Frequently Asked Questions
Food waste Treatment
CHUGG is food waste management system which treats your food waste at source thus complying with Municipal & SWM Rules. In the process CHUGG produces two by products viz
- Biogas, by decomposition of organic matter in an anaerobic environment,typically consisting of methane- 60% methane and Co2- 40% similar to natural gas It is a clean and renewable energy that may be substituted with LPG for cooking or , steam for for boiler application or to generate electricity.
- Digested Slurry – in liquid form which is odourless and very beneficial as Organic Manure as it is rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium.
Food waste in crushed form is is fed into CHUGG. where the food waste is broken down by microorganisms in a an anaerobic ( without oxygen ) environment.
Any Food waste including vegetables waste, meat, onions, eggs, lime.
What waste cannot be fed in CHUGG?
Oil (other than oil from plate waste) and any inorganic materials incl. plastics, paper, bottles
The amount of biogas you can extract from your organic waste is a function of the size of CHUGG and quantity fed. .
Our digesters can yield upto 2 cum of biogas per 50 Kgs of food waste, which is equivalent to 1kg of LPG gas per day.
Methane has a greenhouse gas (GHG) heating factor 21 times higher than CO2.
Combustion of biogas converts methane into CO2 and reduces the GHG impact by over 20 times.
By extracting methane out of waste and using it to produce heat and/or electricity we ensure that waste will not degrade in an open environment therefore reducing direct methane atmospheric emissions. Moreover, the energy provided by the biogas is likely to displace fossil fuel (LPG)which is the main contributor to GHG emissions.
Moreover, Biogas energy is considered carbon neutral
Slurry discharge of CHUGG is a very rich organic fertilizer which can be used for plant growth enhancement or sold.
– It’s a state of the art Food Waste Management System which helps you in
disposing your food waste without polluting the environment.
– It is compact — CHUGG is designed keeping in mind paucity of of foot Space
– It is Modular – ie you can expand as and when your waste output increases.
– It is doesn’t bite your pocket – Apart from taking care of your “food waste
disposal”, CHUGG produces energy & Organic Manure which can offset your cost and help ROI.
– Odourless & non polluting as it does not consume power and thus contributing to save the mother nature.
– It helps in Complying to SWM 2016 Rules
– It is a sustainable solution.
It always costs money to get rid of waste. If it doesn’t cost you anything, you are probablycreating an environmental hazard.
By installing a CHUGG in your waste treatment chain, you introduce a potential revenue centre.
For example:
In a Hotel / Restaurant
The energy produced by CHUGG can offset up to 30% of LPG Usage and thus savE on
LPG cost
Bio Slurry or the organic manure, is in high demand and can be sold to organic farming entities.
CHUGG capacity are
CHUGG 35 – which can treat upto 35 kgs of food waste per day
CHUGG 75 – which can treat upto 75 kgs of food waste per day.
It is very easy to operate. However, you must feed it every day.
CHUGG is highly automated and user friendly. It only requires an operation of 15 to 30 minutes a day
You contact us and tell us everything about your waste & daily quantity. Call us at +91 9840200090 between 10 am to 6 pm IST on all weekdays or mail us to [email protected].
If you do not find time to mail or call us, You can chat with us through our website between 10 am to 6 pm IST on all weekdays to get instant replies. If you are from a different time zone, don’t worry you can leave a message to us, we will respond to you as early as possible.
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Avris Environment Technologies LLP
15, 1 st Avenue,
Indira Nagar, Adyar,
Chennai, India- 600 020