You can’t eat certain foods, then you can. You can’t wear certain clothes, then you can. You can sleep all night, then you can’t. You can eat chips, then you can’t. You can’t brush your teeth, then you can.

Autism is like dancing. Sometimes, it’s slow and steady like a waltz – the same steps repeated over and over in a beautiful pattern. And then… Irish jig time. No one tells you the steps, only that you have to keep up and not stop. And you are out of breath and wondering what the heck is going on.

Yep – been there, done that. I’m just thankful that, so far, Casey is only repeating things constantly. She isn’t getting mad or having a meltdown, just getting irritable and pushy about what she wants. I can handle this. I can answer her without really thinking if I need to. And when I get close to losing my mind…..

I offer her a cookie. It’s not bribery – it’s behavior modification. 🙂

Autism and Age Appropriate Gifts

Autism and Age Appropriate Gifts

I was scrapbooking pictures from Casey’s birthday this morning and, of course, the picture with this post caught my attention. She was so happy and excited to get a new Bert! I have a whole series of photos that shows her excitement and that made my day! You know how you feel when you find that perfect gift for someone and you see their happy smile? I felt even happier than that.

But as I was putting her pages together (with her help – she loves bright colors and the more, the better! 🙂 ) I realized that lately, I’ve seen so many posts about buying only age appropriate gifts for people with special needs. Now, before we go on – there are thousands of people with autism or other special needs who only want age appropriate gifts and that’s awesome! Go for it! But – for many, what they like are items for younger people – or other obsessions that make no sense to anyone but that person. And that’s ok!

Before we drill age appropriate into too many heads, let’s stop and think about the craziness that occurred many years ago when Beanie Babies came out. Those people who were mobbing the stores to buy the stuffed toys were not children – why was it okay for those adults to buy Beanie Babies, but it isn’t okay for Casey to love Sesame Street?

Why is okay for people to collect comic books, but it’s not okay for Rob to want Wizard of Oz items? Which, by the way, are incredibly collectable to people of all ages! Why can’t he love Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when so many adults love The Avengers? (including me!) Who decides what is age appropriate, anyway?

Rob loves Legos – and I’ve seen hundreds of pictures of “typical” adults with their intricate Lego pieces. Casey loves color by number books – and how many adult coloring books are being sold now? Thousands! Rob wants metal signs and I see shows all the time where people are buying signs for their collections.

My point is – you need to do what’s right for your child. Too many people have too many opinions about how to raise other people’s children. Ignore them. If your child wants Barney videos, buy Barney videos. If your child wants a Cookie Monster shirt, buy a Cookie Monster shirt.

I do understand the reasoning behind pushing for age appropriate items. For many of our children, their “quirks” already make them stand out and if they are walking around with a Big Bird toy, they’ll grab even more attention. I get it. But – why should I try to change my kids to fit into a “normal” mode? As Dr. Seuss said, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Stand out happily, brilliantly, awesomely! This works for us – no mold fits our family and I love it!

Casey and Rob don’t care about “normal.” They don’t care what others think of what they buy or what they wear. (Rob worries about people being upset with him, but doesn’t care about shallow opinions.) They want to be happy and get to choose their new things when we go to the store. They want Santa to bring them new toys and for the Easter Bunny to hide eggs with candy (Well, Casey wants the eggs hidden – he couldn’t care less).

Remember – this is how our family feels. You need to think about each child differently, as some will only want the same things as others their age. It all depends on the person and their abilities. Casey does like getting clothes, but she doesn’t care about the brand of jeans she wears. Neither would want new phones or other gadgets many people their age would want. Your child might want those things. I’m in no way saying that what makes Casey and Rob happy is what everyone needs to do.

I’m just wishing that people would stop worrying about what they think I “should” buy for Casey and Rob. I would never dream of telling another parent what they should purchase for their child – why in the world do people feel it’s okay to tell me because they have autism?

Rob’s Easter basket included packs of cards, packages of clay and craft foam. He was so happy! He was busy for hours, cutting and ripping. Some would say it’s a waste of money to buy things he’s just going to rip up. I say, he’s happy and it’s his money, so leave him alone. Casey had very simple Easter crafts to do. Some might say they were too childish for her – but she was happy to paint her bunny figurine and it’s proudly sitting on her dresser now.

So don’t let anyone tell you what you “should” be buying for your child. Who cares what they think, anyway? What you want is to see a beautiful smile when they open their gift, just like the one on Casey’s face as she holds her new Bert. 🙂

Autism and Advice Every Parent Needs to Hear

So, last week, I shared with you the hardest thing I had to admit – that sometimes, when Casey and Rob were little, autism embarrassed me. I was surprised by the response to that post – how many people thanked me for sharing that. I’m sure everyone feels that way at one point or another, but are too ashamed to admit it. After all, we aren’t supposed to say things like that.

Well, here’s another confession (and one I just talked about with my friend, Joy, yesterday)… autism sucks sometimes. There. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. There are times when it just sucks.

Does this mean that I’m not incredibly proud of Casey and Rob? No. It means, sometimes, I’m tired and I don’t want to hear someone yelling “Long Black Train” in my ear all the way home. I’ve yet to figure it out, but that’s Rob’s transition phrase from somewhere to home. He has to say it a certain number of times (Honestly, I’ve never counted – maybe I should!) when we get in the car to go home. He never says it in anyone else’s car, but instead starts as soon as they pull in our driveway. Some days, I don’t even notice it. Other days, I have a death grip on the steering wheel so I don’t yell “STOP!” at him.

It means I’m tired of her insisting that she can’t eat leftovers. I’m tired of trying to guess what’s going on when I know they don’t feel good. (She is asleep on the couch now, but I’m fairly certain it’s a sinus issue, but she can’t tell me.) I get tired of the list of fast food places that ends with him yelling coffee cup. (I still can’t figure that out – I don’t drink coffee and don’t use coffee cups – always something different and exciting here. Sorry to our neighbors who sometimes get to hear the yell at 8 in the morning. 🙁 )

I think the hardest part, though, is the stigma that you feel when you admit that autism sucks some days. The terrible guilt you feel. The worry that people will think you mean your kids are a terrible burden that you don’t want anymore, when in reality, all you mean is that you are just too darn tired to think anymore.

It means that autism in the family can be stressful – certain foods to eat, certain routines to follow, certain clothes to wear. For some families, the inability to have a conversation with your children. Casey and Rob are able to answer simple questions and will usually tell me what they need or want, but I can’t ask them what they think about a certain song or movie. I can’t ask what they did at Hopewell that day. I can’t ask if they are happy or what their dreams are. I, like most other autism parents, go with my gut on most things and hope I’m right or close to it.

The weeks that Rob didn’t feel well last month are a perfect example. He had no fever, no cough, was eating like usual…. but he was sleeping 18-20 hours a day. I kept asking if he needed the doctor and he told me no. I asked if his ear hurt – no, itches. Throat? itches. Finally, after a week, I took him to the doctor only to hear Rob was right – no ear infection, no strep. He had a virus (not COVID). Had he been able to communicate more, we might have figured that out on our own. I hate it when autism makes me worry even more about Casey and Rob.

I’m not sure why it seems special needs parents are held to a different standard when talking about their children. Maybe it’s not true, but it does appear that we get handed a lot more guilt about being tired and stressed – when we have more reason than others to be tired. Being a parent is tough some days – everyone should be able to admit it and not feel guilty. It’s normal.

If you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent to, message me. I promise – I won’t judge you for your feelings. Let go of the guilt, the embarrassment and go on being the amazing parents I know you are. Stay tough – but cry when you need to. Admit when you need help. Those of us who are parents to adults with autism have been in your shoes. You will get through the tough days. Practice saying “autism sucks sometimes” – just don’t settle in those sucky days because autism is also amazing and beautiful and special. Good days and bad days – just a typical life, with some added excitement. 🙂

An Autism Mom’s Hardest Confession

An Autism Mom’s Hardest Confession

This is a hard thing to admit, but I think other parents need to hear it – and to know it’s okay to have these feelings. I hate saying it, but… At times, I was embarassed by autism.

Now, before you get on a high horse and start telling me that no mom should ever say something like that, let me say – I was young, exhausted, inexperienced and the world was different 30 years ago. And – it’s okay for me to have had those feelings. It’s okay for you to be embarrassed or angry or sad or frustrated. It’s okay to let those feelings out.

It’s not okay, however, to take those feelings out near your child. Walk away, take a break, hide in the bathroom. The only thing your child should feel from you is love and pride.

Casey’s deep need for routine and strict schedules caused both minor and major issues while we were out and about. Only once was it a total and complete meltdown (you can read about that here) but there were many, many times she would start jumping up and down, or scream once, or grab onto me and try to shake me. I felt like every eye in the store was on me. She didn’t like being told no and didn’t have the communication abilities to talk to me so she screamed.

Casey and Rob both were runners. I had to put him in the cart in stores simply because I couldn’t keep a tight grip on both of them and still push the cart. (I have to say – even with them taking off, it was Mandy that I actually lost one time. In a water park. I told her to stay in a certain section with us, not realizing everything was connected. She made a friend and wandered off. There were thousands of little blonde girls wearing pink bathing suits! 🙁 ) When they were little, at times, I was embarrassed by the looks I got from people who had no idea why I put him in the cart and had a death grip on her.

Rob’s sensory issues made a the cart a safer place for him and I lifted him into it as long as I could physically get him in – he needed it. The lights, smells and noises in the stores were too much for him. If he was in the cart, he could cuddle under his coat or put his head in his hands so he didn’t have to see so much.

One day, two boys decided to laugh at him about being so big and being in the cart. They chose the wrong day to laugh at Rob. The second time we passed them, they again made a comment and I stopped them. When the lady with them turned to see what was wrong, I explained her boys were laughing at my son with autism. I hope those boys remember that day. And I applaud the mom who gave them holy heck right there in the store with promises of what was to come when they got home.

Honestly, that was the best thing that could have happened. Standing up for Rob and explaining why he was in the cart helped me understand I didn’t have to ever feel embarrassed. I could try to explain and spread awareness. Or, if they weren’t willing to “become aware,” I could simply tell them to go to hell. Nicely, of course. It is really empowering to know you can change some people’s attitude by simply explaining.

Being embarrassed is something every parent, typical and special needs, goes through. It’s a little harder to deal with when people don’t understand why your child (or adult!) is flapping or rocking or humming or bouncing. So – explain to them. You don’t have to share many details – simply say they have autism and move along. If that person still wants to stare or make comments, you have to decide what approach you want to take – be nice, explain more, or be a little meaner. How I handle those times depends on the day. Most of the time, I walk away. When I don’t, I try to be nice. When it’s time to not be nice, I’m not.

If you are like me, you may feel embarrassed more when your child is first diagnosed. As the years go by, honestly, fewer things your child does will surprise you and it’s easier to roll with the flow. Rob still like to repeat numbers or colors or Power Rangers when he is in stores – loudly. I remind him to use a quiet voice and we move on. I don’t think much about it anymore. My guess is you will get to that point, too.

Autism demands that you learn to let things slide (up to a point!). You will learn to ignore stares and comments. You will learn to not take things personally – from doctors, teachers, insurance companies, strangers. You will learn to be stronger than you ever thought you could be. You may not feel it all of the time (I sure don’t !) but you will be.

And maybe, someday, we will live in a world where people are just accepted for who they are and no one will ever have to feel embarrassed by autism again.

Autism and Constant Supervision

Autism and Constant Supervision

Since I went back to school a few weeks ago, I’ve needed help with Casey and Rob for about an hour in the morning before they can go to Hopewell. My parents, Mandy and Bob (Rob’s favorite staff person) are all helping. This week, a conflict has come up and I have no one to help one day. I stressed about it and asked who I could think of if they could help, but finally came to the conclusion that I would just have to go into school late. I am lucky and grateful that I can do that, but it just reminds me again that I still need a “babysitter” for my adult children.

Never being able to leave them alone is not something you think about when they are little – no one leaves little children alone. And you are too busy to think about the future. Then, suddenly, they are teenagers or adults…. and you still need someone to be with them all the time. Forever.

Before anyone misunderstands, I do know how lucky I am. Casey and Rob don’t play with knives or matches or the stove. They don’t eat or drink things they shouldn’t. They don’t bother medicines. They don’t leave the yard or wander away at night. I am able to take a shower without worrying. Or go outside for a few minutes. Many, many autism families can’t do any of this. They have to keep an eye on their child all of the time – no breaks for the bathroom or a shower. I feel for them. It’s a tough life – you love this person so much, but at the same times, you desperately need two minutes to yourself.

But – sometimes…. I want to be able to go with my friends without worrying about who will stay with them. I want to sit by a campfire without needing to go check on them every few minutes. I want to be able to get groceries or run errands without their “help.” 🙂 They have come so far since they were little and it was nearly impossible to take them to the store by myself. (Casey had meltdowns and Rob had sensory overload – and they both liked to dart off.) We go places all the time now and I love it, but …. I just never thought I would need a babysitter for my adult children.

I never dreamed that I would be stressing over an hour on a weekday morning when they were adults. Sometimes, the reality of our situation slaps me in the face. As amazing as they are and the amazing things they learn to do every day still doesn’t make it safe for them to be alone. I doubt either would leave the house in the event of a fire (we have talked about it – many times – that they are to go to the garage when the smoke detectors go off, but they don’t even acknowledge that it is beeping). They count on someone else to keep them safe. Neither will use the phone to call for help.

I always laugh when someone tells me to just “find someone” to stay with them. Really? Like I’m going to leave my communication- challenged children with strangers? I don’t trust easily and have been burnt by some people I did trust. So, until I know someone really well, they don’t spend time alone with my kids. Period. I even have a hard time when new staff starts at Hopewell. I can’t see them interact with Casey and Rob and I can’t see what they think of the new person. So – I just don’t trust. I hate being like this, but I don’t plan on stopping.

I’ll admit – there are times I’d like to go some place and I just choose not to go instead of asking someone to stay with the kids. I know they need to learn to be with other people and I know I need time away, but I hate asking for help for “fun” things when I need help for important things, like work. I just get tired of needing help. It’s just not something I ever thought I would have to do when my kids were adults. Even when they were both diagnosed with autism, adulthood wasn’t something I had time to think about much. The here and now was always more important than the future.

But, see – the scariest part of them always needing supervision is the future. The future when I can’t take care of them anymore. The future where I have to trust someone else to watch them constantly. Mandy and Cory always tell me not to worry – that Casey and Rob will always have them and I love them for that, but they need their own lives, too. I don’t let myself dwell on the future much as, sometimes, those thoughts are guaranteed to bring on a crying fit.

So we’ll go on, as we have been. Doing things together and taking an extra person when I may need more than one set of eyes. (Don’t let their size fool you – Casey and Rob are fast!!) Even going to the bathroom when we are out is hard – I can’t assume they will stand and wait for me. Some days, they would. The next time – that’s a big no! See? Unless you have a child with autism, you wouldn’t think about not being able to go to the bathroom if you are not at home. It’s something we all live with.

I hope each of you has someone you can trust to be with your kids when you need a break. Take breaks and take care of yourself or you will burn out. Then who will take care of your child with autism? Just like when you are on a plane – put your oxygen mask on first, so you can help others. 🙂

30+ Years of Autism and I’m Still Learning

30 + Years of Autism & I’m Still Learning

For more than 30 years, autism has been front and center in our lives. I find it hilarious that some people believe that makes me an “expert.” For one, neither of my kids are alike and another… No one is an autism expert. There are many people with a vast knowledge of autism – and you are the best expert about your child! Never doubt that!

A few weeks ago, the kids and I went on a boat with friends. Casey was scared to get on the inflatable that is pulled behind the boat, but with encouragement, she finally tried. Rob wouldn’t even attempt it and I was so surprised, as I thought he would be the one to jump on without a thought. After Casey rode, I tried and tried to get him to at least walk back and look at it, but he wouldn’t. Finally, I said, “Just take your shoes off and try, buddy!” and he kicked his shoes off, stuffed his socks in his shoes and was ready to get on!

What the heck? Then it dawned on me – he never, ever gets his shoes wet. When we go kayaking, he steps into the kayak without getting in the water. When we go wading, he always takes his shoes off. And he wasn’t able to tell me that’s why he didn’t want to do it – he didn’t realize he could take his shoes off. Casey and I were barefoot, but we were wearing flip flops – he didn’t understand that it was okay for him to take his shoes off and he wasn’t able to tell me that’s why he wouldn’t get on. I simply never thought about it.

Last week, I went into Casey’s room to pull her sheets off of her bed and stepped in water! Her AC had been leaking, but she didn’t see any reason to tell me. Her carpet was soaked and she had to have stepped in it to turn the AC on and off. But, thanks to autism, she didn’t even think about telling me. I forget so often that things that are important to me (like water in the carpet!) mean nothing to them. She wasn’t able to tell me or even think that it was something that I might need to know. Thankfully, the carpet dried faster than I thought and I reminded her several times that she needed to tell me when things weren’t right. (She can certainly let me know when her iPad isn’t working!)

Rob had a problem the other day and he was acting completely out of character. If I was an autism expert, I would have stopped and tried longer to find out what was going on, but as a frustrated parent, I didn’t handle it as well as I should have. When I finally had all of the facts from the situation, I apologized to him several times. I’ll admit – as much as I try to think about every possible trigger when things happen, some times, I’m tired and that doesn’t happen.

Every day, Casey and Rob prove to me that as well as I know them, autism is an ever-changing disability that will never be fully understood by me – maybe even not by them. I don’t think they always know why they do the things they do, but only that they need to do it. Their OCD causes both of them to have rituals to feel safer – she needs to jump into doors and tap things three times. He has to have all of the windows open – except the one in the craft room always has to be closed – or all of them closed and locked. I don’t understand why, but it’s really not a big deal and helps him feel better.

I don’t know why both of them are hypo-sensitive to touch, but he can’t wear certain clothes. To my way of thinking, if your skin isn’t sensitive enough to notice a cut or burn, why can it feel the differences in shirts? He will burn himself in the shower if he turns the water on himself because he doesn’t notice the how hot the water is – but he can’t wear long sleeves because they hurt? I just don’t get it.

I don’t know why some nights, he can go to sleep easily and other nights, he is up most of the night. Usually, if she has a sleepless night, I can pinpoint why, but not him. Water is soothing to him while she barely notices it. Just like everyone else, they have their own preferences and we have to learn to separate what is “autism” related and what is just their personalities. It’s not always easy, either. Every day, I learn more about Casey and Rob.

We have rough days – days that I think autism just plain sucks. Days that I’m so tired I can’t think straight, let alone try to figure out why they do things they do. There are days that I let chores slip and that I don’t think about the future. Let yourself have those days, too. You can’t be “on” all of the time. You will exhaust yourself – and who will take care of your child, then?

Never doubt you are the expert on your child. Doctors and others may know a lot about autism, but no one knows your child like you do. Just remember – while you are your child’s expert, you will never stop learning about autism. That’s the thing about autism – it seems as soon as you solve one mystery, another one will pop up. It keeps life exciting! (I choose to look at it that way so it doesn’t drive me crazy! 🙂 )

Please, though – share your knowledge and experiences with other autism families. What worked for you may not work for them, but you never know. And maybe only part of your solution will help, but often, just knowing other families have gone through the same things, will help. We will all keep learning together to make the best lives for our families. 🙂