Does Ayurveda advise eating raw foods? And if so, what are the health benefits and effects on the doshas? The sages of ancient India lived a life meditating in caves and mountains. Surviving on a diet of wild plants, fruits, and seeds, they were fit
Health Benefits Of Strawberries That’ll Make You Go “WOW!”

Ruby red, heart-shaped, juicy, and the delicious sweet-and-tarty taste…strawberries are among the most adored fruits. The strawberry fruit benefits have been recognized since ages. The Greeks identify them as the ‘symbol of love’ while the Chinese hail them as the ‘queen of fruits’. In Ayurveda,
Are Sprouts Healthy To Eat As Per Ayurvedic Diet Principles?

Sprouts are seeds that have begun to grow into a tiny plant. They can be easily prepared at home and eaten raw as in salads or cooked. Are sprouts healthy as per Ayurveda? A resounding yes. And why are sprouts healthy? Because they are loaded
Home Remedies For Ear Pain: Natural, Easy & Effective Solutions

Today we are going to learn about some home remedies for ear pain. The ear is a significant organ that doesn’t only function for sound, but also for balance and motion. If you’re suffering from earache caused by mild inflammation and/or infection, here are some
7 Natural Moisturizer Ingredients That Are In Your Home Right Now

Can you imagine how much happier your skin would feel, if you pampered it with an all natural moisturizer? And what if I told you that the best natural body lotion is right in your kitchen?! No matter what the advertisements tell you, when it
Vegetables Good For Skin: Eat Wise, Stay Beautiful!

Are you equipped with the right vegetables for healthy skin? Such veggies are a beauty essential, without which your skin care regime is incomplete. They provide your skin with nutrients that can heal damage, make it glow as well as prevent early ageing. So, what
How To Live Longer And Healthier: Just 5 Steps To A Better Life

Everyone wants to live a long life. And we wish the same for the folks we love. According to Ayurveda, the foundation on which we can do this lies in a healthy lifestyle. Here’s more on how to live longer. How To Live Longer And
Health Benefits Of Green Olives: Much More Than A Pizza Topping

We do know that olives are pretty when sprinkled on pizzaz or salads. However, their medicinal benefits are far more fantastic. Their use dates back to ancient Greece and Rome. Ayurveda recognises green olives as a powerful satvik food that pacifies Vata. They’re armed with
Surprising Lettuce Benefits: Detox, Calmness, Hormone Balance & More

Lettuce is the most well-known salad veggie. This delicious green comes in a whole range of colours, textures, and sizes. The Egyptians grew lettuce thousands of years ago and even considered it sacred. Since then its fame spread worldwide. Today, we share with you the
Ayurvedic Summer Skin Care Tips To Up Your Beauty Quotient

Changing seasons and harsh temperatures can really take a toll on our skin. The summer can bring with it a range of Pitta skin issues like acne, greasiness or dryness, rashes, and sun burn. But thanks to Ayurveda, there is a solution for every seasonal